
jiē mínɡ
  • street name
  1. 当天晚上戴夫所在城市的邮局工作人员把这些信件按照街名分类。

    Wednesday night people in Dave 's town sorted the letters by street name .

  2. 为什么街名为“四方”?

    Why the street has a name of " Sifang "?

  3. 禁止用党的领导者的名字作地名、街名和企业的名字。

    Naming places , streets and enterprises after Party leaders is forbidden .

  4. 你现在在哪里?把街名念出来。

    Where are we now ? Call it out .

  5. 街名的构成方式及其拼写

    On Formation and Spelling Modes of Street Names

  6. 这条街的街名是什么?

    What 's the name of this street ?

  7. 中国城市街名政治色彩刍议

    A Preliminary Study on Political Street-Name in China

  8. 我们用巴黎的街名,象火炬一样,为读者照亮了冉阿让在巴黎地下的路线。但冉阿让却没有这个火炬。

    This torch of the names of the streets of Paris , with which we are illuminating for the reader Jean Valjean 's subterranean march , Jean Valjean himself did not possess .

  9. 以大连街道名称为例,从地理学和语言学的角度分析了街名的构成方式,讨论了街名的拼写问题,并对新街名的命名提出建议。

    This essay , taking the street names of Dalian as examples , firstly analyzes the formation modes of street names from the perspectives of geography and linguistics , then discusses the spelling problems of them ; and finally comes up with some suggestions for naming the future newly-built streets .

  10. 她是华尔街一名业绩斐然的经纪人。

    She 's a hotshot broker on Wall Street .

  11. 美联社援引布鲁克林唐人街一名上班族的话称:我们几周前刚讨论过这个问题。

    We just had this discussion a few weeks ago . What exactly is it ? AP quoted a worker in Brooklyn Chinatown as saying .

  12. 方法采用整群抽样,逐一登记调查方法,对广州市东山区白云街4015名老年人进行健康调查。

    Methods A health status survey was carried out on4015 elders , who live in Baiyun Street , Dongshan District of Guangzhou , by using Cluster sampling , and one by one registered survey .

  13. 罗伯特·W·塞登(RobertW.Seiden)是华尔街的一名赏金猎人。

    Robert W. Seiden is a Wall Street bounty hunter .

  14. 2008年,卡特格里芬(katgriffin)还是华尔街的一名全职诉讼律师,业余时间喜欢追逐时尚。

    In 2008 , Kat Griffin was a full-time Wall Street litigator with a part-time interest in following fashion .

  15. 基斯提街有两名蛇头。

    Two brothers on Christie Street bring in illegals .

  16. 稍远一点,和蒙德都相接的陀螺街这个街名则更好地表达这弯曲形象。

    A little further on , they are found still better expressed by the Rue Pirouette , which ran into the Rue Mondetour .

  17. 三条古道经实地履勘且记錄现存古道的路、街、巷名,作为古道保存或后续研究的參考。

    The streets'and lanes'name of identified old paths were recorded during the field work for the purpose in old path conservation as well as for further researches .

  18. 你在南京路步行街遇到一名外国游客,他请你告诉他去上海博物馆的路。

    You at Nanking road the on foot street meet a foreign visitor , he asks the road that you tell him to go to museum in Shanghai .

  19. 迈克尔·奥辛斯基曾经是华尔街的一名计算机工程师,他设计的软件曾让多家银行濒临倒闭。如今,他已经对金融界的风风雨雨感到厌倦。

    Michael Osinski , a former Wall Street computer programmer whose fancy software helped bring the banks to near collapse , says he is dismayed at the financial whirlwind .

  20. 华尔街的一名高管称:我们希望美联储在货币政策和(银行业)监管政策上保持独立,在这两方面都不要受制于政治压力。

    We want the Fed to be independent on monetary and [ banking ] oversight policy and not subject to political pressure either way , said one senior Wall Street official .

  21. 英国保险公司比格街对1000名70岁以上的老人进行的调查显示,爱情比金钱和物质更重要。

    The findings , from a poll of 1,000 people aged 70 and over by the insurance firm Beagle Street , show that loving relationships are more important than money or material gain .

  22. 最近,美国的一位私人收藏家在英国伦敦新邦迪街一家名为惠特菲尔德珍品艺术的店中发现了这副画,并断定它是萨托的作品。

    It remained in a collection in New England until it was recently bought by an American collector , who thought it was by Andrea and consulted Clovis Whitfield , who runs Whitfield Fine Art .

  23. 而在我内心深处感觉得到这是错误的,内向的人们都是非常优秀的,确实是这样。但是许多年来我都否认了这种直觉,于是我首先成为了华尔街的一名律师,

    And I always sensed deep down that this was wrong and that introverts were pretty excellent just as they were . But for years I denied this intuition , and so I became a Wall Street lawyer ,

  24. 我对面的街上有几名警官在站岗。

    Across the street from me there are a couple of police officers standing guard

  25. 高盛的竞争对手、另一家华尔街银行的一名董事说:这是对高盛的致命打击。

    One director of a rival Wall Street bank said : This is a mortal blow for Goldman .

  26. 走在哈莱姆区的街上看到一名长得像她的驻联合国大使她会作何感想不要低估了你们以身作则的力量

    Walking in Harlem right down the street when she sees a U.N. ambassador who looks like her Do not underestimate the power of your example .

  27. 我的一位英国朋友说,多年前在伊朗伊斯法罕的街上,一名留着胡须的学生走到他面前问道:你来自英国?

    A British friend of mine reports a bearded student approaching him on the street in Isfahan , Iran , years ago and asking : You are from England ?

  28. 等到最后他起身走开时,我早已陷入昏迷状态,什么卡门敦大街、威尔土亲王路以及不列颠街等等之类街名在我的脑海中不断。

    By the time he rose to go I was in a coma with words like Camden high street , Prince of Wales road and Britannia jostling each other in my brain .

  29. 凯里从2009年开始担任福克斯的二把手,备受华尔街推崇。一名知情人士表示,他在接班人计划中扮演不可或缺的角色。

    Mr. Carey , who has worked as the second-highest executive at Fox since 2009 and is widely respected on Wall Street , played an integral role in the succession plans , one person said .

  30. 基于消费需求特性的城市商业街功能规划&以湖南路商业街为例罗彻斯特街(伦敦一街名)

    The Functional Planning of Urban Commercial Street Based on Consumption Demand Characteristics : A Case Study of the Commercial Street of Hunan Road ;