
bàn gōng bàn dú
  • work-study program;part work, part study;part work,part study
半工半读 [bàn gōng bàn dú]
  • (1) [part work,part study]∶一面生产劳动,一面上学读书

  • (2) [work-study programme] ∶一面劳动一面学习的个人学习方案

半工半读[bàn gōng bàn dú]
  1. 在这里学外语,学费比您想象的低得多&如果您愿意半工半读,说不定您还能挣上一笔钱;

    Learn a foreign language here , school fees'icing lower than what you imagine have to be many-if you would like to part work , part study , perhaps you return ability the make previous money ;

  2. 半工半读常常很艰难。

    It was often hard to work and do the course at the same time

  3. 总之我上了大学,半工半读,自食其力。

    I went to college anyway , as a part-time student , paying my own way

  4. 我爸爸花了三年时间半工半读,上完了大学。

    My father spent three years working his way through college .

  5. 她在奥斯庞企业半工半读。

    She does work-study at Oscorp .

  6. 它的商学院的半工半读项目符合三个最重要的R:严格(rigorous),紧跟时代(relevant)以及现实(real-world)。

    The school 's work-study program hits the all-important three Rs : rigorous , relevant , and real-world .

  7. 于是我半工半读,找了一份工作。

    I accepted a job as portion of a work-study program .

  8. 1916年入上海复旦大学法文系半工半读,并自修素描。

    In1916 the fudan university in Shanghai in repentance and sketch .

  9. 我曾参加过一个员工管理培训课程,我们班上基本上都是成年人和一些半工半读的学生。

    My personnel-management class consisted mainly of adult , working students .

  10. 职业教育半工半读及其制度的解读

    Interpretations of the " Part-work and Part-study " in Vocational Education

  11. 职业学校开展半工半读实践现状的调查与分析

    The Current Practice of Work-study in Vocational Schools : Survey and Analysis

  12. 在大学入学生中,半工半读的学生占了相当大的比例。

    Part-time students make up a sizeable proportion of the college population .

  13. 许多学生在第二个学期安排实习或半工半读。

    Many students arrange internships or work-study placements during the second trimester .

  14. 她须半工半读学习法律。

    She had to work her way through law school .

  15. 他通过半工半读上完了大学。

    He got through college by working part time .

  16. 他半工半读念大学。

    He is working his way through college .

  17. 大毛读大学一直半工半读自己解决生计,不会问我要零花钱了。

    Oge university work-study their own solutions to their livelihood has not asked me to pocket the .

  18. 她就是那样在斯坦福大学半工半读,并获得了一个中世纪历史方面的学位。

    That 's how she worked her way through Stanford and got a degree in medieval history .

  19. 我是半工半读完成大学学业的,因此大学对我来说特别有价值。

    I worked my way through college , and that made college seem more valuable to me .

  20. 半工半读的学习方式是在学院的全时学习期间中断数次,以便在雇主处全时工作。

    Sandwich study is full-time work at a college interrupted by periods of fulltime work with an employer .

  21. 两岁失去了父亲,之后他做了运河船工,并半工半读。

    Fatherless at two , he later drove canal boat teams , somehow earning enough money for an education .

  22. 就高等教育来说,大专院校是一条腿,各种半工半读的和业余的大学是一条腿,两条腿走路。

    In higher education , colleges and universities constitute one leg , while work-study universities and spare-time universities constitute the other .

  23. 一名刚毕业的法学生在英国以实习律师身份,在德国以见习法官身份半工半读两年。

    A recent graduate spends two years combining work and study as a trainee solicitor in England and Referendar in Germany .

  24. 工学结合、半工半读中的教学管理机制与策略研究

    Study on Teaching Management Mechanism and Strategies in the Model of Combination of Working with Learning and Part-time Working with Part-time Learning

  25. 若想半工半读,酒吧、咖啡店和零售商店的兼职工作通常是学生们的不二选择。

    To earn extra money while studying , students often pick up part-time jobs at bars , cafes or in retail shops .

  26. 青少年可以通过限制工作时间的办法既享受半工半读的好处又避开其负面影响。

    Teenagers can enjoy the benefits of part-time work while avoiding its drawbacks simply by limiting their work hours during the school years .

  27. 实践性强的职业学习是中国少数民族教育的另一个特色,建立了一批半工半读学校。

    Practical vocational study is another characteristic of education for China 's minority people . There are quite a few part-work and part-study schools .

  28. 教育部也提出了新形势下开展半工半读试点工作、逐步建立和完善半工半读制度的任务和要求。

    Under the new situation , Ministry of Education also made the new policy of establish work-study job , and gradually improve the work-study system mission and requirements .

  29. 随着我国中等职业教育“半工半读”制度的逐步试点、建立和完善,职业院校人才培养模式将发生根本性转变。

    As China 's secondary vocational education " work-study " step-by-step system of the pilot , the establishment and improvement of vocational training institutions model will be a fundamental change .

  30. 有些学员已经在半工半读,不断积累和运用着学到的管理、社交和技术知识。

    Several apprentices already had part-time jobs while they were in the program , and they continue to apply the lessons learned about management , social interaction , and technology .