
duàn liè
  • fracture;break;crack;rift;disrupt;fissure;flying-off;sunder
断裂 [duàn liè]
  • (1) [fracture;fissure]∶折断,开裂

  • 受到打击后股骨断裂了

  • (2) [break]∶破裂或折断(如岩层、建筑物等的承重结构受力后裂开)

  • 地层断裂

  • 桥梁断裂

  • (3) [sunder]∶岩层等断裂的地方

  • 金沙江流域断裂纵横

断裂[duàn liè]
  1. 我知道这意味着什么:扶手可能会被完全拉下,安全绳可能会断裂,我可能会被推入太空。

    I knew what it meant : The handrail could be completely pulled off and the safety tether might break , and I might therefore be pushed into space .

  2. 离开之前,我捡起他们的十字架重新放回去,断裂的痕迹一目了然,因此看上去就像是个拼图一样。

    Before I left , I picked up their cross and put it back in place on their tomb . The break was clean so it fit like a puzzle piece .

  3. 这种缆索的断裂应变力为140公斤。

    The cable has a 140kg breaking strain .

  4. 围栏倒下时发出了断裂的声音。

    There was a splintering sound as the railing gave way .

  5. 还不清楚船舵是如何断裂的。

    It was not yet clear how the rudder had sheared off

  6. 机翼在坠机时断裂了。

    The aircraft 's wings were sheared off in the crash .

  7. 他注意到机翼在一块一块地断裂。

    He noticed that fabric was tearing away from the plane 's wing

  8. 踏板在枢轴处断裂了。

    The pedal had sheared off at the pivot .

  9. 为了让他断裂的韧带愈合,他的膝盖必须动一次大手术。

    He must have a major operation on his knee to mend severed ligaments .

  10. 这种热水瓶瓶身坚固,不易断裂破碎。

    The vacuum flask has a strong casing , which won 't crack or chip

  11. 房顶的一角塌了下来,那里的天花板横梁已经腐烂断裂了。

    The roof sagged at one corner , where the ceiling beams had snapped with rot

  12. 他把断裂的车轴焊接起来。

    He welded the pieces of a broken axle .

  13. 他断裂的手腕在迅速康复。

    His fractured wrist is mending rapidly .

  14. 断裂力学的应用,将直接引出无损检验技术的应用。

    Applications in fracture mechanics lead directly to applications to the nondestructive testing of structures .

  15. 这座不牢固的木桥断裂了。

    The frail wooden bridge cracked .

  16. 这种塑料的主要特性之一是其可弯曲而不会断裂。

    One of the main attributes of this plastic is its ability to bend without breaking .

  17. 通常可用线弹性断裂力学进行钢桥裂纹分析。

    The analysis of cracking in steel bridges can usually be accomplished by using linearelastic fracture mechanics .

  18. 在此基础上,加之外伤因素,棘间韧带可发生断裂或松弛。

    On this foundation , together with is traumatic element , the ligament between spine can happen rupture or flabby .

  19. 不过现在,一种新型的钢已经被开发出来,它可以在更低的温度下抵抗断裂,同时保持其强度和韧性,而不需要昂贵的附加材料。

    Now , though , a novel type of steel has been developed that resists fractures at much lower temperatures , while retaining its strength and toughness - without the need for expensive additives .

  20. 直到我们栖息的那根“树枝”断裂,我们才能意识到自己可以自由高飞。

    We won 't realize we can fly so high and freely until the " branch " we are resting on breaks .

  21. 此外,望远镜的支撑钢缆也已断裂。

    The telescope 's support cables also dropped .

  22. 两处地震没有关联性中国地震台网中心等部门的专家经过会商指出,两次地震地处我国不同断裂带,不做关联性分析。中国地震台网中心研究员孙士鋐表示,云南和青海地震没有关联。

    There was no causal relationship between the Yunnan and Qinghai quakes , but they shared the same root cause , Sun Shihong , a researcher at the China Earthquake Networks Center , said .

  23. 低能重离子引起DNA链断裂和诱发基因突变谱的研究

    Study on DNA Strand Breaks and Mutation Spectrum Induced by Low-energy Heavy Ions

  24. 让这些修复的DNA进入细胞,替代那些断裂的DNA。

    So that these repair of DNA into cells to replace those broken DNA .

  25. 射线引起DNA双链断裂的统计分布

    Fragmentation in DNA double - strand breaks

  26. 激光辐照对离体质粒DNA的断裂效应

    Effect of Laser Radiation on Single and Double Strand Breakage of in vitro Plasmid DNA

  27. V形切口的断裂研究

    A study on the fracture of V - notch

  28. 球化低碳钢中断裂的TEM原位观测

    In situ observation of the fracture for a spheroidized low carbon steel

  29. 加载速率对大理岩动态断裂韧度(K(1d))的影响

    Influence of loading rate on dynamic fracture toughness of marble

  30. 用CVI方法制备SiCf/SiC复合材料的弯曲断裂强度

    The bending properties of sic_f / sic composites prepared by CVI