
yù mǐ miàn
  • maize flour;corned;maizena;flour
玉米面 [yù mǐ miàn]
  • [maize flour;cornmeal] 玉米磨成的面

  1. 微量悬浮液进样-导数火焰原子吸收法测定玉米面中铜、铁、锌

    Determine Copper Iron and Zinc in Maize Flour with Micro-suspension Sampling-Derivative Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry

  2. 玉米面和锯末在复合酶作用下,于水中发生酶促反应(生物催化反应),生成亲水性凝聚状胶体。

    A new textile paste was made from maize flour and sawdust by using the complex enzyme .

  3. 加玉米面使汤变稠。

    Thicken the broth with the cornflour

  4. 玉米面磨得很细。

    The corn flour has been ground very fine .

  5. 多年来,这种餐车(通常都是些破旧不堪的车辆)到建筑工地上兜售一般的廉价食物,主要是玉米面豆卷(tacos)和汉堡。

    For many years the trucks offered cheap basic fare , mainly tacos and burgers from often shabby vehicles , at places such as building sites .

  6. 玉米面、胆固醇加乙醇法:20只大鼠,不用CCl4,余条件同复合因素法前6周。

    Twenty Wistar rats treated with corn flour and cholesterol plus alcohol weren ′ t hypodermically injected with CCl_4 and remaining conditions were same with those were used in the first 6 weeks of compound factor method .

  7. 地产玉米面中CIT阳性检出率为42.31%,CIT毒素平均水平为12.33μg/kg,均明显地高出本省市场同类粮食。

    The positive detective rates ( 42.31 % ) and mean level ( 12.33 μ g / kg ) were obviously higher in local than in markets of Heilongjiang province for CIT toxin in maize flour .

  8. 一些村民不得不吃用水拌过的玉米面以免被饿死。

    Some are eating corn flour mixed with water to survive .

  9. 大豆粉、玉米面强化面包的品质分析

    Quality Analysis of Enriched Bread of Soybean Flour and Corn Meal

  10. 霉变玉米面致突变作用的初步研究

    A preliminary study on mutagenic effect of extracts prepared from moldy cornbread

  11. 原料:600克南瓜20克玉米面20克粘米粉白糖

    Recipe : Pumpkin 600 grams Corn meal 20 grams Glutinous rice flour 20 grams Sugar

  12. 两天后,我还在汽车排气口掏令人反胃的玉米面豆卷

    Two days later , I am still digging regurgitated tacos out of the car vents

  13. 玉米面发酵生产乳酸的研究

    Lactic acid fermentation upon corn starch

  14. 吃的是冻成了冰块的玉米面饽饽夹咸菜,就着雪吃下去。

    Our food was frozen corn bread with salted vegetables , and snow was our drink .

  15. 样子也不如那个黄色的馒头(玉米面)好看!

    Such as the yellow does not look like the bread ( cornmeal ) look good !

  16. 琼斯夫人从床上坐起来,那碗玉米面就在放在她旁边。

    Mrs Jones was sitting up in bed and the bowl of corn flour was beside her .

  17. 玉米面馅饼-上乘猪肉馅饼用玉米沙司,跺碎的番茄,切碎的莴苣和切达干乳酪制成。

    Taco Burgers & Top pork burgers with taco sauce , chopped tomato , shredded lettuce and cheddar cheese .

  18. 本文提出一种悬浮液进样-火焰原子吸收光谱法测定玉米面中锌、铁的新方法。

    A new FAAS method for the determination of zinc and iron in maize flour using suspension sample introduction is described .

  19. 容易消化的健康食物则包括玉米面面包、酸奶、棕色米、蛋,和酸奶干酪。

    Healthy foods that are easy to digest are corn bread , yogurt , brown rice , eggs , and cottage cheese .

  20. 21种食物致敏原以虾、玉米面、葱、蒜、芝麻阳性率为最高;

    Among 21 kinds of food allergens , shrimp , maize flour , onion , garlic and sesame were rather high in positivity rates ;

  21. 他阅读了有关他父亲的部落以及他们如何养牛,他们如何生活在泥屋里,他们如何吃玉米面和山药。

    He read about his father 's tribe and how they raised cattle , lived in mud huts , and ate cornmeal and yams .

  22. 为了节约成本,母狗们只能吃肮脏的黑色玉米面糊糊,上面爬满了苍蝇!

    To save money , a dog farmer always let them eat dirty cornmeal , which are disgusting black and on which are swarming flies .

  23. 这婴儿的食品是由马奶、牛骨粉、玉米面、葡萄糖等成分配制的。

    The baby 's food is made of mare 's milk , bull 's bone powder , corn flour , grape sugar and other elements .

  24. 研究了真胃灌注不同水平熟玉米面(淀粉)对肉牛氮代谢、氨基酸表观消化率及血液相关指数的影响。

    The experiment detected the effects of varying levels cooked corn starch abomasum infusion on nitrogen metabolism , amino acids apparent digestion and relative blood traits .

  25. 接着,你可以尝尝口味极佳的茶香熏子鸭,上面配有麻豆腐和夹着暗绿色野菜的玉米面小饼。

    Afterwards , you might try the divine smoked duck , served with a spicy bean relish and cornbread buns speckled with the dark green of wild vegetables .

  26. 太阳在东南沙漠边上悬挂着,被一层白色的烟尘遮挡住,像一个焦糊的玉米面圆饼,显得黄而暗淡。

    In the southeast , the sun hung on the edge of the desert behind a white pall , as yellow and lack-luster as a burnt corn cake .

  27. 他拉过我的鹿皮袍,洒在我的额头玉米面和洒他所谓的“圣水了我的头和身体”。

    He pulls the deerskin robe over me , sprinkles cornmeal on my forehead and sprinkles what he calls " holy water " over my head and body .

  28. 土壤施用玉米面和甘薯面能显著促进烟草的生长发育,显著提高烟草品质,以施用量为50g/盆的烟草综合表现最好;

    Appling maize or sweet potato flour in pot soil could remarkably promote the growth and improve the quality of tobacco . The optimal dosage is 50g / pot .

  29. 以玉米面为原料,通过研磨、酵母发酵、成型、熟化等工艺,制成具有可口酸味的玉米面条。

    With cornmeal as raw materials , a kind of flavorful sour corn noodles was produced through a series of processes of grinding , fermentation , shaping and boiling .

  30. 在控制测试质量条件下,测定了大骨节病区和非病区麦面、玉米面和黄豆中硒铜锌锰铁钙磷含量。

    Cu , zn , ca , p , Mn and Se contents in wheat four , maize flour and soybenin affected and non-affected areas of Kashin-Beck disease were determined underthe quality control .