
jiē xīn huā yuán
  • Street Garden;park at an intersection;garden in the city center
街心花园 [jiē xīn huā yuán]
  • (1) [parking]

  • (2) 装饰有树木、草坪或灌木丛的场所(如在公园里)

  • (3) [美国北部与西部地区]沿街旁的长条草地上有时有树

  1. 每条城市道路成为一座街心花园。

    Each road shall become a street garden .

  2. 右安街心花园是2003年建造的一个街头绿地,其无论是在植物材料应用的种类上,还是在植物配置方面都有许多可取之处。

    You'an street Garden was built in 2003 with many benefits in plant materials and design .

  3. 北京市街头绿地植物造景分析&右安街心花园

    Studies on Planting Design for Street Garden in the City of Beijing & You'an Street Garden

  4. 创建绿色空间战略。规划街心花园、市民广场、公园道路,为吉达市民提供足够的休闲空间和运动设施。

    Plan a network of pocket parks , civic squares and linear parkways that can provide adequate leisure and sporting facilities for the citizens of Jeddah .

  5. 他们对市政府广辟市民广场和修建街心花园等非常满意,而影响制约他们精神需求满足的因素有经济因素、家庭因素和充满矛盾的心理因素。

    The survey shows that aged people are very satisfied with the city 's building of civic squares and parks , but their whole satisfaction degree of mental demands is restricted by their economic and family state as well as their conflicting psychological factors .