
  • 网络FAULTING;decollement faulting
  1. 新生代岩浆作用(18Ma)与陆-陆碰导致的大规模走滑断层作用所引起的同熔作用有关。

    Cenozoic magmatism in the EMTP ( 18 Ma ) was related to syntexis caused by large-scale strike-slip faulting .

  2. 介绍了走滑断层作用研究前缘的若干主要方面。

    The author introduces some advanced studies on strike-slip faulting in theworld .

  3. 伸展地区铲式正断层作用及其大地测量观测

    Listric normal faulting and its geodetic surveying in the extensional region

  4. 不列颠哥伦比亚乔治亚海峡之下活动断层作用的特征

    Characterization of active faulting beneath the Strait of Georgia , British Columbia

  5. 大口径埋地钢管在地震断层作用下破坏模式的研究

    Damage behavior of large-diameter buried steel pipelines under fault movements

  6. 深源地震机理的新认识&反向裂隙断层作用

    A new mechanism of deep-focus earthquakes : anticrack faulting

  7. 伸展断层作用对油气二次运移的影响

    Effect of tensional faulting on secondary migration of hydrocarbon

  8. 潮汐应力对发震断层作用的统计分析

    Statistical analysis of tidal stress effect on seismic faults

  9. 平推断层作用下管道的应变失效分析

    The Strain Failure Analysis of the Pipeline under the Action of Horizontal Moving Fault

  10. 在正断层作用下,在粉砂土与粘性土中所发生的变形并没有大的不同,而在逆断层载荷作用下,粉砂质土体比粘土质土体更容易变形位错。

    That means silt soil is easier to deform than clay soil in reverse faulting .

  11. 突然破裂和位移伴随正、逆、走向滑动或斜向滑动断层作用而发生。

    Sudden rupture and displacement occurs with normal , reverse , strike-slip , or oblique-slip faulting .

  12. 因此,对埋地管道在地震断层作用下的受力性能进行研究是非常必要的。

    Therefore , it is necessary to research earthquake resistance capability of buried pipelines under the fault .

  13. 区分晚第四纪断层作用驱动的和气候引起的流水下切&以桑干河大同盆地河段为例

    Distinction between LATE QUATERNARY FLUVIAL INCISION induced by faulting and by climate : a case study of the Sanggan River

  14. 未来地表断层作用的预测包括断层是否存在、在何处、有多少、具有什么性质,何时产生等问题。

    Anticipation of future surface faulting involves questions of whether , where , how much , what kind , and when .

  15. 逆冲断层作用产生的岩石变形常常引发大量的节理,这些节理记录了岩石中的应力应变特征及其变化,它们与断层之间的成因关联最为密切,对研究断层运动及岩石变形具有重要意义。

    Thrust faulting produced with rocks deformation often lead to a large number of fractures , which recorded the rocks stress strain characteristics and change .

  16. 锦150块中生界油层注水开发技术古潜山油气藏的油气源、油气成熟度和油气充注与新生代伸展断层作用有关;

    Waterflooding Development Technique of Mesozoic Erathem Block Jin-150 source , maturity and afflux of buried hill reservoir were related to extensional faulting in Cenozoic ;

  17. 考虑近断层作用的影响,对集集地震的近断层三分量地震动的频谱周期进行了分析。得到了考虑上下盘、方向性效应和分量方向影响的近断层地震动频谱周期特征。

    Then , considering the influence of hanging-wall and effect of forward-directivity , period characteristics of near-fault three-orthogonal motion components during the Chi-Chi earthquake are analyzed . 4 .

  18. 同时将论文提出的解析方法与前人的相关成果进行了集成化处理,开发了一套基于解析方法的断层作用下埋地钢质管道反应分析的软件系统。

    Meanwhile , a software system of buried steel pipelines under active faults is developed by integrating the proposed analytical methods in the paper and existing analytical methods .

  19. 结果表明:断层作用的生热量主要决定于断层的深度,构造应力的大小、流体压力、断层的位移量、断面摩擦系数等;

    The results show that : the fault depth , tectonic stress , fluid pressure , fault displacement , friction coefficient on fault planes are decisive factors of heat quantity produced by faulting ;

  20. 本文针对不同性质的断层作用于隧道围岩的不同灾害类型及力学机制,根据研究需要,将断层分为正断层、平移断层与逆断层三大类;

    According to different types of disaster and mechanism of around rock mass under different faults , for study necessary , faults may be classified as three types , down fault , shift fault and reverse fault .

  21. 结果表明,在进行断层作用下埋地钢质管道反应分析时,应采用管道材料非线性模型和管土相互作用非线性模型;当断层错动量较大时,必须考虑几何非线性特征。

    The results indicate that the nonlinear models of pipe steel and pipe-soil interaction should be used in the earthquake response analysis of buried steel pipelines under faults . The geometric nonlinear characteristics must be considered at large fault displacements .

  22. 高热流值、强地震活动、火山活动、张性断层作用以及快速沉降等特征表明冲绳海槽的演化已经达到了大陆张裂的最高阶段。

    Characteristics of the Okinawa Trough such as high heat flow values , intensive earthquake activities , volcanic activities , extensional faulting and rapid subsidence have indicated that the evolution of the trough has reached the highest stage of continental tension rifting .

  23. 近年来对安宁河断裂带冕宁以北段的深入研究发现,该断裂具有明显的晚第四纪活动性,而且具有使地面发生断层作用,形成断层陡坎的潜在地震危险性。

    The thorough investigations in recent years on the north segment of Mianning , Anning - he Fault Zone indicate that this fault zone features notable Late Quaternary activities , and potential seismic risks which could generate ground faulting and form scarps .

  24. 川滇地区断层相互作用的地震活动证据及有限元模拟

    Seismic evidence and numerical simulation for fault interactions in Sichuan-Yunnan region

  25. 川滇地区现今应力场与断层相互作用研究

    Present-day Stress Field and Fault Interactions in the Sichuan-Yunnan Region of China

  26. 断层相互作用的初步讨论

    Preliminary studies on the interaction between neighbouring active faults

  27. 平行走滑断层相互作用的粘弹模型和减震作用

    Visco elastic model of interaction between parallel strike slip faults and seismicity reduction effect

  28. 基于断层相互作用的地震活动有限元模型

    Study on finite element model of strong earthquake activities based on interaction between faults

  29. 成矿断层构造作用演化促使金的富集成矿。

    The evolution of metallogenetic fault tectonism impelled to enrich the gold into deposit .

  30. 基于断层相互作用理论的强震成组孕育发生初步研究

    Preliminary study on strong earthquake occurred in groups based on the theory of fault interaction