
  • 网络half-graben;half graben;semi-graben
  1. 进入新生代后,形成了一个受NNE、NE向断层控制的半地堑式复合盆地,叠置于中生代盆地之上。

    And it was a half-graben composite basin controlled by NNE and NE faults and superposed on the Mesozoic basin .

  2. 中白垩世孙宗湾组的沉陷进一步向东侧移,形成了以F1断层为盆缘断层的半地堑;

    The subsidence of Sunjiawan episode in Middle Cretaceous are further transferred eastward , and the half-graben defined by the fault F1 was formed .

  3. 铁法盆地属于晚中生代的NNE向半地堑煤盆地,北西西系是其主要的成盆期构造。

    Tiefa basin is a late Mesozoic NNE-trending half graben coal-bearing basin , and the NWW structural system is the most important synbasinal structure .

  4. 后者受控于NW-SE向的拉伸应力场,形成了由NE向的断裂系统控制的半地堑式断陷盆地。

    While the latter was controlled by NW-SE trending extensional tectonic stress field , forming half graben bounded by NE trending fault system .

  5. 隆起周缘具半地堑结构的凹陷是良好的油气聚集带之一。

    The half-graben around the dome was better place for oil-gas migration .

  6. 大多数地堑和半地堑是由深度近水平的拆离正断层控制的。

    Extensional basin includes mainly graben and half-graben controlled by low detachment .

  7. 半地堑反转构造的砂箱实验模拟

    Sandbox experimental modeling on the inversion tectonics of half-graben

  8. 东北段处在扩张前以裂陷为主的地堑或半地堑阶段;

    The northern part is in a pre-spreading stage-graben or half-graben which fractures and depresses mainly ;

  9. 在布兰斯菲尔德海峡西北部,基底发生了断裂,基底断块沿断面下滑,因而在海峡中部形成基底半地堑。

    The basement was faulted into a half graben faulting in northwest side of the Bransfield trough .

  10. 盆地结构一般呈地堑一地垒式或半地堑一半地垒式,边缘受正断层(生长断层)控制。

    Controlled by normal faults ( growth faults ), they assume the general character of graben-horst or semigraben-semihorst .

  11. 普通意义上的“裂谷”、裂陷盆地实际上大部分是一系列半地堑以不同方式联结而成。

    Most of the rifts and faulted basins , in common sense , are series of halfgrabens connected in different ways .

  12. 裂谷盆地半地堑边界正断层的生长可以划分为两种模式:断层简单生长模式和断层生长连锁模式。

    The propagation and growth of boundary faults can be divided into 2 types : simple fault propagation pattern and fault growth-linkage pattern .

  13. 桦甸盆地位于敦密断裂带主干断裂的北侧,是一个半地堑式盆地。

    The Huadian basin situated in southern Jilin Province of NE China is a half-graben basin and lies to north of the Dunhua-Mishan faults .

  14. 此文证明了半地堑理论的实用性与优越性,是盆地分析工作中的一种新思路、新方法。

    This paper proves the practicality and advantages of the half-graben theory which is a new thinking and a new method in basin analyses .

  15. 拉伸盆地主要为正断层半地堑系,其横剖面一般具有特定方向的不对称性。

    Extensional basins are dominated by normal fault half-graben system , and there is an asymmetry in specific sense on any section across the basin .

  16. 在十分广阔的盆地中,大陆边缘主要过程是受巨大冷却板块的向下拖曳,并产生类似半地堑的假象。

    In very wide basins the down-drag of the enormous cooling floor dominates processes at the continental margin and produces the deceptive similarities to half-grabens .

  17. 古新世一始新世时,这些地堑、半地堑接受了陆相沉积,它们构成南海诸沉积盆地的下构造层。

    Paleocene - Eocene terrigenous deposits , deposited in grabens and half-grabens , constituted the lower tectonic layer of the sedimentary basins of South China Sea .

  18. 裂谷期前火山岩近水平展布于基底之上,裂谷期沉积则分布于半地堑内,两者属于不同构造层。

    Pre-rift volcanic rocks are distributed subhorizon-tally on the basement , while the sediments of the rifting stages are distributed in the semi - graben , both belonging to different tectonic layers .

  19. 根据断层的上下盘施力方式的不同设计了两组实验,以探讨在刚性边界条件下的半地堑反转构造的变形特点。

    Two groups of experiments are designed to initiate a detailed study of the deformation characteristics of the inversion structures in rigid conditions based on the force mechanism for the upside and downside blocks of the faults .

  20. 燕山期Ⅲ幕区域应力转入拉张体制断陷而成地堑、半地堑式箕状盆地,呈北东东向延伸。

    The graben and semi - graben in the shape of a dust-pan are caused by regional stress , converted later to pull-tension system , during the episode ⅲ of Yanshan period , its stretching direction being northeast by east .

  21. 在不同构造层次形成了变形特征有别的构造,中浅层伸展构造的基本要素是断陷盆地边界主断裂,基本结构单元是半地堑和半地垒,横向上呈多米诺型垒-堑构造。

    The key element of tensional structure at moderate to shallow burial is the major fault at the margin of fault-depression basin , and the essential component half-graben and half-horst , these structures appear as Domino-type horst-graben on side view .

  22. 断陷构造层总体为西断东超的不对称箕状断陷,但盆地深层的结构特征比较复杂,发育有数个小型半地堑式断陷。

    The general character of the fault-depression is an asymmetric dustpan-like depression , with faulting in the west and overlying in the east . But the deep structure is very complicated where the multiple small scale half-graben fault-depressions were developed . 2 .