
  1. 2003年参加第五届全国烹饪技术大赛果蔬雕刻北京赛区荣获金奖第一名。

    In2003 to participate in the Fifth National Fruit and Vegetable Carving Competition cooking Beijing won the gold medal for the first division .

  2. 2006年全国第二届律师电视辩论大赛北京赛区最佳辩手,第六届中国律师论坛北京辩论队成员。

    In2006 , he won the honor of " Best Debater " of Beijing competition area in the Second National Lawyer TV Debate Competition and became a member of the Beijing debate team of The Sixth Lawyer Forum .

  3. 天津赛区的比赛刚刚落下帷幕,北京分赛区地角逐又在中央电视台的演播室中开始了。

    As soon as the curtain falls in Tianjin , the competition in Beijing will be aired in the CCTV studio .

  4. 春天的北京一派欣欣向荣的景象,早晨8点,呼吸着清新的空气,参加第四届“希望之星”英语风采大赛北京赛区决赛的选手们满怀信心地走进了赛场。

    Beijing in spring is full of vigor.At8 o'clock in the morning , breathing fresh air , the contestants of the4th Star of Outlook English Talent Competition Beijing final confidently go to the arena .