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  • chemical equivalent
  1. 化学当量法研究季铵型树脂在含铀酰的硫酸盐溶液中的吸附平衡

    A study of adsorption equilibrium on quaternary ammonium resin in uranyl sulphate solution by chemical equivalent method

  2. 本文采用化学当量法研究了季铵树脂在组成接近铀水冶条件的硫酸铀酰-硫酸钠溶液中的吸附平衡。

    Adsorption equilibrium on quaternary ammonium resin in uranyl sulphate solution , which is similar to composition used in uranium hydrometallurgy , was studied by chemical equivalent method .

  3. 燃料云雾的临界起爆能和爆轰胞格尺寸均与当量比成一U形曲线关系,并且云雾爆轰最敏感点并不是对应于等化学当量的混合物而是偏向于富燃料;

    Results demonstrate that the relationship of critical initiation energy and equivalence ratio shows an " U " shape curve , the cell size is also .

  4. 煤粉浓淡和空气分级燃烧技术都是通过在炉内燃烧中脱氮降低NOx排放的措施,其原理是通过形成远离化学当量比这种不利于NOx生成的环境来降低其生成。

    Coal bias ( use LNE burner to form coal bias condition ) and air-stage combustion are measures of reduced NOx in the coal combustion in furnace . They reduce the NOx emission and generation by to form an environment which is far from the stoichiometric ratio .

  5. 燃料与空气以化学当量配比时,仅观察到爆燃现象。

    Deflagration phenomena was only observed if the hydrocarbon was mixed with air .

  6. 化学当量比对地下气化煤气再燃脱硝的影响

    Influence of Stoichiometric Ratio on De-NO_x by Reburning with Coal-Gas from Underground Gasification

  7. 生物质合成气的化学当量比调整

    Experimental study on biomass syngas stoichiometric ratio adjustment

  8. 实现完全燃烧时的空气和燃烧的比率称为化学当量比。

    The ratio of air to fuel for which perfect combustion takes place is called stoichiometry .

  9. 用容量法进行分析时,需要使用一些指示化学当量终点的方法。

    Analysis by volumetric procedures requires that some method of indicating the stoichiometric end point be employed .

  10. 结果表明,在贫燃料状态,当化学当量比增大时,燃烧时间明显缩短。

    The results show that the burning duration can be decreased considerably by the increase of equivalence ratio at lean burning condition .

  11. 进一步实验证明,如果反应物的化学当量比合适,则存在一个与其最适应的点火能量可以使爆燃向爆震的转变距离最小。

    And the further experiment shows that if the equivalent ratio of reactants is appropriate , there will be an optimum ignition energy that can make the DDT the shortest .

  12. 研究分析了天然气再燃效果的影响因素:包括天然气投入的比例、空气的化学当量比、再燃区的温度、烟气在再燃区的停留时间等。

    The factors that impact the reburning effectiveness are analyzed , such as the natural gas percentage of boiler heat input , air stoichiometry , reburn zone temperature and residence time etc.

  13. 喷雾混合特性计算结果表明,二甲基醚喷雾体平均化学当量空燃比比柴油大,因而柴油机燃用二甲基醚时涡流比不宜过大。

    The results show that the average stoichiometric air fuel ratio of DME spray is larger than that of diesel spray , it indicates that the DME mixes with air better than diesel resulting in that DME emits lower pollutant emissions .

  14. 挪威化学计量学学会化学(当量)计算系数

    Norwegian Chemometrics Society stoichiometric coefficient