
  1. 我不会仅仅为了你父母的缘故而装出合家欢的假象。

    I 'm not going to play happy families just for the benefit of your parents .

  2. 这是为了你自己好。

    It 's for your own good .

  3. 总是为了你心痛

    I always feel grieved for you

  4. 我也希望能为了你和brooke把我们那一吻收回来。

    And I wish I could take back our kiss for you and brooke .

  5. 我和他所做的不是为了你。

    What I 'm doing with him is not for you .

  6. 答应我,你要为了你的信念而奋斗。

    Promise me that you 'll give faith a fighting chance .

  7. 相信我吧,我会为了你做任何事情的。

    Put your faith in me and I 'll do anything .

  8. 为了你我将封锁一切的爱情之门。

    For you I will lock up all the gates of love .

  9. 相信我,是为了你好

    Believe me , it 's for your own good .

  10. 我做的一切都是为了你!

    Everything I 've ever done has been for you !

  11. 所以你为了你的研究活埋了他。

    So you buried him alive to save your research .

  12. 当然,为了你他会来的。

    Of course , he 'll come on to you .

  13. 我不是为了你才回来的。

    Serena : I didn 't come back for you .

  14. 杰瑞为了你大哭不止。

    Here is Jerry crying her eyes out for you .

  15. 你派人为了你的一己私欲而滥杀无辜。

    You send men to slaughter for your own gain .

  16. 我为了你买的,那是维多利亚时代的塔罗牌。

    I bought them for you . they 're Victorian Tarot cards .

  17. 我做这一切都是为了你,你知道吗?

    I did all this for you , you know ?

  18. 德瑞克:你男朋友为了你的朋友离开你?

    Derrick : Your boyfriend left you for your friend ?

  19. 为了你自己好,请相信我。

    For your own good , please trust me .

  20. 他们都在工作,为了你,我们走吧。

    They 're out working events because of you . let 's go .

  21. “为了你刚才所说的那句话。”

    " For what you have just said . "

  22. 为了你,百得,我有五分钟!

    For you , Brad , I got five !

  23. 我们所有的战门都是为了你啊!

    All our battles we have fought for you .

  24. 你知道民秀为了你过得有多么凄惨吗?

    Do you know how hard it was for min-soo because of you ?

  25. 但是为了你的阴谋杀害了一个女人?

    But killing a woman to cover your tracks ?

  26. 我写信给你是为了你资助我上大学的事。

    I am writing to you for your financial supporting me to university .

  27. 单单为了你,我也愿意作出牺牲。

    I will make sacrifices solely on your account .

  28. 我提问,是为了你更好地自问。

    I ask , to help you ask yourself .

  29. 我救你只是为了你父亲。

    I only do it because of your father .

  30. 为了你我以及整个人类,来拯救世界,使它变成更

    Heal the world , make it a better place , for you and