
bào tóng
  • newsboy;newsy;newspaper delivery boy
报童 [bào tóng]
  • [newsboy] 在街上卖报的儿童

报童[bào tóng]
  1. 四年级时我做过兼职报童。

    When I was in fourth grade , I worked part-time as a paperboy .

  2. 尽管他只是一个可怜的报童,还是有人教了他很多对的事情。

    Though he was just a poor newsboy , he had been taught some good things .

  3. 你必须大喊,“热点新闻!爆炸新闻!”另一个报童查德告诉杰森。

    You must shout , " Hot news ! Bomb bursting ! " another newsboy Chad told Jason .

  4. 四年前,她为了找人说说话还得请报童喝饮料。

    Four years before , she 'd had to offer her paperboy a drink to have someone to talk with .

  5. 基于Web的网上报童问题数学实验的设计与开发

    Web-Based Design and Development of Mathematical Experiment for the Newsboy 's Model

  6. 建立一个1供应商N零售商的两级供应链,通过扩展的报童问题,研究在供应商存在能力限制时的供应链运作情况;

    Via the patulous " newsvendor problem ", we study the performances of the capacitated supply chain .

  7. 基于Delphi的报童模型的实现与动态仿真

    Realization and Dynamic Emulation of Newsboy Model Based on Delphi

  8. B2B;电子市场;报童模型;期权契约;供应链协调;

    B2B market ; newsboy model ; option contract ; supply chain coordination ;

  9. 论文利用单周期连续型报童模型分析和比较了电子采购策略和传统采购策略的利益机制,量化了Internet在供应链采购管理中的作用。

    By exploiting single-cycle continuous newsvendor model , this paper analyses and compares the benefit mechanisms of e-procurement and traditional procurement , quantify the effect of Internet on procurement management in supply chain .

  10. 对于价格弹性报童模型协调问题,设计了基于RPM(resalepricemaintenance,限制转售价格)回购契约和线性回购契约的两种价格弹性契约协调机制;

    To the first expanded model , the buyback contract with RPM ( Resale Price Maintenance ) mechanism and the linear buyback contract are designed .

  11. 接着,考虑生鲜农产品供应链RFID投资决策与协调,运用改进报童模型和供应链契约理论,分别研究集中模式与分散模式下RFID技术投资决策,及回购契约的应用。

    Using the improved newsboy model and supply chain contract theory , research centralized and decentralized modes of RFID technology investment decisions and buy-back contract applications .

  12. 其次,对该模型进行了求解与分析,得出了无转运条件下的X电信的ADSLModem订货模型实为一经典的报童模型。

    Then , continue to work out and analyze the model , and find out the non-transshipment model of X telecom ADSL Modem is a typical newsboy model .

  13. 关于DannyFarrell众所周知的一点,就是他做报童才做6个月,

    The remarkable thing about Danny Farrell was that he had only been a paperboy for six month .

  14. 已有文献研究表明:不管是在EOQ框架内还是在报童框架内,仅应用数量折扣无法确保系统的完美协调。

    Present literatures show that the quantity discount alone cannot realize the perfect coordination , whether in the EOQ framework or the Newsboy framework .

  15. 这位现年83岁的投资者幼年时候曾经为《奥马哈世界先驱报》(OmahaWorld-Herald)做报童,他在2011年买下了这家报纸。

    Growing up , the now 83-year-old investor was a paperboy for The Omaha World-Herald , which he bought in 2011 .

  16. 模糊随机需求报童问题的Stackelberg-Nash均衡策略

    Stackelberg-Nash Equilibrium Strategy for Newsboy Problem with Fuzzy Random Demands

  17. 针对库存管理粗放缺乏科学的管理方法指导的问题,提出将ABC分类方法、EOQ模型与报童模型应用到原材料订购与产成品生产计划制定的经济活动中。

    Inventory management for a lack of extensive scientific management guidance , will be made ABC classification , EOQ model of newsboy model and applied to the purchase of raw materials and finished goods production plan drawn up in economic activity .

  18. 运用Nash均衡和报童模型,在考虑信息分享成本、任意投资水平和三层供应链这三种不同情形下分析了影响供应链上下游同时积极参与协同预测(CPFR)的条件。

    Based on Nash equilibrium and newsvendor model , by considering information sharing costs , arbitary investment level and three-level supply chain , the thesis analyzes the conditions that favor the active participation of CPFR program by various partners .

  19. 再运用K-T条件把确定的二层报童问题转化为单层报童问题,从而供应商可确定适当的批发价格,零售商对买进多少订购量做出最佳的决策,使得各自最终获得最大效益。

    Then the bilevel newsboy problem is transformed into a general newsboy problem using K-T condition , Which suppliers can determine the appropriate wholesale price , order quantity of retailers to make the best buying decisions , making their final gain maximum benefit .

  20. 通过将广告投入对需求的影响引入报童(newsboy)问题,建立了不确定环境下多个企业进行广告投入和订货量博弈的模型,证明了该模型存在唯一的纯策略纳什均衡解。

    Through incorporating the effect of advertising investment on demand into the newsboy problem , the game model linking advertising investment and order policy is established among finite numbers of enterprises under uncertainty environment , the existence and uniqueness of the equilibrium of which is proved .

  21. 离散模糊需求报童问题的可信性模型研究

    Research on Credibility Model of Newsboy Problem with Discrete Fuzzy Demand

  22. 研究了模糊环境下的可追加订购的报童问题。

    In this paper , we study the reordering newsboy problem .

  23. 基于报童模型的无产品替代的零售商订货策略研究

    Retailers ' Ordering Strategy of Non-product Substitution Based on Newsboy Mode

  24. 基于报童模型的易逝品供应链合同研究

    Study on Supply Contracts for Perishable Goods Based on the Newsvendor Model

  25. 报童用手推车帮他发送货物。

    The paperboy used a wagon to help him make his deliveries .

  26. 讨论带有预算费用约束的报童问题。

    The present paper covers the newsboy model with budget cost constraint .

  27. 报童模型的利润与亏损风险平衡分析

    Trade-off analysis of revenue and risk of loss of the newsvendor model

  28. 报童把报纸投错了地方。

    The newsboy throws his papers in the wrong place .

  29. 他还曾是《路易斯维尔信使报》的报童。

    The actor was also a paperboy for the Louisville Courier Journal .

  30. 那个总把我们报纸扔到房顶的报童。

    That newspaper boy who kept throwing the papers on the roof .