
rén zhì
  • the rule by man;rule of man;government by men,the rule of men
人治 [rén zhì]
  • [government by men,the rule of men] 人工治理;以个人好恶确定治国方略。与法治对称

人治[rén zhì]
  1. 传统家庭人治方式是通过传统家教使子女认同家庭而建立的。

    The rule by man in the traditional family was established through the traditional teaching that made the children identify themselves with the family .

  2. 我国是一个有着悠久的人治传统的国家,依法治国方略的提出仅有短暂的十余年历史,司法权威还只是刚刚破土的幼苗。

    China is a country with a long tradition of the rule by man . The strategy of governing the country according to the law is put forward only more than ten years ago and the judicial authority is just recognized .

  3. 这个国家是靠武力和恐吓维系达七十余年的人治政权。

    The country was an artificial construct held together by force and intimidation for more than 70 years .

  4. 要搞法治,不搞人治。

    We should observe the rule of law , not the rule of man .

  5. 以法治代替人治是中国司法改革的重要一步。

    It is an important step to replace the rule of men with the rule of law in China 's justice reforms .

  6. 法治现代化建设思路新探&对人治现象经济学分析引起的反思

    A Reflection on the Building of Modernization of Governing by Law

  7. 想受到法制而非人治。

    They want to be governed by laws not by man .

  8. 论中国传统家庭人治方式的生成

    On the forming of Rule by Man in Chinese Traditional Family

  9. 教育管理中人治问题根源与应对策略

    The Root of Government by Man in Education Administration and Its Countermeasures

  10. 也谈企业的人治管理与治理结构

    Also on the Management by Men and the Governable Structure of Enterprise

  11. 主要原因:1封建人治传统影响;

    The following gathered main cause : the influence by feudal tradition ;

  12. 礼治德治人治&试论先秦儒家法律思想

    The Law Thoughts of the Confucianists in Pre-Qin Days

  13. 试析孙中山的“以人治党”思想

    On sun yat-sen 's thought of " ruling party by the chief "

  14. 这种草药让一些纽约人治好了咳嗽,开始说话。

    The herbal supplement has some New Yorkers talking , instead of coughing .

  15. 论人治和法治的法律特征区别

    Distinction between the Legal Characteristics of Rule by Men and Government by Law

  16. 中国目前正处于由计划经济向市场经济、由人治社会向法治社会转轨的过程中。

    China is now in the course of turning planned economy into market economy .

  17. 那个跑来开导的人,帮助祀人治好了忧郁症,也十分高兴。

    The man who enlightened him and cured his melancholia was very pleased too .

  18. 过于依赖道德,囿于自律,是人治的突出特征。

    Relying on moral self-discipline excessively is an obvious characteristic of rule by man .

  19. 现代企业管理的显著特征是要求尽可能地减少随意性人治,实施规范的制度化管理。

    Modern enterprise management is especially characterized by reducing random arbitration , implementing institutional management .

  20. 运行理念由人治观念向规则意识转变。

    The operating idea switches from the concept of rule by man to regulation consciousness .

  21. 论人性的稳定性与可变性道德法律化&中国人治的特征和儒学反人性的政治根源

    On the stability and changeability of human nature The Different Logic of Law and Morality

  22. 从古到今,法律的本质是人治,企盼法治只是一种不可靠的幻想。

    From ancient to modern times , the nature of law is the rule by man .

  23. 其二,存在人治官治与法律公正精神的矛盾;

    Secondly , there is the contradiction between rule by officials and rule by fair law ;

  24. 从人治到法治:现代政治文明的历史发展

    The Historical Development of Modern Political Civilization : From Rule By Men To Rule By Law

  25. 中国高校学生事务管理的人治和人文关怀色彩较为浓厚,而美国高校则大力推崇科学理性和法治管理等。

    There is more rule of man and humanistic care in student affairs management of Chinese universities .

  26. 师范教育制度带有“人治”色彩,这直接导致师范教育改革与发展“随意性”过大。

    Teachers'education system used to be controlled by man which had the feature of'being too casual ' .

  27. 人治与法治:两种治国方式的比较

    Rule by Men and Rule of Law : the Comparison of the two Manners of Managing State Affairs

  28. 第二,行政道德化,行政运作过程人治化。

    The second is that administration is moralized and the operating of it is of being personal rule .

  29. 人治是不可能消除腐败的,因此提出以法治腐。

    Man is not possible to eliminate corruption , thus proposed to corruption and the rule of law .

  30. 解放后我国调解的走俏正是我国的人治社会使然。

    The popularity of mediation in our country after liberation just results from the society of rule of man .