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  1. 信中还提到北掸邦军与缅军是并肩作战对付反仰光的叛军蒙泰军(MTA)。

    The letter also mentioned the group 's past clashes against the anti-Rangoon Mong Tai Army ( MTA ) on the side of the Burma Army .

  2. 北掸邦军分裂成两派?

    Ceasefire Shan Army to split into two factions ?

  3. 北掸邦军第一旅的单位遭缅军突然袭击。

    A unit of the SSA North 's First Brigade attacked without provocation .

  4. 除了北掸邦军以外,民族武装基地都是设于中缅边界沿线。

    Apart from the Shan State Army " North ," all are based along the Sino-Burma border .

  5. 不过,迄今为止,这两家民族武装都不愿意回应军政对北掸邦军的军事行动。

    However , both are reluctant to respond to the junta 's military action against the SSA-N so far .

  6. 佤联军代表团由苏拜迪率领,北掸邦军第一旅代表团由首席行政官赛发率领。

    The Wa group was led by Sao Peti and the First Brigade group by Chief Administrative Officer Lt-Colonel Hsai Fa .

  7. 作为回应,佤联军,勐腊军,北掸邦军的第一旅,克钦独立组织就此组成军事同盟。

    In response , the UWSA , NDAA , SSA-N1st Brigade and Kachin Independence Organisation ( KIO ) have entered a military alliance .

  8. 北掸邦军和南掸邦军在掸邦孟密地区联合与缅军交战,这是两军第一次联合作战。

    Shan State Army ( SSA ) North and SSA South join hands for the first time fighting against the Burma Army in Mongmit .

  9. 中国边境附近的军事分析家说,目前缅军与北掸邦军发生之间的战斗,恰好测试上个月成立的‘民族团结联邦委员会’攻守同盟组织。

    Military analysts near the China border said the current fighting between the Burmese Army and SSA-N will test the UNFC , which formed in last month .

  10. 此举将可能意味着缅军官员将控制该旅日常指挥,从而推翻北掸邦军高级官员的为所做决定的辩护理由。

    Such a move would likely mean that Burmese officials would assume the running of the brigades , thus undermining the senior official 's defense of the group 's decision .

  11. 北掸邦军官员认为这个事实表明缅军将不会干预其决策的基础。这是因为北掸邦军主动同意改编。

    The SSA official cited this fact-that there would be no Burmese intervention-as the basis for its decision , saying that it was only because of this that the group had agreed to transform .

  12. 与此同时,北掸邦军一旅驻当阳联络处已经为军政府无理关闭,指标据总部设在前来,给关闭,据当地一家来源。

    At the same time , the liaison office of the SSA 's First Brigade based in Tangyan was reportedly closed by military junta , giving no reason for the closure , according to a local source .