
fēi guān fāng
  • unofficial
非官方 [fēi guān fāng]
  • (1) [unofficial]

  • (2) 与官方无关,不是来自官方或得到官方批准

  • (3) 不属于或来自一个政府或治理机构,未得到政府或治理机构的批准或承认

非官方[fēi guān fāng]
  1. 非官方的估计数字为200万以上。

    Unofficial estimates put the figure at over two million .

  2. 出售非官方纪念品的推销员的生意也很红火。

    Salesmen of unofficial souvenirs have also been doing a roaring trade .

  3. 当地的主管机构可能会拒绝向非官方的武术组织出租设备。

    Local authorities are likely to refuse to hire facilities to unrecognised martial arts organisations .

  4. 官方报道说死亡人数在100人以下,但非官方估计至少有200人死亡。

    Official reports put the death toll at under one hundred , but unofficial estimates speak of at least two hundred dead .

  5. 尽管消息是非官方的,但是几乎确凿无疑。

    The news is almost certainly true although it is not official .

  6. 这个表达其实是glassceiling(玻璃屋顶)的一个变体。玻璃屋顶指的是工作单位中特别针对女性或少数种族的歧视而导致的一种非官方的或者未明示的上升发展障碍。

    The term “ silver ceiling ” was coined by Ken in a workplace due to discrimination , especially against women or minorities .

  7. 某地或从事某种职业、专事传播各类八卦消息的人,可以称之为gossipmill或rumormill,即“谣言工厂”,同时也是各种非官方和不可靠消息的集散地。

    You can refer to the people in a particular place or profession who spread gossip as the gossip mill or rumor mill , which is considered as a source of unofficial and unreliable information .

  8. 在非官方产的维他命B中,纤维醇甚至被列出具有缓解抑郁和恐慌。

    An " unofficial " member of the B vitamins , inositol has even been shown to relieve depression and panic attacks .

  9. 据非官方统计,Facebook的全球用户数正在迫近7亿大关。

    The unofficial tally of global Facebook users is approaching 700 million .

  10. paul正炫耀他的非官方刺青。

    Paul 's showing off his unofficial tattoo .

  11. JUnit现在是基于Java应用软件单元测试的非官方标准。

    JUnit is now the unofficial standard for unit testing Java-based applications .

  12. 与ISO保持联系的各国际官方的或非官方组织也可以参加。

    International organizations , governmental and non-governmental , in liaison with ISO , also take part in the work .

  13. 非官方的汇丰中国PMI升至55.3,高于前一个月的54.8。

    The unofficial HSBC China PMI rose to 55.3 from 54.8 a month earlier .

  14. AlexCurran被非官方地禁止参加世界杯!

    Alex Curran has been unofficially banned from attending the World Cup !

  15. 这是一份GNU通用公共授权的非官方繁体中文翻译。

    This is an unofficial translation of the GNU General Public Licence into Traditional Chinese .

  16. 他通过出售BradPittandAngelinaJolie的非官方照片已经赚取了数百万美元。

    He 's made millions selling unofficial photos of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie .

  17. 这是GNU自由文档协议的非官方中文翻译。

    This is an unofficial translation of the GNU Free Documentation License ( GFDL ) into Chinese .

  18. Oracle的一份内部非官方备忘录概述了与OpenSolaris操作系统相关的策略。

    An internal unofficial Oracle memo has outlined a new policy regarding the OpenSolaris operating system .

  19. 每年,未获奖的提名者都会收到美国营销公司DistinctiveAssets提供的非官方奥斯卡大礼包。

    Every year , nominees who fail to go home with a gong receive an unofficial Oscars goodie bag from the US marketing firm Distinctive Assets . Recipients of this year 's

  20. 或者,可以通过6969/:BitTorrent下载,非官方Debian包在那有提供。

    Alternatively , downloads are available through BitTorrent and unofficial Debian packages are provided .

  21. 不过中国民用航空总局表示,通告非官方所发。北京警方和CCTV后来均从社交平台上撤下了那则通告。

    Yet according to CAAC the notice was ' not official , ' and indeed , both the Beijing police and CCTV later took it down .

  22. 我国出口商品频受反倾销的威胁,而在WTO框架下,解决国际贸易争端的主体只能是非官方的行业协会。

    In recent years , our export goods are frequently under threat of antidumping , meanwhile , in the frame of WTO , the main body of solving the international trade dispute only to be the unofficial guild .

  23. 国际放射防护委员会(ICRP)是非官方国际学术权威团体。

    The International Commission of Radiation Protection ( ICRP ) is on unofficial authoritative academic organisation .

  24. “计算列表纪录公司”更名为IBM——国际商业机器公司,“杰瑞的网络指南”更名为“雅虎”(Yahoo),这是“另一种非官方层次化数据库”的首字母缩写。

    Computing Tabulating Recording Corporation became IBM ( International Business Machines ) , while Jerry 's Guide to the World Wide Web became Yahoo , an acronym for Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle .

  25. 计算列表纪录公司更名为IBM&国际商业机器公司,杰瑞的网络指南更名为雅虎(Yahoo),这是另一种非官方层次化数据库的首字母缩写。

    Computing Tabulating Recording Corporation became IBM ( International Business Machines ), while Jerry 's Guide to the World Wide Web became Yahoo , an acronym for Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle .

  26. CHE是由德国大学校长会议发起成立的非官方机构,主要负责德国大学的排名工作,其目的是为了促进大学的改革与发展。

    CHE is a non-official institution initiated by the president conference of German universities , which engages in German university ranking in order to promote their reform and development .

  27. 瑞士信贷(CreditSuisse)驻香港分析师陈伟邦(GabrielChan)表示:非官方融资渠道很可能变得更加重要,因为赌场热切希望吸引更多的高端普通赌客。

    Unofficial funding channels are likely to gain more importance , as the casinos are keen to attract more premium mass gamblers , says Gabriel Chan , an analyst in Hong Kong for Credit Suisse Group .

  28. 根据一项非官方但受到密切关注的指数,中国的制造业产出略有收缩。同时中国国家统计局(NBS)称官方数据不容乐观。

    China 's manufacturing output contracted slightly on one unofficial but closely watched measure while the country 's National Bureau of Statistics described the official numbers as grim .

  29. 据非官方的报纸价格分解显示,维持纸媒的生产与发行所需耗费的成本比通过Kindle发送和阅读电子报纸的成本要稍高一些。

    Recent , unofficial cost breakdowns have determined that it 's potentially less expensive to give every subscriber an e-book reader like a Kindle than to maintain newspaper production and distribution .

  30. 有人最后给我解释说这是该省的非官方旗帜,自19世纪早期就飘扬在这里,至今很多纽芬兰人对其仍然充满感情,包括Bobbin先生。

    Someone finally explained to me that it is the province 's unofficial flag , flown since the early1800s and still dear to many Newfoundlanders , including Mr Dobbin .