
  • 网络street;STREET ART;Busking
  1. 墙绘与3D街头艺术如今非常风靡。

    Wall paintings and 3d street art are very popular these days .

  2. 从瓦尔西画廊(GalleriaVarsi)开始,这个画廊已经开张两年,专注涂鸦和街头艺术,还在市内各处组织墙绘。

    Start at Galleria Varsi , a two-year-old space dedicated to graffiti and street art that also organizes wall paintings across the city .

  3. 这座精品酒店立面上的壁画创作于2012年,由街头艺术团体AgentsofChang的4名成员完成。

    The boutique property 's signature , andseriously eye-catching , ' Marmite ' mural was pained in 2012 by four members ofstreet art collective , Agents of Chang .

  4. 你可以看到许多官方装置艺术或者永久装置,如果你想要找街头艺术,需要导览的话,可以使用GeoStreetArt这个应用装置,它经常更新,但上面也会有一些现在不复存在的作品。

    Dozens of official installations and permanent works are on view . If you 're looking for street art and you need a guide , you can try the Geo Street Art app , which is regularly updated , but includes at least a few works that are now gone .

  5. 在2002年的NBA总决赛上,科比穿着之前的8号球衣跳起来隔扣麦卡洛克的镜头,被展示在街头艺术、派对装饰、视频游戏里,甚至还有人后面的发型也剃上了。

    The image of Bryant 's leaping dunk over Todd MacCulloch in the 2002 NBA Finals , wearing his former No. 8 jersey , is shown in street art , party decorations , a video game and even shaved into the back of someone 's hair .

  6. 街头艺术已成为全球视觉艺术的一部分。

    Street art has become part of a global visual culture .

  7. 涂鸦文化:街头艺术还是都市伤痕?

    Graffiti Culture : Street Art or Street Vandals ?

  8. 你曾在自己的家乡表演过街头艺术吗?

    Have you ever busked in your own hometown ?

  9. 一个情绪不稳定的大学生盯着街头艺术

    An unstable college student staring at street art .

  10. 人们对街头艺术的运动持有不同观点。

    And people have different opinions about the movement .

  11. 这门艺术大约起源于清朝,当时在北京只是一种街头艺术。

    The art form began during the Qing Dynasty in Beijing as street art .

  12. 为抗议某些大企业和企业文化,看到街头艺术。

    Some see street art as protesting the culture of big business and corporations .

  13. 街头艺术运动取决于城市活力和生命。

    The street art movement depends on the energy and life of the city .

  14. 他们也承认街头艺术是城市环境的一部分的实事。

    They also like the fact that street art stays part of the city environment .

  15. 专业城市艺术词汇,喷绘和街头艺术绘画技巧,等等。

    Urban art glossary , basic aerosol painting and street art techniques , and more .

  16. 提供街头艺术运动的准确历史并不容易。

    It is not easy to provide an exact history of the street art movement .

  17. 通常会有一条步行街,人们聚集在那里表演街头艺术,并会变得小有名气。

    There would usually be a pedestrian street where people busked and they would become quite established .

  18. 本书的街头艺术涂鸦作品可以让您不用离开你的家就可以找到你内心的街头艺术家。

    The Street Art Doodle Book enables you to find your inner street artist without leaving your home .

  19. 然而,人们认为互联网是不是看到街头艺术的生活经验的替代品。

    However , people say the Internet is not a replacement for the experience of seeing street art live .

  20. 街头艺术一直处于一种亚文化状态存在而被排斥在主流艺术之外。

    Street art has been in a " sub culture " states , is excluded outside the mainstream art .

  21. 荧光之声带来的是在音乐和街头艺术领域年轻的,原创的,才华横溢的艺术家们。

    Fluo sounds brings young , original , talented artists , in the fields of music and street art .

  22. 用我们能联想到的方式描绘出来,可以是卡通,人体彩绘,也可以是街头艺术。

    to depict it in ways that we can relate , whether it be through cartoons , body painting or street art .

  23. 18岁的时候,唐冠华受到一名艺术家朋友的影响,开始通过街头艺术和摄影来表达自己对社会问题的关切。

    At 18 , Mr. Tang was influenced by an artist friend and started expressing his societal concerns through street art and photography .

  24. 这些艺术家称,最早是在7月,柏林一个活跃于街头艺术布景圈的朋友联系到他们。

    The artists said they were first contacted in June by a friend who was active in the street art scene in Berlin .

  25. 戴润:我从没有在都柏林城表演过街头艺术,但我在我居住的郊区的某些地方表演过街头艺术。

    Darren : I 've never busked in Dublin city , but I 've busked in some of the suburbs where I 've lived .

  26. 中国大学生参与街头艺术活动,将自己打扮成关在笼里的猫和狗,藉以敦促世人更加爱护动物。

    Chinese University students participate in a street arts event dressed as caged dogs and cats , to urge people to love the animals more .

  27. 尽管无情的阶层分化仍在进行,柏林依然是街头艺术的堡垒。壁炉边的墙上挂着精美的壁画,城市里喷笔画和版画比比皆是。

    Despite relentless hypergentrification , Berlin remains a bastion of street art . Elaborate murals still decorate firewalls ; images by sprayers and stencilers pop up everywhere else .

  28. 它并不拘泥于绘画艺术,针织涂鸦、乐高甚至冰雕都可以称为街头艺术而发挥其神奇的力量。

    It can take on many forms : rather than being limited to paintings , it can work its magic in such mediums as yarn bombing , lego , and even ice sculptures .

  29. 因为在这里,它还是一种新兴的街头艺术形式,虽然警察也会抓在墙上涂鸦的人以禁止这种做法,但还不像纽约警察那样频繁。

    The reason being that because it is an emerging street art scene here the police have caught on but maybe not caught on as much as they have in New York City to stop it .

  30. 提到街头艺术,大家也许会认为这是对建筑物的一种肆意破坏。然而恰恰相反,街头艺术是一种自我表达,是对这个既深沉又疯狂的世界的一种领悟,我们从中可以得到诸多启发和思考。

    Street art , perhaps contrary to popular belief , isn 't about vandalizing buildings - it 's about self expression , and getting a message out to the world that can often be thoughtful and provoking .