
  1. 如果你已经在那里,我为你喝彩。

    If you are already there , I applaud you .

  2. “赏识教育”:为你喝彩!

    " Appreciation education ": Acclaim for you !

  3. 全世界都会为你喝彩。

    And the whole world will applaud you .

  4. 我只想为你喝彩

    and I just wanted to applaud .

  5. 你唱的只是一出烦人的独角戏,没有人再为你喝彩鼓掌。

    And don 't expect for applause , what waits for you is only hooting and hurting .

  6. 好的你不需要知道这些但是我也为你喝彩

    Okay , you didn 't need to hear that . But I also cheer for you .

  7. 我们作为手段杀害婴儿的节育、社会进步为你喝彩。

    We murder our babies as a means of birth control , and society applauds it as progress .

  8. 如果没有,那就请继续跳舞,坚守你的岗位,我依然为你喝彩:欧嘞!

    And if not , do your dance anyhow . And " Ol é ! " to you , nonetheless .

  9. 你要么永远留在边缘,把书投给从未听说过你名字的编辑,期待那些你从来不欣赏的作者出来为你喝彩。

    Either you remain forever on the margins , pitching books to editors who have never heard your name , hoping for plaudits from authors whose own work you have never praised .

  10. 你成功时第一个为你喝彩,你失败时默默将你拥在怀里的人,我确信,当我为你付出的时候,我的内心是快乐的,这就足够了!

    When you succeed the first cheering for you , you fail silently over your arms at the people , I am convinced that , when I pay for you when my heart is happy , which is enough !

  11. 当事情进展顺利时,他们会为你的成就喝彩,而当你筋疲力尽时,他们的鼓励能让你重新燃起热情,继续前行。

    Ask friends to aid When things are going well , your friends can applaud your accomplishments , but when you run out of steam , their cheers will re-establish your enthusiasm and help you head on .

  12. 当你在看台上为你喜爱的队伍喝彩时,你知道运动员要克服多大的困难吗?

    When you are cheering for your favourite team on the bleacher , do you understand the difficulties the players have been through ?