
tōnɡ shānɡ kǒu àn
  • open port;treaty/trading port
通商口岸 [tōng shāng kǒu àn]
  • [treaty port;trading port] 以前作为互不往来的总政策的例外而开放,根据条约与其他国家进行商业交往的中国、日本和朝鲜的海港、河流港口和内陆城市

  1. 晚清时期,上海被迫成为通商口岸之一。

    After a couple of treaties , Shanghai was forced to become an open port by the colonialists .

  2. 鸦片战争后,受福音奋兴运动(TheEvangelicalRevival)影响的大批传教士纷纷来到中国,他们借助不平等条约的庇护,相继在中国沿海通商口岸建立教堂,作为传教事业发展的基地。

    After the Opium War , thousands of missionaries , influenced by The Evangelical Revival , came to China . With the aid of unequal treaties , these missionaries established many churches in the coastal treaty ports as their preaching bases .

  3. 随后越来越多的国家在通商口岸设置领事馆。

    Then more and more countries in trade port setting consulate .

  4. 中国的女子学校教育始于外国教会办学,福州作为最早对外开放的五个通商口岸之一,教会势力强大,教会女学的发展势头迅猛。

    China 's women schools started from foreign church schools .

  5. 通商口岸、新式商人与近代企业制度变迁探论

    Trading Ports , Modern Compradors and the Changes of Modern Enterprise System

  6. 近代中国西部内陆边疆通商口岸论析

    On Trading Ports Along Western Border Areas in Modern China

  7. 随着通商口岸的设立,西方医学大规模涌入中国。

    With the treaty ports founded , western medicine was introduced to China largely .

  8. 近代以来新疆通商口岸的开设与发展

    The Establishment and Development of the Open Ports in Xinjiang Since the Modern Times

  9. 其实质反映的是近代中国中东部较为发达城市(通商口岸)间的物流状况。

    The results reflected the logistics situation in the more developed eastern modern Chinese cities .

  10. 该条约在1842年南京看到了开放的上海为通商口岸。

    In1842 the Treaty of Nanjing saw the opening of Shanghai as a treaty port .

  11. 本文亦在通商口岸的层次探讨两者的关系。

    It also examines the relationship between foreign and domestic grains at the trading port level .

  12. 上海是我国对外开放最早的通商口岸,园林风格丰富多样。

    Shanghai is the earliest open trading port and her gardening style is rich and varied .

  13. 中国近代通商口岸的范围问题是直接涉及条约权利受益范围的重要问题。

    The scope of modern China treaty port area is vital to the limits of treaty benefits .

  14. 自开商埠是近代中国重要的通商口岸类型。

    The non treaty port is one of the important types of trading ports in modern China .

  15. 1876年,芜湖被辟为通商口岸。

    Wuhu , a city in Anhui province , was opened as a trade port in 1876 .

  16. 他们在中国通商口岸的驻扎使之成为了西方的境外领土,中国对这些区域却失去了管辖权。

    Foreign settlements in the treaty ports became extraterritorial sovereign pockets of territories over which China had no jurisdiction .

  17. 第二次鸦片战争以后,被辟为通商口岸,并于1861年正式开埠通商。

    After the Second Opium War , Zhenjiang opened up as a commercial port and started trades officially in 1861 .

  18. 福州作为最早开放的通商口岸之一,是传教士在华传教的前沿阵地。

    Fu Zhou , as one of the first open trading ports , was the forward positions of the missionaries .

  19. 这一时期中国城市化的成果主要集中在通商口岸,租界是城市化的典型。

    The achievement of urbanization in China mainly concentrates in the trading port , and concession is a model of urbanization .

  20. 通商口岸体系的形成与中国近代城市体系的变动&基于人口史的考察

    Formation of the Treaty Port Network and Changes of Modern Chinese City System : Based on the Survey of the Population History

  21. 近代天津是北方重要的通商口岸,曾经吸引了几百家外国洋行在此落户。

    As one of the major business ports in northern China , Tianjin used to be the home to several hundred Yanghang .

  22. 清中后期上海设立通商口岸,随后成为苏南蚕丝出口的主要口岸。

    Shanghai becomes the main port southern Jiangsu silk exports after it establish treaty port in the middle and late Qing dynasty .

  23. 通商口岸的开埠和地方政府、绅商的积极倡导、支持推动了它们的外向型发展。

    The opening-up of the commercial ports and the active advocation and support of the local government and merchants promoted their export-oriented development .

  24. 在列强看来,《天津条约》订立以后,通商口岸的范围已扩大到一百里以内。

    In the view of Western Powers , treaty port area scope has expanded , after Tianjin Treaty , to within 100 li .

  25. 重庆是中国西南地区和长江中上游的经济中心,水、陆、空交通枢纽和外贸通商口岸。

    Chongqing is the central city , traffic hinge and foreign trade port along Yangtze River and in the southwest part of China .

  26. 广州在19世纪是中国重要的通商口岸,也是中外语言接触交流最频繁的地区。

    In the 19th century , Canton was an important port of trade and a Chinese area touched most frequently with foreign languages .

  27. 鸦片战争后,被辟为五个通商口岸之一,厦门经济发展迅速成为闽南商贸中心。

    After Opium War , Xiamen was to be the one part of five ports and to be the trade center in Fujian province .

  28. 鸦片战争以降,列强入侵,一系列不平等条约签订,广州被辟为通商口岸。

    After the Opium War , with the invasion of foreign powers , a series of unequal treaties were signed and GuangZhou became into commercial port .

  29. 1860年被辟为通商口岸,成为当时中国仅次于上海的第二大工商业城市和北方最大的金融商贸中心。

    Then it was called the treaty port in1860 , and became the second-largest city on industrial and financial and commercial center after Shanghai of China .

  30. 而在迈入19世纪之时,上海还是一个被西方帝国主义“打开”了大门后突然出现的、不算太大的通商口岸。

    Heading into the 19th century , Shanghai was a modest trading port that exploded after being " opened " to the world by Western imperialism .