
  • 网络credit bank;school credit bank
  1. 在学习进程中,学习者实时的参与设计评价指标,及时主动的调整个体的学习方向,使学习过程进行的更加顺利。学分银行制度的出现,为学习者选择学习方式提供了多样化的选择。

    In the learning process , learners real-time involved in the design evaluation , and timely initiative to adjust the individual learning direction , so that the learning process more smoothly . " Credit Bank " system , learners choose to study a variety of choices .

  2. 要通过构建培训券与“学分银行”对接的长效机制,为农民工培训在经费投入机制上与弹性学习机制上“保驾护航”。

    Setting up the long-term effective mechanism of the training coupon and " the credit bank ", can escort the financial and flexible mechanism of farmer training .

  3. 学分银行的内在运行机制研究

    A Study of Internal Movement Mechanism of The Credit Bank

  4. 远程教育实施学分银行管理模式的思考

    A Reflection on the Realization of Distance Education Credit Bank Management Mode

  5. 学分银行的信贷运行机理解读

    Study on the Credit Circulation Mechanism of Credit Bank

  6. 第二部分论述了继续教育学分银行制度的类型与功能。

    The second part of this paper is to discourse the types and functions of the credit bank system of continuing education .

  7. 学分银行能促进学生自主学习,拓展高等教育资源,是实现完全学分制的重要途径。

    The system can improve the ability of self-study and explore high education resource . It 's an important method for fulfilling complete credit system .

  8. 推进高职教育的“学分银行”工作,既要看到共性,更要注重其特殊性。

    Advancing the work of the credit bank in higher vocational education we must not only realizes its common property but also pay attention to its special property .

  9. 学分银行制度的有效实行与推广,取决于内生其中的存分机制、贷分机制和兑分机制的良性的联动效应。

    The valid execution and expansions of " the credit bank " system is decided by positive linkage effect in which saving credits mechanism , loaning credits mechanism and exchanging credits mechanism endogenesis .

  10. 而继续教育学分银行制度正是一种在终身教育体系框架下,能够满足社会成员个性化学习与终身学习的学分管理制度。

    And the credit bank system of continuing education is a credit management system which is to meet the purpose of personalized learning and lifelong learning of people under the framework of lifelong education system .

  11. 这有赖于诸如学分绩点效应、学分银行的级别分类、学分银行间的学分通兑系数以及学分标准的制定等一系列难题的合理解决。

    Credits-exchange depends on the proper solution of the questions , such as the classification of credit bank , the coefficient of credit exchange among credit banks , the standard establishment of credits .

  12. 成立国家继续教育学习成果认证委员会,研究建立各类继续教育学习成果认证、学分积累和转换的学分银行制度,有计划、分步骤地推进不同类型继续教育间的学分积累与转换工作。

    We should establish the learning outcomes Accreditation Council of Continuing education , establish the system of continuing education learning outcomes certification , credit accumulation and transformation . By this , we promote continuing education among different types of credit accumulation and transfer work step-by-step .