
wèi nín fú wù
  • serve you
  1. 他们已准备好为您服务、给您完美的就餐体验了。

    They are ready to serve you and make sure that your dining experience is perfect .

  2. 往e时尚全体员工将竭诚为您服务!

    E fashion to all the staff will be happy to serve you !

  3. 我们很高兴能有荣幸为您服务,谢谢你飞亚洲航空X的。

    Thank you for flying Air Asia X.We are pleased to have the privilege to serve you .

  4. 早安.这里是src国际公司.有什么我可以为您服务?

    Good morning . SRC international . How may I help you ?

  5. HY集团将竭诚为您服务!

    The HY group will serve wholeheartedly for you !

  6. 那天,电话另一头那位女士的应答是:查号台,米歇尔(Michelle)为您服务。

    On that particular day , the woman at the other end answered the phone with : Directories , Michelle speaking .

  7. 非常感谢您搭乘XX航空公司的班机,并希望很快能再次为您服务。

    Once again , we would like to thank you for flying with XX Airlines and hope to serve you again soon .

  8. 我们在MSDN网站反馈论坛期待着听取您更多关于如何使MSDN更好的为您服务的意见。

    Please check out the MSDN Site Feedback Forum for additional information and discussions .

  9. 那天,电话另一头那位女士的应答是:“查号台,米歇尔(Michelle)为您服务。”

    On that particular day , the woman at the other end answered the phone with : " Directories , Michelle speaking . "

  10. 我们的团队将通过邮件,线上聊天或者qq为您服务,解答您有关金币订单或者其他任何的相关问题。

    Our team is at your service via email , live chat or QQ to answer all of your questions concerning your wow gold orders or any other concern .

  11. 即使目前不需要这种灵活性,或无法想像怎么可能使用所有这些不同格式,但是当您的需要变得更高级时,JAXP已经准备好为您服务了。

    Even if you don 't need this sort of flexibility now or can 't imagine how you might ever use all these various formats JAXP is ready for you when your needs become more advanced .

  12. 开车时又累又饿怎么办?这个功能绝对是很多驾驶员的福音。通用汽车的安吉星(OnStar)系统增加了一个叫做“为您服务”(AtYourService)的新项目,接通之后,一名人工助手会帮你购物甚至预订酒店。

    This is one that sounds perfect for people who get tired and hungry when they 're driving : GM 's OnStar system is adding a new program called " AtYourService , " in which a human assistant helps with shopping and can even book hotel reservations .

  13. 我们将一如继往为您服务!

    We will always service you well as time goes by !

  14. 前台:皇家酒店,我能为您服务吗?

    Front Desk : Royal Hotel , can I help you ?

  15. 我们希望还有为您服务的机会。

    We hope we 'll have another opportunity of serving you .

  16. 请不必客气,我很高兴能为您服务。

    You are welcome . I 'm pleased to serve you .

  17. 我们也很荣幸能为您服务。

    And we 're honored to serve under you , too .

  18. 用我们完善的服务网络更好的为您服务。

    We can serve our customers better with our complete network !

  19. 先生,我一会儿就过来为您服务。

    I 'll be with you in a moment , sir .

  20. 欢迎您的垂顾,我们将竭诚为您服务!

    You are welcome to , we will serve you faithfully !

  21. 这里是帕金森机床,有什么需要为您服务的吗?

    Man : Parkinson Machine Tools . Can I help you ?

  22. 我们渴望为您服务。

    We are anxious to be able to serve you .

  23. 感谢您对我们的诚挚信任,给予我们为您服务的机会

    Thanks for your trust and giving us the cooperating opportunity

  24. 详细参数请咨询,真诚为您服务!

    Detail parameters please consulting , sincere service for you !

  25. 欢迎来电来函洽谈,我们很高兴为您服务。

    Welcome to contact us , we are pleased to serve you .

  26. 期望与你携手合作,并期待着为您服务。

    Hope to cooperate with you and look forward to serving you .

  27. “全过程,无忧虑为您服务”是我们的服务理念。

    Whole process , service without worry'is our service idea .

  28. 职员:营业的时间内我们都为您服务。

    Clerk : We 're at your service at any business time .

  29. 我们的周到服务:365天,天天为您服务!

    Our attentive service : 365 days , every day for you !

  30. 请留下您的讯息,我们将尽快为您服务。

    Please leave your message and we will answer immediately .