
  • 网络Toulon;tourane
  1. 在从巴黎飞往土伦的航班上,梅希什惊慌失措。

    On the flight from Paris to Toulon , Mechiche fell prey to panic

  2. 澳大利亚法院此前已准许通过电子邮件发送判决书,而今年一位英式橄榄球联盟的明星提前与悉尼一俱乐部解约,转会法国土伦(toulon),则是通过手机短信收到诉讼通知的。

    Australian courts have previously allowed judgments to be delivered via e-mail , while a Rugby League star who walked out early on his contract with a Sydney club to play for Toulon this year was notified of proceedings via SMS text message .

  3. 他举例说,在巴黎至土伦线路,65%的乘客选择火车,TGV运行这段距离耗时接近4个小时。

    He points out that trains have a65 % market share on the Paris-to-Toulon route , which the TGV covers in just under four hours .

  4. 帝国声威号将马上启程驶往土伦。

    The Empire renown will set sail for Toulon at once .

  5. 我从土伦走来,已经走了四天了。

    I have been walking for four days since I left Toulon .

  6. 有一艘警备舰已从土伦港开出来。

    A Guardship had just quit the port of toulon .

  7. 他们回到了原先登船出发的港口土伦。

    They returned to their port of embarkation , toulon .

  8. 在土伦,他穿上红色囚衣。

    At Toulon he was clothed in the red cassock .

  9. 塞内基耶出生于土伦,父亲是一名航海工程师。

    Ms Senequier was born in Toulon ; her father was a marine engineer .

  10. 人们通常把土伦的攻占归功于拿破伦的战略和组织工作。

    The fall of Toulon was generally credited to Napoleon 's strategy and organization .

  11. 这个人是冉阿让,一七九六年进土伦,一八一五年出来。

    That man is Jean valjean , who entered at Toulon in1796 , and left in1815 .

  12. 内蒙古集宁盆地阿尔布期&土伦期新地层的发现

    Discovery of a New Stratum of the Albian-Turonian Stage in the Jining Basin , Inner Mongolia

  13. 在1942年,法国舰队为了不被德军俘获,在土伦港自沉。

    In1942 , the French fleet was scuttled at Toulon to prevent it being captured by the germans .

  14. 直升机随后降落在位于地中海沿岸,法国城市土伦东北38公里处的布里格诺尔。

    The helicopter landed some time later at Brignoles , 38 kilometres north-east of Toulon , France on the Mediterranean coast .

  15. 法国1994年颁布的土伦法规定,在政府刊物、多数工作场所、部分媒体和公立学校必须使用法语。

    France 's 1994 Toubon Law makes French compulsory in government publications , most workplaces , advertisements , parts of the media and state-funded schools .

  16. 1942年,在第二次世界大战中,法国海军在土伦毁坏自己的军舰使其沉入海底,以免使其落入纳粹手中。

    In1942 , during World War two , the French Navy at Toulon scuttled its ships and submarines to keep them out of the hands of the nazis .

  17. 土伦大学校长维拉提也指出,最近也有一些中国学生的法语水平并不符合要求。

    The president of Toulon University , Laroussi Oueslati , recently said a number of Chinese students fell short of the French language skills normally required of foreigners .

  18. 您好,莫雷尔先生,他说道,好象他是昨天晚上离开马赛,刚从埃克斯或土伦回来似的。

    " Good-day , M. Morrel ," said he , as if he had just quitted Marseilles the previous evening , and had just returned from Aix or Toulon .

  19. 这个人偷了些苹果,但是没有确实证据,被证实了的,只是他曾在土伦坐过牢。

    This man had stolen apples , but that did not appear to be entirely proved ; what had been proved was , that he had already been in the galleys at Toulon .

  20. “我已经观察阿德里亚诺数年之久了,从土伦杯开始,他的名字始终在我脑海里。”穆帅这样给每日星报说。

    " I watched Adriano several years ago at the Toulon tournament and , as all eyes were on him , his name stayed in my mind ," mourinho told the daily star .

  21. 在法国,我最最亲爱的爸爸啊,只需做一半这种程度的手脚,他们就会把您送到土伦去呼吸五年监狱里的空气的呀。

    In France , my dear sir , half such a piece of effrontery as that would cause you to be quickly despatched to Toulon for five years , for change of air .

  22. 当时,常常派犯人到土伦周围的那些高丘上去采取岩石,他们便时常持有矿工的器械。

    Convicts were , at that period , sometimes employed in quarrying stone from the lofty hills which environ Toulon , and it was not rare for them to have miners ' tools at their command .