
yuǎn yánɡ yú yè
  • Pelagic fishery;deep-sea fishing;pelagic fishing
  1. 第四条远洋渔业企业在境外销售渔货所得的净收入应当按规定及时调回境内。

    Deep-sea fishing enterprises shall report accurately to SAFE on deep-sea fishing foreign exchange receivable and received in the previous year in the first quarter of each year .

  2. 随着远洋渔业的发展,渔船上制冷系统的应用日益增加,其容量也越来越大,对于制冷系统的控制也在不断提高。

    With the development of deep-sea fishing , the application of the refrigeration system increases day by day on the fishing boat , its capacity is larger and larger , the control of the refrigeration system is improving constantly too .

  3. 高度洄游的大洋性金枪鱼类(Scombridae)是世界远洋渔业的重要捕捞对象,中国金枪鱼生产仍处于初期发展阶段,因此研究和预测金枪鱼渔场具有重要的现实意义。

    Highly migration tuna is one of the most important fishing objects of high sea fisheries of the world . At present , the tuna fishery of China is at the primary development period , and it is practically significant to engage in forecasting and studying on tuna fishing grounds .

  4. 中国远洋渔业政策与山东发展对策刍议

    Offshore fishery policy of China and development strategy in Shandong Province

  5. 巩固发展远洋渔业的途径和方法

    The Channel and Methods of Consolidation Development of Distant water Fishery

  6. 中国与东北亚地区远洋渔业国际合作研究

    China 's Overseas Fishery International Cooperation with Northeast Area in Asia

  7. 我国远洋渔业竞争力下降、抗风险能力降低,是当前我国远洋渔业迫切需要解决的首要问题。

    Less competition and resisting risk constitute our most urgent problem .

  8. 远洋渔业信息网络发布方法的探讨

    Study on the methods of network release for information of oceanic fisheries

  9. 完善远洋渔业管理制度。

    ( 4 ) improving management system for distant-water fishing .

  10. 与我国远洋渔业有关的国际渔业资源现况

    Status of World Fishery Resources Related to Distant Fishing of Our Country

  11. 抓住机遇发展山东远洋渔业

    Seizing opportunities , promoting development of distant water fishery of Shandong Province

  12. 敏感性分析在远洋渔业经济效益核算中的应用

    The Application of Sensitivity Analysis on Economic Benefits Accounting of Deep-sea Fishery

  13. 执行《协定》对我国远洋渔业的影响

    The Influence on Pelagic Fishery of China by Implementing UNIA

  14. 远洋渔业项目开发中的风险及对策分析

    Analysis of Risk and Its Countermeasures in the Development of Pelagic Fisheries

  15. 关于深圳市远洋渔业未来发展的思考

    On Future Development of Distant Water Fisheries in Shenzhen City

  16. 基于钻石模型的我国远洋渔业竞争力分析

    Analysis on competitiveness of Chinese deep-sea fishery industry based on diamond model

  17. 日本远洋渔业支持政策及其对我国的启示

    Policies to support offshore fisheries in Japan and its implications for China

  18. 我国远洋渔业的市场风险及对策分析

    The Market Risk and Strategies of Chinese Distant Fishery

  19. 远洋渔业船队已遍布世界各大洋。

    The ocean-going fishing fleets could be found every where in the world .

  20. 关于发展群众远洋渔业若干问题的探讨

    Discussion on the Development of Small Scale Distant Fisheries

  21. 关于发展远洋渔业的对策与建议

    Countermeasure and Suggestion on Development of Distant Fishing

  22. 金枪鱼远洋渔业的开发与对策

    Exploitation and Countermeasure of Distant water Tuna Fisheries

  23. 关于我国远洋渔业可持续发展的思考

    On the sustainable development of China distant-water fisheries

  24. 太平洋轮船航运公司这艘船从事远洋渔业。

    The ship is engaged in pelagic fishery .

  25. 近年来,上海的远洋渔业也得到稳步发展,但是,捕捞产品仍然以外销为主。

    In Shanghai , the products from distant water fisheries are mainly sold abroad .

  26. 山东省远洋渔业发展的现状及其进展

    The Current Status and Advances of the Development for Distant Water Fishery of Shandong Province

  27. 我国远洋渔业企业的竞争力分析

    Competition in Long-distant Fishery Enterprises of China

  28. 发展远洋渔业之我见

    A View on Development of Distant Fisheries

  29. 卫星移动通信系统及其在远洋渔业中的应用研究

    Communications ICs Communication ICs Study on the Satellite Communication System and its Application to the Ocean Fishery

  30. 韩国远洋渔业

    Korea Deep Sea Fisheries