
  • 网络law of conservation of charge;charge conservation;law of charge conservation;law of conservation of electric charge
电荷守恒定律 [diàn hè shǒu héng dìng lǜ]
  • 自然科学中的基本定律之一。电荷既不能创造,也不会被消灭,它只能从一个物体转移到另一个物体(如摩擦起电),或从物体的一部分转移到另一部分(如静电感应)。在任何物理过程中,电荷的代数和是恒定不变的。

  1. 电荷守恒定律探讨

    Study of the law of conservation of charge

  2. 本文应用麦克斯韦方程推导电荷守恒定律,并研讨与电荷守恒定律有关的物理问题:恒定电场、基尔霍夫定律等。

    This paper deduces the Law of conservation of charge by Maxwell equations , and discusses some physical problems which are in connection with the Law of conservation of charge : steady electric field , Kirchhoff law .

  3. 本文将论证如下结论:尽管定域U(1)规范不变性导致一个不守恒的Noether荷,但Noether流在形式上的守恒方程包含着带电场的电荷守恒定律。

    Although local gauge invariance leads to a non conservation Noether charge , the differential equation satisfied by the Noether current includes the charge conservation law of the charged field .

  4. 从麦克斯韦(Maxwell)方程组和物质电磁性质方程出发,得到了可应用于线性网络和非线性网络的电荷守恒定律和电磁场能量转换与守恒定律。

    Based on Maxwell 's equations and material electromagnetic property equations , the electric charge conservation law and electromagnetic field energy transduction and conservation law can be obtained , which can be applied to linear network and nonlinear network .

  5. 电荷守恒定律被动摇了吗?

    Is Basic Conservation Law of Electric Charge Shaken by New Experimental Result ?

  6. 电荷守恒定律可确定麦克斯韦方程组的数学形式

    The Mathematical Form of Maxwell 's Equations Defining the Conservation Law of Electric Charge

  7. 电荷守恒定律在电场分析计算中的地位和作用

    Application of the law of conservation of electric charges in the calculation of electric field

  8. 提出了麦克斯韦方程组的一种新的构建形式,突出了电荷守恒定律。

    The new forms of Maxwell 's equations substitute the old forms , it empthasizes the conservation of electric charge .

  9. 它的理论基础是化学平稳原理,包括质量平衡、能量守恒和电荷守恒定律,以及热力学上的其它一些考虑。

    The theoretic basis is chemical equilibrium theory including mass balance , energy and charge conversation law , and other thermodynamic considerations .

  10. 文章在此将电荷守恒定律作为必要条件引入,使得方程具有唯一确定的解。

    The conservation law of charge is taken here as a sine qua non so that the equation can have the unique solution .

  11. 本文从安培环路定理、高斯定理及电荷守恒定律出发导出了位移电流的具体形式。

    Based on the ampere return circuit theorem , gauss theorem and charge conservation law the concrete form of Displacement current is derived .

  12. 我们阐明在高势阶跃下狄拉克方程存在违反电荷守恒定律的解。

    We show that in the presence of high potential steps the Dirac equation has solutions which violate the principle of charge conservation .

  13. 本文对电荷守恒定律和磁链守恒定律从数学方面作了较深入的论证,并给出了其物理意义。

    The conservation principles of charge and of flux linkages are proved mathematically , and their physical meanings are given in the paper .

  14. 进而从理论上解释了电荷守恒定律,毕奥&萨伐定定律,在镜向反演下电荷变号等问题。

    Thus , in theory It explains conservation law of charge Biot-Savart 's law , under space inver - sion the charge alter the mark and so on .

  15. 将静电场的高斯定理与电荷守恒定律表述为统一的形式,使静电场的高斯定理得到推广。

    The Gauss axioms of the static electricity field and the law of conservation of charges are indicafed in a unified form so as to expand the Gauss axioms .

  16. 本文利用微分形式与矢量场的内积(缩并),以及外微分形式中的Poinare逆定理,建立了从电荷守恒定律到麦克斯韦方程组的数学联系。

    In this paper , the mathematical connection from the conservation law of elec-tric charge and Maxwell 's equations is established by unsing the interior product ( contraction ) of a differential form by a vector field and converse of Poincare 's lemma in exterior differential form .

  17. 电荷守恒与磁链守恒定律的论证

    Proof of the conservation principles of charge and of flux linkages