
yuǎn chénɡ bàn ɡōnɡ
  • Remote Office;handle official business long-distance
  1. 公司很快发现员工可以在家工作,通过网络提交任务,这样全新的远程办公族就出现了,他们不剃胡子、穿着睡衣在家办公。

    Companies soon discovered that work could be done at home and submitted online , so a whole new class of telecommuters began to earn a living from home offices unshaven and wearing pajamas .

  2. 但是研究作者指出,由于零工经济和远程办公等现象的出现,这些年来过劳问题愈演愈烈,疫情很可能加剧了这一趋势。

    But its authors note that overwork has been on the rise for years due to phenomena1 such as the gig economy and telework - and they say the pandemic will likely accelerate those trends .

  3. 在新规之下,百货商店等大型商业设施以及提供酒精饮料的餐厅、酒吧和K歌厅将会关门。不提供酒精饮料的餐厅必须提早关门,公司必须安排员工远程办公。

    Under the rules , major commercial facilities like department stores will close , as well as restaurants , bars , and karaoke parlours serving alcohol . Restaurants that do not serve alcohol are being told to close early , and companies are being asked to make arrangements for people to work remotely .

  4. 三是电子商务、远程办公等以前由电信网络承载的关键业务也在使用Internet作为其网络平台。

    Third , critical applications such as e-commerce and telecommuting which are carried by telecommunication networks before are now carried by Internet .

  5. SSLVPN技术在企业远程办公系统中的应用

    SSL VPN Technology Used in the Enterprise Remote Office System

  6. 《职业妇女》杂志(WorkingMother)将远程办公、弹性工时和工作分担等特殊待遇作为评选根据,列出了一份25年来最佳家庭友好型雇主的榜单。

    Working mother magazine has been publishing a yearly list of the most family-friendly employers for 25 years , taking into account such perks as telecommuting , flextime , and job sharing .

  7. 上周,百思买(BestBuy)继雅虎(Yahoo)之后宣布取消在任意地点办公的政策,不过这并不意味着禁止远程办公将成为美国公司的一种新趋势。

    Best Buy followed Yahoo this week by ending its work from anywhere policy , but that doesn 't mean there 's a new trend in corporate America .

  8. 众所周知,雅虎(Yahoo)新任CEO玛丽莎•梅耶尔已经宣布取消公司的远程办公安排。

    Yahoo 's ( YHOO ) new CEO , Marissa Mayer , famously shut down the company 's telecommuting arrangements this winter .

  9. 雅虎(Yahoo)首席执行官玛丽莎•梅耶和她禁止公司员工远程办公的决定获得了大量的关注。

    Much attention has been given to Yahoo ( yhoo ) CEO Marissa Mayer and her decision to ban her employees from telecommuting .

  10. 虚拟专用网(VPN)作为对传统企业网的补充或替代,是为了在节约成本的同时适应迅速增长的远程办公以及企业伙伴的联网需求。

    As supplement or replacement of traditional private networks , Virtual Private Networks aim to accommodate the rapidly-increasing networking requirements of remote offices and business partners .

  11. 汉森在其新著《远程办公革命》(Remote:OfficeNotRequired)中援引了“蓝色巨人”(BigBlue,IBM公司的绰号)发布的一份白皮书。这份白皮书预测称,远程办公已经为该公司节省了超过1亿美元的房地产成本。

    In a new book , Remote : Office Not Required , Hansson cites a white paper from Big Blue that estimates telecommuting has saved the company more than $ 100 million in real estate costs .

  12. 本文设计开发的基于SIP的嵌入式会议控制服务器,运行良好,已在某水利部门的会议系统中应用,适合在网络教育或远程办公等领域进行推广。

    The SIP-based embedded session control server runs well in the session control system of water resource government , and is suitable for the remote education or office .

  13. 加利福尼亚大学哈斯汀斯法学院的教授琼·威廉(JoanWilliams)表示,将远程办公一刀切,惩恶的同时也罚了善。

    Banning telecommuting outright punishes good employees as well as bad , says Joan Williams , a professor at the University of California Hastings College of the Law .

  14. 不过,2013年初,就在雅虎宣布结束远程办公计划后不久,百思买也终止ROWE政策。

    Best Buy ( BBY ) ended its ROWE policy in early 2013 , shortly after Yahoo ended its telecommuting program .

  15. 此外,他还提到雅虎(Yahoo)、百思买(BestBuy)和惠普(HP)等大公司都限制或禁止远程办公这一事实,并且担心大家都在家工作或将危及数据的安全性。

    Also , he has brought up the fact that Yahoo ( yhoo ) , best buy ( bby ) , and HP ( HPQ ) have limited or banned telecommuting , and expressed concerns about data security if people are working from home .

  16. 为了更好地解决学校移动办公、远程办公、校区间通信、资源共享以及通信安全等问题,同时考虑到从减少费用和方便管理的角度出发,决定组建基于VPN技术的校园网。

    In order to better address the school mobile office , remote office , inter-campus communication and resource sharing and communication security issues , taking into account to reduce costs and manage flexible configuration , decided to set up VPN campus network .

  17. 据人力资源团体美国薪酬管理协会(WorldatWork)今年7月份的一次调查,88%的美国公司现在允许或鼓励远程办公。以IBM为代表的一些公司始终坚持大多数员工在大多数时间内远程工作的做法。

    According to a survey this past July by HR trade group WorldatWork , 88 % of U.S. companies now allow or encourage telecommuting . Some , like IBM ( IBM ) , insist that most of their people work remotely most of the time .

  18. 去年,民意调查机构益普索斯(Ipsos)对24个国家的1.1万多名员工做了调查,发现在那些自称与办公室联网的受访者中,经常远程办公的人几乎占到1/5;

    A survey of over 11000 workers in 24 countries published last year by Ipsos , a polling firm , found that almost a fifth of respondents who said they are connected online to their workplaces telecommute frequently ;

  19. UTM紧密集成了多种安全功能,能够在网络边缘有效防御攻击,不仅可以保护整个内部网络,还能将安全机制延伸到远程办公机构。

    UTM ( Unified Threat Management ) which integrates many security functions , is capable of withstanding the attacks from network boundary effectively . It can not only protect the entire internal network , but also extend the security mechanism to the remote offices .

  20. 你老板的竞争对手公司是否存在这样的远程办公制度?

    Do your employer 's competitors have telecommuting policies in place ?

  21. 远程办公实时监控设计与实现

    Design and implementation of a real time monitor system on tele-office

  22. 电力行业加密远程办公系统的研究与建设

    Study and construction on encryption telecommuting system for electric power industry

  23. 这种工作方式称之为远程办公或远程工作。

    This way of working is called telecommuting or tele-working .

  24. 《远程办公革命》一书还为这种工作方式的崛起列举了其他一些令人信服的理由。

    Remote is packed with other compelling reasons for telecommuting 's rise .

  25. 远程办公链中的另一个薄弱环节在于用户的笔记本电脑。

    Another weak link in the telecommuting chain can be the users'laptops .

  26. 略论期刊编辑部远程办公的实现

    The realization of the remote administration of editorial dept. of the journal

  27. 有些工作比其他工作更适合远程办公。

    ex : Some jobs are better suited to telecommuting than others .

  28. 很多人看起来对远程办公非常之有信心。

    Many people seemed to be utterly confident in telecommuting .

  29. 本周其他的时间我要远程办公。

    For the rest of the week , I will be telecommuting .

  30. 但对大多数人来说,隔离期意味着大量的远程办公。

    But for most people , it means a lot of telecommuting .