
  • 网络Cannes;AS Cannes;Canne;Cannes Film Festival;gana
  1. 在去往戛纳的途中,她拒绝了他的挑逗。

    She rejected his advances during the trip to Cannes .

  2. 从戛纳向内陆方向开车走约需15分钟。

    It 's about 15 minutes ' drive inland from Cannes

  3. 戛纳每年主办电影节。

    Cannes hosts the annual film festival .

  4. 戛纳电影节将于明日启幕。

    The Cannes Film Festival is going to open tomorrow .

  5. 该片在戛纳电影节上举行了首映式。

    The film was premiered at the Cannes festival .

  6. 两部影片将在戛纳电影节上竞逐金棕榈奖。

    The two films will vie for the gold palm award at the Cannes Film festival .

  7. 《首次飞行》(FirstFlight)也是一部爱国主义电影,讲述的是泰国第一批空军飞行员的故事。本片将在今年戛纳电影节上展映。

    " First Flight ", another nationalistic drama about Thailand 's first air-force pilots , will be screened at the Cannes film festival this year .

  8. 莎朗•斯通是在上周参加戛纳电影节(CannesFilmFestival)时发表这番言论的。

    Ms Stone made her comments during a visit to the Cannes film festival last week .

  9. 他有几部作品均在戛纳电影节进行首映,2005年他凭借《青红》(ShanghaiDreams)获得评委会大奖(JuryPrize)。

    Several of his films had their premieres at Cannes , and in2005 he won the Jury Prize there for'Shanghai Dreams . '

  10. 在g20峰会于戛纳召开之际,我们能从过去三年的经历中汲取什么教训?

    What can be learned from the past three years as the G20 gathers in Cannes ?

  11. 在1979年的戛纳电影节上,《铁皮鼓》和《现代启示录》(ApocalypseNow)共同获得了金棕榈奖。

    It shared the Palme d'Or at the 1979 Cannes Film Festival with Apocalypse Now .

  12. 贾樟柯执导的《天注定》(ATouchofSin),这部电影反映了中国普通人的挣扎现状,贾樟柯曾在戛纳凭借这部影片获得最佳剧本奖;

    A Touch of Sin ' about the struggles of ordinary people in China from director Jia Zhang-ke , who won best screenplay for the film at Cannes ;

  13. 出离愤怒的萨科齐和默克尔在戛纳G20峰会的外围会议上对其一顿痛批。

    A furious Mr Sarkozy and Mrs Merkel summoned him for a dressing-down on the fringes of the G20 summit in Cannes .

  14. 这一点在上周的20国集团(G20)戛纳峰会上就向贝卢斯科尼提过,但被他拒绝了。

    This was offered to Mr Berlusconi at the Group of 20 summit in Cannes last week , but was turned down .

  15. 第66届戛纳电影节(CannesFilmFestival)周三开幕,开幕式上放映了巴兹•吕尔曼(BazLuhrmann)导演的3D大片《了不起的盖茨比》(TheGreatGatsby),该片的主演是迪卡普里奥(LeonardoDiCaprio)。

    The 66th Cannes Film Festival kicks off on Wednesday with Baz Luhrmann 's 3-D spectacle " The Great Gatsby " starring Leonardo DiCaprio .

  16. 戛纳也出现了类似的讨论,目的是创建电视广告库存的“第三区”,以抗衡Facebook和谷歌的实力。

    There have been similar discussions in Cannes with the aim of creating a " third block " of television advertising inventory to rival the might of Facebook and Google .

  17. 去年5月份,中国最具挑性的导演之一贾樟柯就凭借电影《天注定》(ATouchofSin)在戛纳国际电影节(CannesInternationalFilmFestival)获得了最佳剧本奖。

    Jia Zhangke , one of China 's most provocative directors , won the award for best screenplay at the Cannes International Film Festival last May with his film ' A Touch of Sin . '

  18. 上个星期,关于Vice未来的谈判从布鲁克林移到了戛纳,年度国际传媒大会在那里召开,吸引了全世界许多顶级公司。

    Last week , the talks over Vice 's future moved from Brooklyn to Cannes , the site of an annual international media conference that attracts many of the world 's biggest companies .

  19. 从戛纳电影节、到F1方程式锦标赛、到有色人种民权促进协会,到处都有他们的身影。

    The pair are often spotted hand-in-hand on the red carpet , everywhere from the Cannes Film Festival to Formula One Grand Prix races to the NAACP awards .

  20. 金融稳定委员会周二暗示,在11月份向法国戛纳g20峰会提交相关提议之前,不会取得重大进展。

    The Financial Stability Board signalled on Tuesday that significant headway would not be made before November , when proposals will be put before the G20 summit in Cannes .

  21. 在近四十年的电影制作生涯中,张叔平曾摘得数十项国际大奖,其中包括凭藉《花样年华》(IntheMoodforLove)在戛纳电影节获得的技术大奖。

    The honor comes after almost four decades of filmmaking punctuated by dozens of international accolades -- including a technical prize at Cannes for ' In the Mood for Love , ' set in the 1960s Hong Kong of his childhood .

  22. 现在没有明确现成的答案,但这些担忧以及其他有关Facebook和谷歌的担忧,并没有妨碍上个月的广告业戛纳聚会,好像该行业对之产生了依赖一样。

    The answer is not immediately obvious but those concerns and other worries about Facebook and Google did not stop the industry partying in Cannes this week as if its life depended on it .

  23. 在戛纳电影节(CannesFilmFestival)女星走红毯的照片中,有很多优雅的及地长裙,遮挡了她们专为这个特殊场合穿着的鞋子。

    In many of the photos of women on the red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival , the elegant gowns fall all the way to the ground , obscuring a view of their special-occasion footwear .

  24. 吉加思(YvesGijarth)创立,展会足迹遍及阿姆斯特丹、莫斯科、戛纳、迪拜和比利时的科特赖克。

    Similar fairs are held in Amsterdam , Moscow , Cannes , Dubai and Courtrai ( Kortrijk ), Belgium .

  25. 扎克伯格周三在戛纳国际广告节(canneslionsadvertisingfestival)上向营销人员表示,此前facebook基本上依靠有机增长,但将很快启动首次战略性地区行动。

    Mr Zuckerberg told an audience of marketers at the Cannes lions Advertising Festival on Wednesday that after relying largely on organic growth , Facebook would soon begin to make its first strategic local moves .

  26. 在华盛顿的一个场合里,专家们讨论了希腊公投对本星期在法国戛纳举行的G20峰会可能产生的潜在影响。奥巴马总统也将出席这项会议。

    At an event here in Washington , experts discussed the potential impact of the Greek referendum on the G20 summit this week in Cannes , France , which President Obama will attend .

  27. 电影节开幕前,法国潜水员,同时也是环保人士的LaurentLombard(劳伦•隆巴德)拍摄的戛纳河床沉积着大量垃圾废物的视频被疯传。

    The French diver and environmentalist Laurent Lombard 's video of the Cannes seabed strewn with waste and debris went viral before the festival began .

  28. 美国娱乐杂志Variety的一位资深编辑拉敏?赛图德(RaminSetoodeh)说,尽管戛纳电影节仍然是紧凑的电影节日程中巨星最想参加的一项盛事,但它的规模正在缩小。

    Even if Cannes remains the one event on the crowded film festival calendar that the big players most want to attend , a senior editor at US entertainment magazine Variety said it was scaling back .

  29. 上个月来到法国里维耶拉的毫不知情的参观者可能会吃惊地发现,广告业正面临巨大变革。广告业人士每年齐聚于此参加戛纳国际创意节(CannesLions)。

    Unsuspecting visitors to the French Riviera this week might have been surprised to discover that the advertising industry , which gathers here every year for the Cannes Lions festival , is facing a big upheaval .

  30. 短信应用Snapchat正成为广告主的另一种选择,上月Snapchat在戛纳曾大展身手。

    Snapchat , the messaging app , is becoming an alternative option for advertisers and had a big presence in Cannes this week .