
  • 网络Beijing Tongrentang;TRT;tongrentang.com;MIRAHI
  1. 本文最后用北京同仁堂这家老字号作为案例,对企业如何实现长寿进行了实证考察。

    At last , we use the operation of Beijing " Tong Ren Tang " company as an example to make a demonstration analysis to corporate longevity .

  2. 东阿阿胶股份有限公司与北京同仁堂集团,都是既拥有辉煌历史、又能在新形势下实现现代化发展的中医药龙头企业。

    Shandong Dong-E-E-Jiao Corporation and Beijing Tongrentang , both are the leading companies of Chinese medicine industry , which have a great history and big achievements in the new situation .

  3. 北京同仁堂凭借供奉御药的独特历史资源,发挥集团化优势,实施多元化品牌战略,是中医药产业的旗帜和领军者。

    With the historical resources of supplying royal drugs , Beijing Tongrentang use the collectivize advantage , follow the strategy of market diversification , has become the landmark of Chinese medicine industry .