
  • Peninsula Hotel;The Peninsula Hong Kong
  1. 为了接受这次采访,史泰龙穿得无可挑剔,走进同样无可挑剔的五星级半岛酒店(PeninsulaHotel)。和往常一样,他的脸看起来像是用花岗岩雕刻出来的。

    For this interview Mr. Stallone , sartorially impeccable , his face looking as hewn from granite as ever , went to the five-star Peninsula Hotel .

  2. 镇上的每个人似乎都在谈论半岛酒店里那个叫上海露台(ShanghaiTerrace)的餐厅里新来的厨师凯文•苏(CalvinSoh)。

    Everyone in town seemed to be talking about Calvin Soh , new chef at Shanghai Terrace in the Peninsula hotel .

  3. 不久前,大楼重新开业,这次的新主人是巴黎半岛酒店(PeninsulaParis),它是总部位于香港的集团在欧洲开业的首家酒店。

    Last month , the building reopened as the Peninsula Paris , the Hong Kong-based hotel group 's first venue in Europe .

  4. 1989年开业的半岛酒店(ThePeninsula)是第一批进驻北京的高档国际酒店之一。

    The Peninsula , which opened in 1989 , was one of the first upscale international hotels to come to Beijing .

  5. 然而,半岛酒店(PeninsulaHotels)和香格里拉酒店集团(Shangri-LaHotelsandResorts)等总部位于香港的酒店集团,通常都持有相关项目的部分股权。

    Hong Kong-based hotel groups such as Peninsula Hotels and Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts , however , do typically hold equity stakes in their projects .

  6. 自2010年以来,离半岛酒店只有咫尺之距、位于凯旋门(ArcdeTriomphe)附近的另外两家五星级酒店又相继开业。

    Within a relatively small radius of the Peninsula , near the Arc de Triomphe , two other new five-star hotels have opened since 2010 .

  7. 通过PointsHound预订房间,每晚通常能获得6000点航空公司积分或自选奖励计划(也有些例外:前不久我搜索时发现,在纽约半岛酒店[PeninsulaNewYork]住一晚能获得美国航空公司16100英里的免费飞行里程)。

    When you reserve a room through PointsHound , you can generally earn up to 6000 points a night in the airline or rewards program of your choice ( there are exceptions : A recent search turned up a one-night stay at the Peninsula New York that would earn 16100 miles on American Airlines ) .

  8. 此外,半岛酒店(PeninsulaHotels)、喜达屋宾馆及度假酒店国际集团(StarwoodHotels&ResortsWorldwideInc.)旗下的豪华酒店瑞吉(St.Regis)也在新建酒店或翻新现有酒店时增加套房的数量。

    Peninsula Hotels and Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide Inc. 's luxury St. Regis brand are upping the number of suites as they build new hotels and renovate existing ones .

  9. 本周,在贝弗利山庄(BeverlyHills)半岛酒店(PeninsulaHotel)喝咖啡时,于冬提到了一些规模小于国有的中国电影集团(ChinaFilmGroup)的电影公司,这些公司也希望能在世界舞台上有所作为,数目还越来越多。

    Mr. Yu , who spoke over coffee at the Peninsula Hotel in Beverly Hills this week , referred to a growing group of film companies that are smaller than the giant state-owned China Film Group , but share ambitions to play on the world stage .

  10. 半岛酒店总经理尼古拉•贝利亚德(NicolasBéliard)对我说:“我们认为因特网是必备的基本服务”。

    As Nicolas B é liard , the Peninsula 's general manager , told me , " We consider internet to be a basic and necessary service for our guests . "

  11. 多媒体制片公司伊莱克图斯(Electus)的总裁本·席尔瓦曼(BenSilverman)回忆五年前曾与韦恩斯坦在贝弗利山庄的半岛酒店屋顶花园共进午餐,两人聊起公共版权领域内一些能吸引跨文化观众兴趣的精彩故事。

    Ben Silverman , chairman of the multimedia studio Electus , recalled having lunch with Mr. Weinstein about five years ago at the rooftop garden of the Peninsula Hotel in Beverly Hills , talking about great stories in the public domain that would intrigue viewers across cultures .

  12. Lili是半岛酒店内的正宗粤菜馆,无论是在时间还是空间都实现了大胆跳跃——时间恍如感觉回到了上世纪20年代,空间则仿佛置身于京剧中的某个场景,显得既夸张又不同寻常。

    Lili , the Peninsula 's signature Cantonese restaurant , is a daring leap in time and space - back to an era that feels somewhere close to the 1920s and to a place that looks something like a Chinese opera . It is theatrical and different .

  13. 上海外滩半岛酒店消防给水系统设计

    Design of Fire Water Supply System for Shanghai Bund Peninsula Hotel

  14. 咱们去半岛酒店吃生蚝吧。

    Let 's go to the peninsula and get some oysters .

  15. 开幕式之后,阿尔诺在半岛酒店举行了盛大的晚宴。

    After the opening there is a very grand dinner at the peninsula .

  16. 我们乘坐劳斯莱斯轿车抵达半岛酒店。

    The rolls takes us to the peninsula hotel .

  17. 半岛酒店的第二大亮点是提供操控一切的平板电脑。

    The Peninsula 's second coup is a tablet that allows you to control everything .

  18. 雍容华贵的香港半岛酒店

    Elegant and Graceful Peninsula Hotel , Hongkong

  19. 半岛酒店的奢华与精致

    Luxury and Delicacy of Hemisphere Hotel

  20. 半岛酒店本来要请他当行政主厨

    Peninsula offered him executive chef .

  21. 就新酒店而言,拥有200间客房及豪华套房的半岛酒店已设立了标准。

    Of the new guard , the Peninsula , with its 200 rooms and suites sets the standard .

  22. 而即将隆重启业的半岛酒店则无可争议地坐拥最佳地理位置。

    The latest to spring up is the Peninsula , a hotel with arguably the best location of all .

  23. 而巴黎半岛酒店将有客房和套房共200间,价位从1095欧罗到25000欧罗一晚。

    The Peninsula Paris will have 200 rooms and suites , at prices ranging from EUR1095 to EUR25000 a night .

  24. 外滩的一个新景是有着235间客房的、典雅的半岛酒店,酒店是仿照翻修的古老建筑设计的。

    A new addition to the Bund , designed to look like a restored old building , is the elegant 235-room Peninsula Hotel .

  25. 半岛酒店是东方名珠。在其富丽堂皇的门厅中,每天下午三时有茶点供应。

    The Peninsula is the grande dame of the East , where tea is served in its ornate lobby each afternoon at 3 .

  26. 半岛酒店的界面既简洁、好看又实用,由集团位于香港的技术团队亲自设计。

    The Peninsula 's interface , designed by the group 's own technology team in Hong Kong , is simple , attractive and functional .

  27. 半岛酒店用橡木板装饰墙面的酒吧以及其大厅与舞厅里富丽堂皇的石雕作品与模制品都是明证。

    The oak-panelled walls of the Peninsula 's bar and the magnificent stone work and mouldings of its lobby and ballroom are a case in point .

  28. 但是,半岛酒店的恢宏大气让人印象深刻,而传统红色遮阳蓬与种满天竺葵的花盆点缀的雅典娜广场酒店则让人想入非非。

    But while the Peninsula 's grand scale impresses , the Plaza Ath é n é e , with its classic red awnings and geranium-filled flower boxes , seduces .

  29. 楼群离半岛酒店咫尺之遥,客房的价钱比半岛酒店最普通的房间便宜近30倍。

    The complex is a stone 's throw away from the Peninsula Hotel and its guesthouses are close to 30 times cheaper than that hotel 's most modest rooms .

  30. 这不由得让人想入非非:尽善尽美的酒店应该兼具雅典娜广场酒店的柔美以及巴黎半岛酒店的阳刚。

    It is tempting to think that hotel perfection would be the love child of the Plaza Ath é n é e 's femininity and the Peninsula Paris 's masculinity .