
Last year , the Royal Society in London said in its report that scientists need to " shift away from a research culture where data is viewed as a private preserve " .
Scientists at the Zoological Society of London say harbour porpoises exposed to PCBs had smaller testicles , suggesting an effect on sperm3 count and fertility .
In the vaults of the Bank of England ( Threadneedle Street , London ) , men are piling gold on a truck .
The drug , developed at Imperial College London , is based on a gut hormone that controls sensations of hunger and satiety .
Richard Taylor is a reader in hydrogeology at the department of geography , University College London , United Kingdom .
At the London-based eveningwear rental company One Night Stand ( onenightstand . co.uk ) , there are more than 500 dresses for rent with 25 percent of the stock bought new every year .
Martin Wicks is a freelance UNIX consultant living and working in London , England .
Jonathan Wells is a reader in childhood nutrition , Childhood Nutrition Research Centre , UCL Institute of Child Health , London .
The researchers , from King 's College London , suggested that the common practice of withholding peanuts from babies may in fact account for the recent rise in peanut allergies 。
Imperial College London , United Kingdom , says that using a fluorescence microscope to directly detect the presence of a pathogen is potentially exciting .
New research by London Business School in the UK into the experiences of MBA students , helps to explain the persistent gender imbalance and shows that different approaches are needed to tackle the problem .
I attended the opening of the iTunes festival in London , England , last night with headlining artist lady gaga .
Kindly send me your product detail along with the FOB and CIF prices to London , UK .
A trio of new technologies could achieve a boost in supplies , according to a report launched at a meeting of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Malaria in London , United Kingdom .
Scientists led by University College London warned that people who work longer hours tend to do less exercise , sit at a computer for hours at a time , and drink more than people with a better work-life balance .
Maha Azzam is a North Africa expert at Chatham House , a research organization in London .
In April , researchers at University College London found that eating seven daily portions or more could reduce the risk of cancer by 25 percent and of heart disease by 31 percent , compared to people who consumed less than one portion a day .
" We would be guilty of negligence if we just sat on our hands and waited ," says John Oxford , a professor of virology at Queen Mary School of Medicine in London , United Kingdom .
Unlike other smartphone makers , RIM operates its own data network including three network operations centres for its wireless email system : the one in Slough and two in Waterloo , Ontario .
Jonathan Weber , professor of Communicable Diseases at Imperial College London , UK , pointed out that the data is based on self-reported virgin status , which is not validated .
A coffee shop in East London has provoked outrage after banning Ugg boots and referring to them as slag wellies .
Jeff Waage is director of the London International Development Centre and professor at the School of Oriental and African Studies , University of London , United Kingdom .
Robin Shattock of Imperial College in the United Kingdom dismissed this proposal , saying that little is known about when infection happens and how .
Joseph received his formal theatrical training at The London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art ( LAMDA ) .
But a recent experiment by Nichola Raihani of University College , London , and Katherine McAuliffe of Harvard , just published in Biology Letters , attempts to disentangle the matter .
Centuries later , Eleanor Maguire at University College London and her colleagues scanned the brains of 10 people who had placed at the highest levels of the world memory championship .
Denise O'Sullivan of the University College London Medical School in the United Kingdom will present the findings today ( 5 April ) at a meeting of the UK Society for General Microbiology .
The meeting , 'Linking biodiversity conservation and poverty reduction : what , why and how ? 'which was held at the UK 's Zoological Society of London .
Tsunami early warning systems in the Pacific are proving ineffective and basic knowledge is still lacking , says Richard Hamblyn , writer in residence at the Environment Institute in UCL .
A survey of four developing countries says their media have a poor understanding of climate change , and place a low priority on reporting it .