
jiē qū
  • block;street;neighbourhood;square;hood
街区 [jiē qū]
  • [block]∶以四条街道为边围成的地区

  • 包括整个街区的工厂

  1. 她带着狗绕街区散步。

    She took the dog for a walk around the block .

  2. 她绕着那个街区慢慢行驶,想找个停车的地方。

    She cruised around the block looking for a parking space .

  3. 他住在和警察局相隔三个街区的公寓里。

    His apartment is three blocks away from the police station .

  4. 沿着街道往北过了一个街区,我找到了一个停车场。

    A block up the street I found a parking lot .

  5. 对回到这个街区你有何感想?

    How do you feel about going back to the neighborhood ?

  6. 第一天他勉强绕着整个街区跑了下来。

    He could scarcely jog around the block that first day .

  7. 离我们学校两个街区远的地方有个男孩们玩橄榄球的球场。

    Two blocks beyond our school was a field where boys played football

  8. 在洛杉矶,一个叫做沃茨的街区爆发了动乱。

    In Los Angeles , the neighborhood known as Watts erupted into riots

  9. 我们的路线沿着太平洋海岸,途经人口稠密的街区。

    Our route follows the Pacific coast through densely populated neighbourhoods

  10. 整座整座的街区都变成了一堆冒着青烟的瓦砾。

    Whole blocks had been turned into smouldering rubble .

  11. 几乎每个街区都有露天咖啡馆。

    There were outdoor cafes on almost every block .

  12. 欧内斯特·布朗住在离骚乱发生处几个街区远的地方。

    Ernest Brown lives about a dozen blocks from where the riots began .

  13. 他开出两个街区后才打开车头灯。

    He didn 't flip on the headlights until he was two blocks away

  14. 他们的街区正被科罗拉多河上涨的河水淹没。

    Their neighborhood is being inundated by the rising waters of the Colorado River .

  15. 这个街区确实在走向败落。

    The neighbourhood really is going to pot .

  16. 他带着两箱工具跑过最后一个街区到达白宫。

    He ran the last block to the White House with two cases of gear

  17. 他绕着这个街区转了3圈。

    He walked around the block three times .

  18. 整个街区都在进行装修。

    The whole block is being fixed up .

  19. 她沿着商业大街走了4个街区。

    She walked four blocks down High Street

  20. 由于今天的示威游行,警方封锁了旧金山一条主干道上大约12个街区。

    Police closed off about 12 blocks of a major San Francisco thoroughfare for today 's march

  21. 同曼哈顿的许多地区一样,当地街区正逐渐贵族化。

    The local neighbourhood , like so many areas of Manhattan , is gradually being gentrified .

  22. 成群结队的政府军士兵、反叛分子和彻头彻尾的犯罪分子一直在一些街区游荡。

    Bands of government soldiers , rebels and just plain criminals have been roaming some neighborhoods .

  23. 城里的其他街区为食客们提供了中国菜、葡式菜、希腊菜等多种选择。

    Other neighbourhoods in the city offer foodies a choice of Chinese , Portuguese or Greek food .

  24. 显然,在这个街区你可能会因为一包香烟而遭人杀害。这个事实我不是没注意到。

    This was a neighborhood where clearly you could be murdered for a pack of cigarettes , a fact that was not lost on me .

  25. 他是在莫斯科一个清静的街区里长大的。

    He grew up in a quiet neighborhood of Moscow .

  26. 他们生活在一个和睦的街区。

    They live in a friendly neighbourhood .

  27. 这幢大楼占了整整一个街区。

    The building occupies an entire city block .

  28. 要去百货商店,请向北走两个街区,再向左转。

    To reach the Department store , walk two blocks north and then turn left .

  29. 那伙流氓强迫在该街区开店的老板们每周各捐出6美元。

    The gang forced all the storekeepers on the block to kick over $ 6 a week .

  30. 到了15岁时,他已经成为西尔万·贝利的学徒了。西尔万·贝利是巴黎最时尚的街区之一的一家很成功的面包店的著名甜点师。

    By age 15 , he had become an apprentice to Sylvain Bailly , a well-known dessert chef with a successful bakery in one of Paris 's most fashionable neighborhoods .