
tǔ zhù jū mín
  • indigenous population
  1. 旨在使中美洲土著居民受益的分区域方案

    Subregional programme aimed at benefiting Central America 's indigenous population groups

  2. 他们对土著居民带来毁坏性影响。

    Their impact on the indigenous population was devastating .

  3. 他们使用武力把土著居民驱逐出了比较肥沃的土地。

    They used force to banish the natives from the more fertile land .

  4. 他一直对澳大利亚土著居民的传说极感兴趣。

    He remained fascinated by the Aboriginals ' tales .

  5. 大多数加拿大人承认土著居民遭受了不公平的待遇。

    Most Canadians acknowledge that the aboriginal people have had a rotten deal .

  6. 他们说伐木工人正在毁坏雨林,践踏土著居民的权利。

    They say loggers are destroying rain forests and trampling on the rights of natives

  7. 她自世纪之交以来便同土著居民生活在一起。

    From the turn of the century onward , she shared the life of the aborigines .

  8. 他们会争取讨回世代相传的土地,并要求尊重土著居民的权利和风俗。

    They will campaign for the return of traditional lands and respect for aboriginal rights and customs .

  9. 殖民者惨绝人寰地屠杀了成千的土著居民。

    The colonists massacred thousands of natives with brutal and callous force .

  10. 在澳大利亚达尔文附近的梅尔维尔岛,住着叫tiwi的土著居民。

    In Melville island near darwin , australia , lives a race of aborigines called the tiwi .

  11. 土著居民不愿受殖民势力的摆布。

    The natives were unwilling to be bent by colonial power .

  12. 澳大利亚的土著居民和那些来自于东南亚群岛的人也有丹尼索瓦人的dna痕迹。

    Australian Aborigines and those from Southeast Asian islands also have traces of denisovan DNA .

  13. 他说,政府对北领地(NorthernTerritory)一些陷入困境的社区进行了有争议的干预,这使得对土著居民的歧视继续下去。

    He says the government 's controversial intervention in communities in the Northern Territory continued to discriminate against Aborigines .

  14. MalcolmKing是亚伯达大学加拿大土著居民健康研究所的主任。

    Malcolm King from the University of Alberta is scientific director of Canada 's Institute of Aboriginal Peoples ' Health .

  15. Johnston说土著居民和西方科学家相互之间有很多可以学习的地方。

    Johnston says that indigenous people and Western scientists have a lot to learn from one another .

  16. PluckingSoundsFromthePast拨弦弄乐话“泰雅”我们许多人都去过乌来观赏那里闻名的瀑布,但你是否曾经停下来去聆听那来自古老土著居民村落内心深处的独特音乐呢?

    Many of us have passed through Wulai to view its famous waterfall , but have you ever stopped to appreciate the unique sounds coming from the heart of this ancient aboriginal village ?

  17. 例如,WIPO如今允许非政府组织代表当地社区与会,并表达土著居民的观点。

    For instance , WIPO now allows non-governmental organisations representing local communities to attend its meetings and express the views of indigenous people .

  18. 联合国土著居民特别调查员JamesAnaya称,澳大利亚土著居民面临根深蒂固的种族主义。

    A U.N. representative says Australia 's The U.N. special investigator on people , James Anaya , says that Aborigines in Australia face racism .

  19. 1918年就曾受到了沉重打击的土著居民,由于贫穷和结核病高发,可能遭受更多痛苦。这引发了人们对贫穷国家H1N1影响的关注。

    Aboriginal communities , also hard hit in1918 , could be suffering more due to poverty or higher prevalence of TB , raising concerns for the impact of H1N1 in poor countries .

  20. WIPO还同意建立一个基金,帮助土著居民参与到关于当地遗传资源和传统知识的讨论中来。

    WIPO also agreed to set up a fund to help indigenous people attend discussions of its work on local genetic resources and traditional knowledge .

  21. Salta省的土著居民感到其权利有所增加,也知道了他们应该享受哪些公共服务。

    The indigenous people of Salta feel empowered and they are now aware of what public services they are entitled to .

  22. 拿他的“祖鲁妈妈椅”(zulumamachair)来说,这种椅子结合了土著居民的编织技术和现代不锈钢基座,他得创建一个单独的企业来培训工人,这些工人如今正面向国际市场制作产品。

    For his Zulu Mama chair , which marries an indigenous weaving technique to a contemporary stainless steel base , he had to create a separate business to train the workers who now make the piece for an international market .

  23. Anaya对此表示庆贺。Anaya也赞成建立新的国家机构来代表土著居民,这需要政府同意。

    Anaya also welcomed calls for a new national body to represent Australia 's Aborigines , which will need government approval .

  24. 联合国土著问题常设论坛的主席VictoriaTauli-Corpuz说,生产生物炭的国际驱动力可能导致夺走土著居民的土地。

    Victoria Tauli-Corpuz , chairperson of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , says that an international drive to produce biochar might lead to the takeover of indigenous people 's farmlands .

  25. 进一步使Verner这位宏观经济学家吃惊的是,土著居民在坚守其风俗传统的同时与现代社会打交道过程中所表现出的成熟与老练。

    What further amazes Verner , a macro-economist , is the deftness with which the indigenous people navigate the modern world while retaining fidelity to their traditions and customs .

  26. 在大多数情况下,那些土著居民对于游客都是比较友好的。

    In most cases , the aborigines are friendly to visitors .

  27. 或者适用将取消土著居民条约上保证的权利。

    Where application would abrogate rights guaranteed by Native American treaties .

  28. 联合国援助土著居民自愿基金董事会

    Board of Trustees of the United Nations Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Populations

  29. 澳大利亚的土著居民平均比那些白色澳大利亚人多活17年。

    Aboriginal Australians live on average seventeen fewer years than white Australians .

  30. 大山:是的,加拿大的土著居民创造出了很精美的艺术品。

    Dashan : Yes . Canada 's aboriginal people make beautiful art .