
mǎ xì
  • circus
马戏 [mǎ xì]
  • [circus] 原指人的马技表演,现指有动物参加的杂技表演,这些动物都经过专门训练

马戏[mǎ xì]
  1. 我们带孩子去看了马戏表演。

    We took the children to the circus .

  2. 你知道吗?我下午要去看马戏。

    Do you know what ? I 'm going to the circus this afternoon .

  3. 他们所做的就是把马戏表演和摇滚音乐会这两种不同类型的娱乐形式糅合了起来。

    What they have done is fuse two different types of entertainment , the circus and the rock concert

  4. 倾城而出看马戏表演。

    The whole town turned out to see the circus .

  5. 在这个城市很少有马戏表演可看。

    There is seldom circus seen in this city .

  6. 我以前在马戏里最爱看小丑

    I used to like the clowns best at the circus .

  7. 马戏表演非常吸引人

    The fascinations of the circus are endless .

  8. 他们早期的电影试图通过令人震惊的对比和马戏技巧来进行革命宣传

    Their early films tried to convey revolutionary propaganda through shocking juxtapositions , and circus tricks .

  9. 帕纳姆和瑟森斯翻译过来就是“面包和马戏”,写这个词语的人是说,平民百姓为了获得温饱和娱乐,放弃了他们的政治责任,也就放弃了他们的权力。

    Panem Et Circenses translates into " bread and circuses " . The writer was saying that in return for full bellies8 and entertainment , his people had given up their political responsibilities and therefore their power .

  10. Common和Day将会演绎电影《马歇尔》中的歌曲《StandUpForSomething》还有Settle会演唱电影《马戏之王》中的歌曲《Thisisme》。

    Common and Day will perform " Stand Up For Something " from " Marshall " and Settle will perform " This is Me " from " The Greatest Showman . "

  11. 美国马戏黄金时代的明星BirdMillman是古往今来高空走钢丝第一人。

    A star of the " Golden Age of the American Circus ", Bird Millman is the most f ê ted female high-wire performer of all time .

  12. Monica,我在一堆女人面前尿尿展开一天的生活。你却担心没人带你去看马戏?

    Fake Monica : Monica , I started my day by peeing in front of twentyfive other women , and you 're worried about who 's gonna take you to the Big Apple Circus ?

  13. 马路对面的Roundhouse上演各种音乐的现场表演,包括一些大牌音乐家的演出,以及马戏表演。

    Aross the road , the Roundhouse shows it knows the meaning of eclectic , with a program that includes big-name musicians , and even circus acts .

  14. 我们将带孩子们去看马戏。

    We were going to take the children to the circus .

  15. 他们在搭建圆形马戏场的时候使用了大象。

    They used the elephants to help put up the circus .

  16. 马戏表演时,我们看见一只狮子在笼子里。

    We saw a lion in a cage at the circus .

  17. 孩子们都兴奋地渴望看马戏。

    The children were all agog with excitement at the circus .

  18. 举行露天集市或展览或表演马戏的露天的地方。

    An open area for holding fairs or exhibitions or circuses .

  19. 人们从四面八方赶来看马戏表演。

    People came from far and near to see the circus .

  20. 痛苦的“马戏”培养了他们内心的强大和身体的韧性

    The pain of the circuses built inner strength and physical resiliency

  21. 他们使马戏布满生气,使观众捧腹大笑。

    They make the circus lively and cause people to laugh .

  22. 去看马戏对我来说是一次新经验。

    Going to the circus was a new experience to me .

  23. 但他们不能把动物从马戏表演中剔除

    but they cannot take the animals out of the circus !

  24. 杰克很喜欢马戏。

    Jack was very fond of going to the circus .

  25. “马戏”表示那一天你没有达标

    A circus meant that for that day you didn 't measure up

  26. 马戏演出时,丑角扮怪相。

    At the circus , the clowns mopped and mowed .

  27. 他诱哄他姐姐带他去看马戏。

    He coaxed his elder sister into taking him to the circus .

  28. 马戏既吸引小孩,也吸引大人。

    Circuses are alluring both to children and to adults .

  29. 我们都弄到了马戏票,单单他没有。

    We all got tickets for the circus except him .

  30. 这本书讲的是马戏演员的生涯。

    The book tells of life under the big top .