
  • Newsstand;Kiosk;newsagent
  1. 引进付费屏障就好比是把你的报纸撤下报刊亭。

    Introducing a pay barrier can be akin to taking your newspaper off a newsstand .

  2. 此次专项检查的重点是音像店、书店、报刊亭是否摆放及销售侵权盗版产品和政治性非法出版物;

    The special inspection will focus on video store , bookstore , newsstand sales are placed and product piracy and illegal political publications ;

  3. 报刊亭也可以成为WiFi站点。通过电子显示屏显示各类文化演出信息。

    Newsstands could be built as Wi-Fi spots with electronic signboards showing all kinds of cultural information .

  4. Facebook不只是一个21世纪的报刊亭。

    Facebook is not only a 21st-century newsagent .

  5. 他的报刊亭就在稀奇古怪的“口香糖墙”景点的拐角,位于河畔派克农贸市场(PikePlaceMarket)附近。人们来这通常都没什么准备。

    He works at a newspaper stand just around the corner from a bizarre attraction called the gum wall near Pike Place Market just off the waterfront here , and people show up unprepared .

  6. 在回家的路上,她顺便去了一趟报刊亭。

    She stopped by the newsagent 's on her way home .

  7. 报刊亭,和咖啡馆,都是对巴塞罗纳最好的介绍。

    Newsstands , and cafes is the best introduction to Barcelona .

  8. 你是不是看到我贴在报刊亭的那张广告了?

    You saw my ad in the newsagent , didn 't you ?

  9. 基于工业设计语法的新一代信息化报刊亭设计

    Design of the New Generation Information-based Newspaper Kiosk Based on Industrial Design Syntax

  10. 在报刊亭,大量的报纸和杂志都是看完就扔掉的垃圾。

    In the news stand , you find a lot of cheap throwaway newspapers and magazines .

  11. 他前往了报刊亭。

    He went to the newsstand .

  12. 露天平台下面分布着公用室,如洗手间、报刊亭、商店等。

    Under this deck , there are public rooms , such as toilets , kiosks , shops .

  13. 就好像是报刊亭销售每种杂志的两个版本一种很贵,另一种质量略差但免费。

    It is as though a news-stand carried two versions of every magazine-one costly , the other inferior but free .

  14. 在对报刊亭初始功能符号系统分析的基础上,探索符号学在报刊亭设计中的应用方法。

    This paper presents a method for newspaper kiosk design based on the sign system for primary function of kiosk .

  15. 科里·弗林托夫报道:这份法案针对的是莫斯科中心城区报刊亭出售的一半的出版物。

    COREY FLINTOFF , BYLINE : The bill targets nearly half the publications on display at this news kiosk in Central Moscow .

  16. 但从7月初开始,中国大街上的报刊亭随处可见有关芙蓉姐姐的报道。

    But by the beginning of July , Sister Lotus appeared to be looking out from the magazine racks at every newsstand in China .

  17. 在去的路上,我在车站等车的时候为了打发时间,就进了一个报刊亭。

    On the way there , waiting at the station , I popped into a newsagents for a browse , to pass the time .

  18. 12岁就开始在往返于自己的家乡休伦港和底特律的火车上经营报刊亭。

    At the age of 12 he began operating a newsstand aboard a railroad train that ran between his hometown of Port Huron and Detroit .

  19. 五分钟以后,我们还没有出中城。他把车停在一家报刊亭兼便利店的门外,指着店门对我说:“你去买地图。”

    Five minutes later , still in midtown , he stopped outside a newsstand-cum-convenience store and pointed towards the door : " You buy map . "

  20. 例如,我们都知道,人们在火车站台或机场休息室的报刊亭里会选择不同的读物。

    For example , we 've always known that people choose different things to read in the newsagent on the railway platform or in the airport departure lounge .

  21. 司机走进报刊亭买报纸,他的同事待在货车内,结果遭到两名男子劫持。

    The driver went into a newsagent 's to buy a paper . His coworker , who stayed in the van , was then confronted by two men and hijacked .

  22. 不信你只要这周去报刊亭转转,就会发现一本杂志附赠一本书时价格为6.99美元,而杂志本身的售价才2.99美元。

    Just looking round the newsagents this week , you 'll find one magazine giving away a book worth six ninety-nine , when the magazine itself only costs two ninety-nine .

  23. 第十一条邮政企业应当在方便群众的地方设置分支机构、邮亭、报刊亭、邮筒等设施,或者进行流动服务。

    Article 11 . Postal enterprises shall establish branch offices , postal kiosks , newspaper and periodical stands , mail boxes , etc. , in places convenient to the masses , or provide mobile services .

  24. 介绍了对邮亭、报刊亭和电话亭进行设计的一些体会,如应从材料选择、物理结构、基本功能和外观方面综合考虑、统筹兼顾等等。

    The paper introduction the design for postal kiosk , newsstand and telephone kiosk should have consideration to the material selection , physical structure , basic function and outside , making overall plans and taking all factors into consideration .

  25. 电力收费终端正在被电力公司大力推广于电力行业信息化建设当中,可以设在超市、商场、小区物业(社区)、写字楼宇、报刊亭等处,极大地方便了城乡居民缴纳电费。

    Electric power companies charging terminal is being vigorously promote information technology in the power industry which , could be located in supermarkets , shopping malls , residential property ( community ), office buildings , kiosks , etc. , greatly facilitates the urban and rural residents pay for electricity .

  26. 那个银行在拐角处,报刊销售亭对面。

    The bank in on the corner . It 's opposite the newsagent .

  27. 她想起上午自己躲在报刊零售亭旁看到的情景。

    She recalled what she had seen this morning while hanging about the newspaper stand .