
fēi bào lì
  • non-violence;non-injury
非暴力[fēi bào lì]
  1. 非暴力和忍耐是他们的信仰的核心原则。

    Non-violence and patience are the central tenets of their faith

  2. 正如此次抗议活动的发起者加拿大杂志《adbusters》上周在第18项战略指示上所言:“梦想受挫,可能破碎,耐心耗尽,变为愤怒,激进非暴力政策正丧失吸引力。”

    As adbusters , the Canadian group which sparked the protests , said this week in its 18th tactical briefing : " hope thwarted is in danger of turning sour , patience exhausted becoming anger , militant non-violence losing its allure . "

  3. 金是全世界非暴力抗议种族不平等运动的象征。

    King was a worldwide symbol of non-violent protest against racial injustice

  4. 司法部在将非暴力犯罪者投入监狱前必须经过审慎的考虑。

    The judiciary must think very hard before jailing non-violent offenders .

  5. 这种形式的非暴力反抗并不是特别新的现象。

    This form of civil disobedience isn 't a particularly new phenomenon .

  6. 种种迹象表明选举将会是非暴力的、公正的。

    The signs suggest that the elections will be non-violent and fair .

  7. 反对党威胁发动民众进行非暴力反抗运动。

    The opposition threatened a campaign of civil disobedience .

  8. 我只会投身明确宣称采用非暴力手段的环境保护运动。

    I would only belong to an environmental movement if it was explicitly non-violent .

  9. 他们声明一旦发生军事接管,他们只会采取非暴力抵抗。

    They made it clear that they would only exercise passive resistance in the event of a military takeover .

  10. 不久甘地就四出阐释非暴力主义思想。

    Soon Gandhi was expounding the doctrine of ahimsa ( nonviolence ) .

  11. 其他大部分都是如因窗户敞开而发生的非法性且非暴力性的入室。

    The wide majority of the rest were illegal , unforced entries that resulted from something like a window being left open .

  12. 这是我从甘地(Gandhi)、帕夏汗(BachaKhan)和特蕾莎修女(MotherTeresa)身上学得的非暴力哲学。

    This is the philosophy of nonviolence that I have learned from Gandhi , Bacha Khan and Mother Teresa .

  13. 与此同时,总督布莱克拒绝对联大通过的MDR的投标的事情在岛间激起了非暴力抗议。

    Meanwhile , the controversy surrounding Governor Black 's rejection of the Assembly 's acceptance of MDR 's bid sparked non-violent protests across the Islands .

  14. 在SCL-90问卷中,男女非暴力犯罪组在阳性项目数上均较男女暴力犯罪组低。

    In SCL-90 questionnaire , male and female common criminal groups had lower scores on " Positive symptom distress level " than male and female violence criminal groups .

  15. 刚开始,在4月18日市警察局门外和4月25日巴尔的摩市政厅,只有几场非暴力示威。4月27日,Gray的葬礼之后,事情就愈演愈劣。

    However , while there were a couple of peaceful protests outside the local police station on April 18th and the Baltimore City Hall on April 25th , things really escalated a few hours after Gray 's funeral on April 27th .

  16. GRETABERLIN:“我们想说,我们是非暴力的,坦率采取行动的积极分子。这意味着有不公平存在的时候,我们将进行非暴力的抵抗。”

    GRETA BERLIN : " We like to say we are non-violent , direct-action activists . And that simply means that when there is an injustice we will non-violently resist . "

  17. 事实上,近来两个美国学者MariaStephan和EricaChenoweth的一项研究给出了令人吃惊的结果:非暴力运动比武装反叛更有效果。

    In fact , one surprising recent study by two American academics , Maria Stephan and Erica Chenoweth , suggests non-violent campaigns are more effective than armed uprisings .

  18. 有些人认为“保持勇气,保持善良”这句箴言让灰姑娘显得像个反对女权主义的胆小鬼,布拉纳把这句话和小马丁·路德·金(MartinLutherKingJr.)、纳尔逊·曼德拉(NelsonMandela)与圣雄甘地(MahatmaGandhi)的非暴力抵抗相提并论。

    As for " have courage and be kind , " the mantra that some have suggested reduces Cinderella to an anti-feminist milquetoast , Mr. Branagh likened it to the nonviolent resistance of Martin Luther King Jr. , Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi .

  19. 他最开始相信甘地(Gandhian)的非暴力不合作运动,但当罢工和抗议看似徒劳之后,曼德拉组建了一支破坏者小分队。

    He initially put his faith in Gandhian nonviolence , but when strikes and protests began to seem futile , he founded a band of saboteurs .

  20. 非暴力呐喊者鲁迅

    Lu Xun 's Voice & One of An Exponent of Nonviolence

  21. 反抗不正义法律只能采取非暴力性手段。

    Only non-violence means can be adopted in resisting injustice law .

  22. 从分类角度看,可分为非暴力性死亡、暴力性死亡和急死;

    In classification as death of non-violent , violent and sudden ;

  23. 他们相信法律统治,而非暴力统治。

    They believed in a rule of law , not violence .

  24. 统计数字表注暴力和非暴力犯罪均已经下降。

    Statistics show a fall in both violent and non-violent crime .

  25. 对所有非暴力的宗教和政治信仰应予以同等尊重。

    All non-violent religious and political beliefs should be respected equally .

  26. 如果坚持非暴力斗争,你就会取得胜利。

    If you maintain nonviolent discipline , you will exclusively win .

  27. 一个通过非暴力手段传递信息的日子。

    A time to remember the message of change through nonviolence .

  28. 在非暴力斗争中遵守一些规则是必要的。

    There are certain rules in nonviolent struggle you may follow .

  29. 非暴力罪犯也应能清除他们的犯罪记录。

    Non-violent offenders should also be able to purge their records .

  30. 人性与兽性的典型&甘地非暴力主义与国际恐怖主义之比较

    Typical Cases of Humanity and Barbarity : Gandhiism and International Terrorism