
  • 网络Cabinet of the United Kingdom
  1. 特恩布尔勋爵(lordturnbull)曾任英国内阁秘书与国内文官首长

    Lord Turnbull is a former cabinet secretary and head of the home civil service

  2. 1981年,英国内阁大臣谭百德(NormanTebbit)曾力劝失业者骑上自行车去找工作。

    In 1981 , the British cabinet minister Norman Tebbit urged the unemployed to get on their bikes and find work .

  3. 英国内阁秘书格斯·奥唐奈爵士(SirGusO'Donnell)指责了美国体制的绝对疯狂:新一届政府需要从零开始雇用新的官员,从而造成了决策真空。

    Sir Gus O'Donnell , cabinet secretary , blamed the absolute madness of the US system where a new administration had to hire new officials from scratch , leaving a decision-making vacuum .

  4. 英国内阁大臣埃德•鲍尔斯(EdBalls)称,此次金融危机比上世纪30年代的那次危机更为严重,并高兴地补充称:并且我们都记得那个时代的政治是如何被经济左右的。

    In Britain , Ed Balls , a cabinet minister , argues that the financial crisis is more serious than that of the 1930s , adding cheerfully : And we all remember how the politics of that era were shaped by the economy .

  5. 据英国内阁办公厅去年的报告显示,主理防卫业务的英国BAE系统公司的附属公司Detica给其提供软件助理,Detica在去年投入到英国国内的网络犯罪防范成本惊人,达到270亿英镑,占了GDP的1.8%。

    In a report by Britain 's Cabinet Office last year , Detica , the software arm of BAE Systems , a defence company , put the cost of cybercrime to the country at a staggering £ 27 billion , or 1.8 % of GDP . Businesses bore £

  6. 英国内阁中没有公务的高级内阁大臣。

    The senior cabinet minister in the British Cabinet who has no official duties .

  7. 2003年的今天,英国内阁大臣罗宾?库克在政府计划出兵与伊拉克作战后辞职。

    2003-british cabinet minister , Robin cook , resigns over government plans for war with iraq .

  8. 第二部分:英国内阁权力的演变及演变的特点。

    The second is the development of change of the British cabinet 's powers and its characteristics .

  9. 新上任的英国内阁大臣安博尔•鲁德,伊丽莎白•特鲁斯和卡伦•布拉德利都留着这种发型。

    Newly promoted cabinet ministers , Amber Rudd , Elizabeth Truss and Karen Bradley all sport such barnets .

  10. 但报告的建议却立即在英国内阁引发争议。该报告有可能为政府将来的家庭政策定下基调。

    But its proposals – likely to form the basis of future government family policy – sparked an immediate Cabinet revolt .

  11. 英国内阁大臣迈克尔·戈夫表示,英国希望在未来几天的脱欧贸易会谈中,欧盟能有所动向。

    British cabinet minister Michael Gove says the UK hopes for movement from the European Union in the Brexit trade talks in the next few days .

  12. 这些措施尚待英国内阁批准,目的是要在上述两个国家明年1月加入欧盟以后,限制移民的进入。

    The measures , which are subject to cabinet approval , are intended to curb immigration from the two countries after they join the European Union in January .

  13. 麦吉尼斯会见女王的两天前,他与罗宾逊私下密谈,并共同向英国内阁施压,使其削减公司税。

    Two days before his meeting with the queen , Mr McGuinness was closeted with Mr Robinson , jointly pressing British ministers for a reduction in the corporation tax .

  14. 梅曾在英国内阁担任挑战重重的内政大臣一职,负责国内安全与移民事务,在位时间之长,自19世纪以来无人能出其右。

    Ms. May has served longer in the difficult cabinet post of home secretary , overseeing the nation 's domestic security and immigration agencies , than any since the 19th century .

  15. 议会至上原则的确立是内阁制确立的前提条件,1868年的内阁更替标志英国内阁制的最终确立。

    The establishment of the principle of cabinet superiority is the premise of the establishment and existence of the cabinet system . The 1868 substitution of the British cabinet symbolized the final establishment of the system ;

  16. 在合益私人顾问集团的协助下,英国内阁办公室的奖励、效率和改革小组已制定出未来三年的地区薪酬支付地图,该地图将构成公务员薪酬支付的基础。

    The Cabinet Office 's Reward , Efficiency and Reform Group ( Rerg ), assisted by the Hay Group private consultancy , has drawn up a local pay map that will form the basis for how civil servants ' pay is set for the next three years .

  17. 在合益私人顾问集团的协助下,英国内阁办公室的“奖励、效率和改革小组”已制定出未来三年的“地区薪酬支付地图”,该地图将构成公务员薪酬支付的基础。

    The Cabinet Office 's Reward , Efficiency and Reform Group ( Rerg ) , assisted by the Hay Group private consultancy , has drawn up a " local pay map " that will form the basis for how civil servants ' pay is set for the next three years .

  18. 当英国前内阁大臣曼德尔森勋爵(lordmandelson)在一次会议上将金融危机归咎于银行时,招致了在座一些银行家的嘘声。

    When Lord Mandelson , a former UK minister , blamed the financial crisis on banks at one meeting , some in the audience hissed .

  19. 借用英国前内阁大臣罗伯特阿姆斯特朗(robertarmstrong)的话来说,高盛的话“没把实话全讲出来”。

    Goldman was , to borrow words from Robert Armstrong , the former British cabinet secretary , being " economical with the truth " .

  20. 外国人士包括伦敦市长鲍里斯•约翰逊(BorisJohnson)、英国前内阁大臣曼德尔森勋爵(LordMandelson)、约翰•梅纳德•凯恩斯(JohnMaynardKeynes)的传记作者斯基德尔斯基勋爵(LordSkidelsky),等等。

    The foreigners included Boris Johnson , London mayor ; Lord Mandelson , former UK cabinet minister ; Lord Skidelsky , the biographer of John Maynard Keynes ; and many more .

  21. 已故的前英国工党内阁大臣、时任欧盟专员的罗伊詹金斯(royjenkins)曾对布莱尔感到钦佩,但后来,他开始对于他所称的布莱尔的摩尼教倾向即认为一切非黑即白感到失望。

    The late Roy Jenkins , a sometime labour cabinet minister who then served as a European Commissioner , had admired Mr Blair , but came to regret what he called his Manichean tendency to view everything in black and white .

  22. 英国的内阁成员在议会中以巧妙应付的手段往往可以获得成功。

    The English Minister can often gain a point by dexterous dealing in Parliament .

  23. 因为英国的内阁是一个议会委员会,委员会成员人人平等。

    This is because the British cabinet is a committee of the Houses of Parliament .

  24. 一名英国高级内阁大臣表示,如果感染率没有下降,为期一个月的封锁可能会延长。

    A senior UK cabinet minister says a month-long lockdown could be extended if the infection rate does not decline .

  25. 弩炮计划是英国战时内阁在法国败降后做出的一项重要决策,旨在消除法国舰队的潜在威胁。

    Operation Catapult , an important decision made by the British Cabinet after the French signed an armistice with Germany , aimed to destroy the French fleet .

  26. 英国影子内阁的教育技能大臣大卫威利茨说:这是政府在经济衰退时期没能很好地帮助年轻人所酿成的严重后果。

    David Willetts , the shadow skills secretary , said : It is a damning indictment of the Government 's failure to help young people during the recession .

  27. 尽管英国新内阁成立不久,但是也应该和它国家政府一样,要实现既要安抚市场,又不能伤害经济发展的目标,看来要下一番苦功。

    All governments face the tricky balance of appeasing the markets without damaging growth : Britain 's new government had a go this week ( see article ) .

  28. 英国影子内阁的教育技能大臣大卫•威利茨说:“这是政府在经济衰退时期没能很好地帮助年轻人所酿成的严重后果。”

    David Willetts , the shadow skills secretary , said : " It is a damning indictment of the Government 's failure to help young people during the recession 。

  29. 经过长达一周的政治辩论之后,联合政府上台执政。日前,新内阁举行了首次会晤。英国新内阁一致同意,所有内阁大臣薪资减少5%,这是削减英国赤字的重大努力的第一步。

    new cabinet agreed to cut the pay of all ministers by five percent , the first step in what is to be a major effort to cut Britain 's national deficit .

  30. 《星期日镜报》称,一份高层简报已被分发至英国各内阁部门,通知停止使用由华为公司制造的视频会议设备。报道还称,一些可能存在的漏洞已经引起了广泛的关注。

    A briefing was sent to all ministerial departments urging them to stop using the video-conferencing equipment , the newspaper said , adding that there are possible vulnerabilities that have caused widespread concern .