
  • 网络street politics
  1. 要重视“街头政治”的效应

    Pay attention to the effect of " street politics "

  2. 然而欧洲经济及其单一货币的未来更可能由街头政治决定。

    But the future of the European economy and its single currency is more likely to be decided on the streets .

  3. 数字通讯打破了权力的平衡,当局的权利已让渡于街头政治,这在阿拉伯革命中可见一斑。

    Digital communications have tipped the balance of power away from the authorities towards the streets , as they did in the Arab spring ;

  4. 街头充满政治艺术和手工海报和壁画;

    streets filled with political art and handmade posters and murals ;

  5. 可是,当这位瓦科大学的大学生从学期请假仔细学习马克思,通常都是为了走向街头散发政治传单。

    But when the Wako University student takes time off from study sessions dissecting Marx to hit the street , it 's usually in order to distribute political literature .

  6. 在谈到有关他信以及在闹上街头的政治冲突中遭受迫害的其他人可能获得大赦的传言时,他表示:我希望他回到泰国。

    Referring to talk of a possible amnesty for Mr Thaksin and others prosecuted during the political clashes that have spilt on to the streets , he says : I want him to return to Thailand .

  7. 有些聪明的战士甚至用奇怪的方法作战,就像街头诈术、政治手腕和狡猾的诡计。

    Some wise warriors employ even stranger methods , like street-savvy trickery , political activism and cunning intrigue .