
  • 网络far point;Far post
  1. 通过远点刺激使调节松弛以减轻视疲劳轻巧的踏板设计(独特设计):减少了操作者的疲劳。

    Reduction of asthenopia related to accommodative relaxation by means of far point stimuli EASY TREADLE DESIGN , exclusive design . Eliminates operator fatigue .

  2. 正常眼的远点在无穷远处。

    The far point of a normal eye is at infinity .

  3. 离这位女士远点,你这醉鬼。

    Leave the lady alone , you drunken oaf .

  4. 我告诉过你,离农场远点。

    I told you . Get off the farm .

  5. 离我远点——你有口臭。

    Get away from me — your breath stinks

  6. 他是一个危险分子,离他远点。

    He is a dangerous person ; keep away from him .

  7. 除了那句可怕的话,我什么也没听到:离我远点。

    I didn 't hear anything except those terrible words : Leave me alone .

  8. 如果你想告别拖拉懒散,那么就离这些拖拉者远点。

    If you want to stop procrastinating , stay away from time-spongers .

  9. 这个人造卫星的轨道,其最远点在离地球200英里的地方。

    The orbit of the artificial satellite has an apogee of 200 miles from the earth .

  10. 为了保住自己的食物,猫头鹰冲着鹓鶵愤怒地叫道:“吓!离我远点,这东西没你的份。”

    In order to protect his food , the owl shouted angrily at the Wan Zhou , " Hei ! Go away , no way to share this with me . "

  11. 可是有件事你可以.你可以离Susan远点

    But here 's what you can do . You can leave Susan alone .

  12. 目的:探讨一种可以把头皮脑电活动(EEG)记录中的参考电极位置近似地转化到无穷远点的新技术。

    Objective : To explore a new techique to approximately standardize the reference electrode of scalp EEG recordings to a point at infinity .

  13. 在射影空间Pn中不存在度量概念,不能像欧氏空间En那样用度量概念来定义对称变换.借助于射影空间Pn中的无穷远点、调和分割和射影交换,给出了。

    There exists no metric conception in projective space Pn . Therefore , symmetric transformation can not be defined by metric conception in Euclidean space En .

  14. 规范势的奇异点出现在半子的位置和无穷远点。奇异的左定Sturm-Liouville问题的谱函数与Weyl函数

    Of the singular points (?) Spectral Function and Weyl-Function of Singular Left-Definite Sturm-Liouville Problems

  15. 提出一种将主成分分析(PCA)与最远点距离(FPD)相结合的二维形状傅里叶描述子。

    This paper proposes a new Fourier shape descriptor integrated with Principal Component Analysis ( PCA ) and the Farthest Point Distance ( FPD ) .

  16. 我只是希望Caruso离我远点

    I just wish Caruso would leave me alone ,

  17. 证明当且仅当其稳定函数在无穷远点处的模小于1时,变步长Runge-Kutta方法渐近稳定。

    It is shown that the Runge-Kutta methods are asymptotically stable if and only if the modulus of the stability function at infinity is less than 1 .

  18. unless:除非RufusHumphrey,除非你想被人从这里抬出去否则你就离我妻子远点。

    Rufus : Rufus Humphrey . Unless you want to be carried out of here , You 're gonna stay the hell away from my wife . -

  19. 仿射参数的原点和无穷远点均对应于谱参数的无穷远,这两点处的Jost解作为边界,必应都在反散射变换中起作用。

    The origin and the infinite point on the plane of the affine parameter correspond to the infinite points of the two Reimann sheets .

  20. 本文研究一类形式相当一般的平面多项式系统赤道环量(Gauss球面的无穷远点奇点量)的计算,建立了系统赤道环量计算的简明的线性代数递推公式。

    In this paper , we study the computation of quantities of equator ( singular point quantities of infinity at Gauss sphere ) in a class of planar polynomial differential system with a general form . Two linear recursion formulas for computation of quantities of equator are obtained .

  21. 好吧,我的忠告就是:离保姆远点。

    Well , my advice : stay away from the nanny .

  22. 你们这些家伙离他远点,知道吗?

    You boys just steer clear of otis , all right ?

  23. 离我女朋友远点,否则要你好看。

    You will stay away from my girlfriend , or else .

  24. 我想我告诉过你们两人离我远点。

    I thought I told you two to leave me alone .

  25. 我听到他们说如果我们离他们远点。

    I heard that man say that if we stayed away .

  26. 离我远点,我今天情绪确实不好。

    Leave me alone . I really have the blues today .

  27. 离婴儿床远点,我有武器!

    Step away from the crib , I have a weapon !

  28. 离我朋友远点

    Leave my friends alone ! Don 't pick your nose .

  29. 不要吐气到我的脸上!离电话远点!

    Stop breathing in myfiace ! Now keep awayfirom the phone !

  30. 我会叫你离他们远点。

    And I 'm gonna ask you stay away from them .