
  1. 约翰福音10章11节讲到主耶稣要怎样帮助我们,他说:“我是好牧人,好牧人为羊舍命。”我们知道好牧人就是耶稣。

    John 10 : 11 tells how the Lord Jesus helps us . " I am the good shepherd . The good shepherd gives his life for the sheep . " John 10 : 11 . Let 's read it together now . We know the good shepherd means Jesus .

  2. 所以这句话可以这样说:“耶稣是好牧人,耶稣为羊舍命。”那羊是谁呢?对!就是我们!

    Let 's say his name where it says ? the good shepherd . " JESUS is the good shepherd . JESUS gives his life for the sheep . And who are the sheep ? Yes ! Us ! Jesus was really saying , " I will take YOUR punishment for sin .

  3. 结果表明,已宰杀的2只羊消化、吸收、转化为羊机体的~(15)N占试验日粮中~(15)N富集总量的38.54和23.78%,平均为31.16%。

    The results show that in two slaughtered goats , the digested , assimilated and transformed amount of ~ ( 15 ) N is respectively 38.54 and 23.78 % of ~ ( 15 ) N amount in diet , on an average of 31.16 % .

  4. 好牧人为羊舍命。

    The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep .

  5. 与虎妈对应,这种教育方法被称为羊妈。

    This kind of educational mode is called Sheep Mom .

  6. 驿站被称小鸡为羊的呜声驿站,它被建造千数年以前。

    The dak is called chick bleat dak , it was built thousand of years ago .

  7. 该研究为羊的育种中肉质的进一步改良提高提供理论依据。

    The study has provided theoretic background for further improvement of meat quality in goat breeding .

  8. 真正的牧人有时需要冒险,但大概不会为羊冒生命之险。

    A true shepherd may sometimes risk danger , but he probably won 't risk his life for his sheep .

  9. 正如父认识我,我也认识父一样;并且我为羊舍命。

    Just as the Father knows me and I know the father & and I lay down my life for the sheep .

  10. 在育种方面还可以进行遗传参数和育种值的估计,能为羊场制定育种方案提供服务。

    The system can also realize the estimates of genetic parameter and breeding value , which is used to make breeding project .

  11. 进一步研究羊窝河流域筑坝地点选择、筑坝高度与汇水量关系,为羊窝河流域湿地水文恢复工程建设提供依据。

    More research is needed on selection of dam site along Yangwo river watershed , the relationship between dam height and water-collecting amount .

  12. 以上研究结果将为羊传染性脓疱病毒的免疫特性的阐明奠定基础,同时也为进一步开展羊传染性脓疱病的有效预防提供候选疫苗。

    These results lay the foundation for the immune characteristic clarification of Orf virus , also to provide the effective prevention of the disease of sheep contagious pustular candidate vaccine .

  13. 本检测方法可为羊痒病异常朊蛋白的检测提供技术储备,同时也为传染性海绵状脑病的相关科研提供一种新的技术手段。

    This established methods provide both a technological base for the detection of abnormal prion protein and a new technology for the scientific research relation to the Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy .

  14. 在芬兰坚信教育是个服务过程,孩子们就是顾客,芬兰的教育方式基本上等于放羊,所以又称这种教育方式为羊妈。

    Finland firmly believes that education is a service and children are customers . Since the education mode in Finland basically amounts to sheep-herding , it is also called Sheep Mom .

  15. 在集约化舍饲环境下,虽然可以为羊只提供较为理想的羊舍小气候环境,但因饲养环境单调,空间狭小,羊只的某些固有行为得不到正常表达。

    The sheep houses could provide a good microclimate condition for sheep , but the natural behaviors of sheep could not be fulfilled due to the barren rearing environment and limited space in the occupied zones .

  16. 与“虎妈”对应,这种教育方法被称为“羊妈”。

    This kind of educational mode is called " Sheep Mom " .

  17. 在芬兰坚信教育是个“服务”过程,孩子们就是“顾客”,芬兰的教育方式基本上等于“放羊”,所以又称这种教育方式为“羊妈”。

    Finland firmly believes that education is a " service " and children are " customers " . Since the education mode in Finland basically amounts to " sheep-herding " , it is also called " Sheep Mom " .

  18. 2007年,Paolo等报道,他们在人的孕中期羊水中发现少量具有ES细胞特性的干细胞,将其命名为人羊水源干细胞(humanAmnioticFluidStemCell,hAFScell)。

    In 2007 , Paolo demonstrated that they found a few stem cells in amniotic fluid , which was named human amniotic fluid stem cell ( hAFS cell ) .

  19. 农夫为他的羊剪毛。

    The farmer sheared his sheep .

  20. 探讨了中卫山羊后备母羊适宜的营养水平和饲料配比,以便为养羊生产提供科学依据。

    Suitable nutrition level and diets for the reserve she-goats of Zhongwei Goat were found out to provide scientific basis for feeding goats .

  21. 尽管比赛现场风大并下起了大雪,但由奥运亚军李尼娜为领头羊的中国女队还是包揽了自由式滑雪的前四名。

    Olympic silver medalist Li Nina led a Chinese sweep in the freestyle skiing women 's aerials despite high winds and falling snow .

  22. 为研究羊驼毛的特性并评价羊驼的生产性能,观察了羊驼皮肤和毛的显微结构和超微结构。

    To study the characteristics of alpaca fibre and further to assess the production performance of the alpaca , we made microstructural and ultrastructural observation on alpaca skin and fibre .

  23. 发展中国家的企业也比欧美企业表现好得多,其中拉丁美洲为领头羊,自2005年1月来以来回报稳定。

    Companies from the developing world have also done significantly better than those in the US and Europe , with Latin America leading the pack in stable returns since January 2005 .

  24. 比如,为适应羊年出生的女性善于社交和爱冒险的特质,你应该安排一场激动人心的团队冒险,去一个的新地方。

    To accommodate the social and adventurous traits of females born in a year of the goat , for example , you should plan an exciting group adventure to a new place .

  25. 采用一种利用资产定价模型因子载荷截面离散度指标测度羊群行为的新方法来检验上海股票市场是否存在以市场指数为领头羊的羊群行为。

    A new approach is employed to test herding towards the market portfolio , which is based on the cross-sectional dispersion of the factor loading of asset pricing model within Shanghai stock market .

  26. 好牧人必须为他的羊找到一个牧草丰富的地方,也要为他们找到阴凉的地方来休息,还要为他们找水喝。

    The shepherd must find a place with plenty of good grass for his sheep to eat , a quiet shady place for them to rest , still waters for them to drink .

  27. 应用免疫组织化学ABC法对大脑切片进行染色,一抗为特异性羊抗瘦素受体IgG。

    Immunohistochemistry ABC method was used for brain sections with high specify goat antiserum against leptin receptors .

  28. ASK公司作为一家有志于成长为业界领头羊企业,有着增大产能、强化营销、扩大市场占有的强烈愿望。

    ASK company as one interested in the growth of the industry " leader " enterprise , has increased production capacity , strengthen marketing and a strong desire to expand market share .

  29. 且载畜率为1.027只羊/(hm2·a)时植物补偿性生长最高,是最理想的载畜率水平。

    Therefore , the optimum stocking rate is 1.027 sheep / ( hm2 · a ) in this kind of steppe .

  30. 为进一步研究羊β乳球蛋白(BLG)基因在转基因大动物中的应用,利用克隆的羊BLG基因5′和3′区的5kb和4.2kb构建乳腺表达载体。

    In order to construct a universal mammary gland expression vector , sheep beta lactoglobulin ( BLG ) gene promoter , 5 ′ and 3 ′ region of 5 kb and 4.2 kb fragment were used , and the first and second intron of BLG gene were cloned and sequenced .