
xué shì fú
  • baccalaureate gown;academic dress
  1. 唯一的收费就是租借学士服的费用。

    The only compulsory cost you will incur is that of your academic dress hire .

  2. 学士服一点也不美,但是一定要穿在身上和那些一起奋斗过的人们照张相,然后把帽子高高地扔向空中。

    The baccalaureate gown is not beautiful at all , but it 's necessary to take a picture in it with the people who strive with you , then throw the trencher cap into air .

  3. 为了庆祝自己终于毕业,她在推特上发布了一张她穿着学士服的照片。

    She tweeted a photo of herself in cap and gown .

  4. 而你想知道的就是上一个穿这件学士服的人是不是患有什么传染性疾病。

    While you wonder if the last person who wore that robe had anything contagious .

  5. 身着学士服,头戴学士帽,22岁的薛逸凡在镜头前显得很严肃。

    Wearing a simple cap and gown , Xue Yifan , 22 , looks solemnly into the camera .

  6. 大学毕业生们身着学士服拍照永远是校园初夏的一道靓丽风景。

    College graduates posing for photos in baccalaureate gowns are always a sight on campuses in early summer in China .

  7. 在拍摄民国学生照之前,她们已经拍下了学士服毕业照。

    Before donning them and stepping in front of the cameras , they had already had photos taken of themselves in baccalaureate gowns .

  8. 在南京大学那座被常青藤包裹的高塔前,一个身着学士服、头顶学位帽、脚踏锐步的毕业生正在拍照留念。

    In front of Nanjing University 's ivy-clad tower , a graduate poses for a photograph in his gown , mortar board and Reeboks .

  9. 莉莎当时还穿着学士服、戴着学士帽,但她仍然决定马上给孩子喂奶。有一位朋友认为这样很酷,还问能不能拍照片。

    Still dressed in her cap and gown , Karlesha decided to feed her baby and a friend , who thought it cool , asked if they could take a picture .

  10. 穿着学士服,手拿学士帽,这名叫康康的女孩在人民大学艺术学院附近摆起了各种姿势。

    Wearing her graduation robes and holding her mortarboard hat , the girl , who goes by the name Kang Kang , is seen in a variety of poses on and around the Renmin University School of Arts .

  11. 我依旧记得毕业典礼,记得涤纶布料的学士服和学士帽,记得游行列队,还有当时紧张而兴奋的心情,以及对未来的迷茫。我想,你们中的大多数人现在也有着同样的心情。

    I do remember the commencement ceremony : I remember the cap and gown , the polyester , I remember the procession , I remember being excited and nervous and completely confused about my future -- feelins , I imagine , that most of you are experiencing in some form .

  12. 除了穿着学士服和裙装拍毕业照以外,东南大学艺术学院的谢婧然(音译)则选择身着上世纪20年代引入上海的旗袍拍照。

    Besides posing for graduation photos in baccalaureate gowns and coat-skirt costumes , Xie Jingran , a student at the Nanjing-based Southeast University 's art school , also had a picture taken of herself wearing a cheongsam , or Qipao in Chinese , a tight-fitting dress introduced in the 1920s in Shanghai .