
  1. 一开始就为未来作点打算能节约很多开支。

    A little forward planning at the outset can save you a lot of expense .

  2. 其结果可能为未来的谈判注入更多的理性。

    The result might inject more sense into future bargaining .

  3. 但这是乱世,很多人都为未来担心。

    But these are troubled times and many people fear for the future .

  4. 摆在反对党面前的挑战是如何为未来发展提出其他可行性政策。

    The challenge before the opposition is to offer credible alternative policies for the future .

  5. 她被视为未来的总裁。

    She is perceived as the future president .

  6. 记住,你所做的每一件事,都在为未来塑造你的大脑。

    Remember that with everything you do , you 're shaping your brain for the future .

  7. 在选择专业之前做一点研究会让你为未来做好准备。

    A little research before choosing a major will go a long way to prepare you for what 's in store .

  8. context是一个保留为未来使用的不透明对象。

    Context is an opaque object reserved for future use .

  9. 随着LED灯具价格的降低,发光效率的提高,它已经被视为未来照明的主流设备。

    With lower prices and higher efficiency than before , LEDs are looking like the wave of the future for general lighting .

  10. 它将IP路由和交换、QoS统一起来,为未来的多媒体因特网提供了全新的技术平台。

    It integrates IP routing , switching and QoS , and provides a new technological platform for future multimedia Internet .

  11. 会话初始化协议(SIP)被视为未来网络多媒体通讯的标准协议。

    SIP is considered to be the standard protocol of network based multimedia communication in the future .

  12. IMS为未来的多媒体应用提供一个通用的业务平台,它是向全IP网业务提供体系迈进的重要一步。

    IMS provides future multimedia application with a common service platform , which is an important step towards entire IP network service .

  13. 在中国,中国移动和中国联通也都进行了一些试点,为未来的3G网络上运作该业务储备经验。

    In China , China Mobile and China Unicom have taken on some trials too to gather operating experience in future 3G networks .

  14. 比如,两大政党的领导人都想为未来的老年人保留联邦医疗保险计划(Medicare)。

    As one example , leaders in both parties want to preserve Medicare for future generations of seniors .

  15. 这些都为未来战争的C2组织结构的优化设计提供了良好的基础。

    These are for the future war ; the optimization design of C2 organizational structure provides a good foundation .

  16. 依据在约束路由和多协议封装两方面的巨大优势,多协议标签交换(MPLS)已经被越来越多的服务商接受为未来互联网络的基本技术。

    For its outstanding ability on constraint-based routing and multi-protocol encapsulation , more and more ISPs accept MPLS as fundamental technology for future networks .

  17. 将请求转发到一个Compute节点,该节点为未来处理需求将请求负载从二进制转换成字符串类型。

    The HTTPInput forwards requests to a Compute node that does the required transformation of the request payload from binary to string type for any further processing you may need .

  18. 提出了一种新的基于EPON和WiMAX混合网络的跨层切换方案,为未来的全IP化网络提供移动性管理服务,跨层切换策略旨在最大限度减小切换带来负面影响。

    It provides a novel cross-layer handoff scheme in this article based on the emerging EPON-WiMAX integration : network . The purpose of cross-layer is to minimize the side effect caused by handoff .

  19. 中国移动意欲继续在行业竞争中保持优势地位,在市场应对策略方面已经采取如成立新的通信公司,尽力保有高端用户,自建渠道等一些措施,从而为未来3G业务的推出做好准备。

    In order to keep the advantageous position in the competition and prepare for the future 3G service , China Mobile has taken some actions on market countermeasures , e.g. establish new communication company , hold high - end users and build up channels etc.

  20. 通过对相关的文献的整理、归纳,对Leptin的生物学特点及其在控体重机制方面研究进展和问题进行了总结和讨论,力求为未来与Leptin相关的体育学研究提供参考和依据。

    The paper , through analyzing and summing up related documents , summarizes and discusses researching status quo and problems on Leptin biological characters and controlling weigh mechanism , which is to provide references for sports discipline research relating with Leptin in future .

  21. 在全面分析了当前腹腔镜手术耗材面临的竞争现状及未来发展趋势和Covidien公司LA产品现行策略的基础上,提出了基于4Ps的营销策略构想和建议,也为未来腹腔镜手术耗材生产企业提供参考。

    And based on the competition situation and current marketing strategy , the suggestion and future advices are also presented considering the 4Ps . It will be a good reference for the enterprises of the laparoscopic products manufactory .

  22. 本文为未来核动力装置PSA作了大量前期准备工作,为船用核动力的概率风险分析奠定了基础,本文中的一些建故障树的分析方法也可用于其它领域的故障树分析中。

    In this thesis , there are a lot of work have been done for the future use of PSA in the marine nuclear power system , some methods of Fault-tree analysis in this thesis also can be used in other fields .

  23. 戴尔软件集团总裁约翰斯文森(johnswainson)表示,昨日宣布的对quest软件公司(questsoftware)的收购,旨在将戴尔的业务拓展到系统管理和安全等软件领域,并为未来交易创造一个平台。

    The purchase of quest software , revealed yesterday , was intended to bring Dell a presence in software areas such as systems management and security and serve as the platform for future deals , according to John Swainson , President of software at Dell .

  24. 同时,本文的研究结果为未来1394b总线在我国空间飞行器的工程实用进行了有益的探索,具有启发和借鉴意义。

    Besides , the results of the thesis made good exploration on the 1394b bus application in space craft and were developmental and referential .

  25. 通过评判结果的比对,清晰明了地得到不同技术手段给系综合性能带来的影响,从而,为未来VTS系统建设的技术应用提供一种优选的数学手段和理论依据。

    We can distinctly obtain the effects of synthetic performance when different technological means are applied by contrasting the assessment results , thus it will supply a kind of advantaged mathematical method and theoretical basis for the applying of VTS technology in future .

  26. 瑞信首席执行官杜德恒(BradyDougan)通过依赖于私人银行和较低风险的交易活动,让瑞信摆脱了危机最严重的影响。他表示相信,市场已经为未来的投行做好了准备。

    Brady Dougan , the Credit Suisse chief who steered the Swiss group away from the worst of the crisis by relying on its private bank and lower-risk trading activities , says he believes the market is ready for the investment bank of the future .

  27. 趋势报告,有助于为未来的容量制定前瞻性的计划。

    Trending reports that help to proactively plan for future capacity .

  28. 杜威为未来哲学做出了一个恰如其分的定位。

    Dewey set the appropriate tone for philosophy of the future .

  29. 本公司以创民族品牌为未来的发展战略。

    To create a prestigious national brand is our future strategy .

  30. 但这些问题的存在,也为未来的研究提供了方向。

    But we have future research direction because of these problems .