- 名chemical equivalent

A study of adsorption equilibrium on quaternary ammonium resin in uranyl sulphate solution by chemical equivalent method
Adsorption equilibrium on quaternary ammonium resin in uranyl sulphate solution , which is similar to composition used in uranium hydrometallurgy , was studied by chemical equivalent method .
Results demonstrate that the relationship of critical initiation energy and equivalence ratio shows an " U " shape curve , the cell size is also .
Coal bias ( use LNE burner to form coal bias condition ) and air-stage combustion are measures of reduced NOx in the coal combustion in furnace . They reduce the NOx emission and generation by to form an environment which is far from the stoichiometric ratio .
Deflagration phenomena was only observed if the hydrocarbon was mixed with air .
Influence of Stoichiometric Ratio on De-NO_x by Reburning with Coal-Gas from Underground Gasification
Experimental study on biomass syngas stoichiometric ratio adjustment
The ratio of air to fuel for which perfect combustion takes place is called stoichiometry .
Analysis by volumetric procedures requires that some method of indicating the stoichiometric end point be employed .
The results show that the burning duration can be decreased considerably by the increase of equivalence ratio at lean burning condition .
And the further experiment shows that if the equivalent ratio of reactants is appropriate , there will be an optimum ignition energy that can make the DDT the shortest .
The factors that impact the reburning effectiveness are analyzed , such as the natural gas percentage of boiler heat input , air stoichiometry , reburn zone temperature and residence time etc.
The results show that the average stoichiometric air fuel ratio of DME spray is larger than that of diesel spray , it indicates that the DME mixes with air better than diesel resulting in that DME emits lower pollutant emissions .
Norwegian Chemometrics Society stoichiometric coefficient