
  • 网络Learn Spanish
  1. 我决定学习西班牙语,只是为了消遣。

    I decided to learn Spanish , just for fun .

  2. 不过,感谢上帝,让我有机会学习西班牙语。

    But I thank God I was able to learn Spanish .

  3. 我在假期前刻苦学习西班牙语。

    I swotted up on my Spanish before the holiday .

  4. 我的女儿们会学习西班牙语,这样反而好。

    My daughters will learn Spanish and be the better for it .

  5. 对我来说,学习西班牙语是一次很有益的经历。

    For me , studying Spanish has been a very rewarding experience .

  6. 这个应用软件是为了学习西班牙语的东西。

    This application program is used to study Spanish .

  7. 还是应该学习西班牙语来为我的简历增色?

    Should I improve my CV by learning Spanish ?

  8. 我学习西班牙语,为了能更多了解西班牙的文化和背景。

    I learn Spanish and I want to know more about Spanish culture .

  9. 他开始学习西班牙语。

    He took up Spanish while in Spain .

  10. 因此她帮我学习西班牙语。

    And she helped me with my spanish .

  11. 去墨西哥以前学习西班牙语对你会有好处。

    It will be to your advantage to study Spanish before you go to Mexico .

  12. 那天,他和索耶在自家的前院学习西班牙语。

    He and Sawyer had been in Simon 's front yard " studying " Spanish .

  13. 作为对比,学习西班牙语只要600到750个学时。

    For comparison 's sake , Spanish can be learned in 600 to 750 class hours .

  14. 我想说更多,但是我没有时间学习西班牙语。

    I 'd like to speak more but I don 't have the time to study Spanish .

  15. 为了便于工作,我得学习西班牙语了。这将是我又一次地外语体验。

    I have to study Spanish for my job . That 's my foreign language experience again .

  16. 我会说德语和英语,并且正在学习西班牙语,不过仅仅刚开始而已。

    I speak German and English . I am also learning Spanish but have only just started out .

  17. 巴西周边是西班牙语国家,所以巴西商界人士更有可能学习西班牙语,而不是英语。

    A Brazilian businessman , surrounded by Spanish-speaking countries , is more likely to learn Spanish than English .

  18. 几个月后,她辞职来到古巴待了三个月学习西班牙语。

    A few months later she quit her job and went to Cuba for three months to study Spanish .

  19. 不过三个学期之后,她们除了瑶族话,还会说普通话和英语,并且正在学习西班牙语。

    In addition , even though they have had only had three terms of learning they are now studying Spanish .

  20. 3年来他一直在学习西班牙语,但我对他说断断续续地学习是学不到什么的。

    He 'd been trying to learn Spanish for three years , but I tell him it 's no use studying by fits and starts .

  21. 本课程属于中级,是开设给学习西班牙语进入第三年的学生,课程目标是改善说、写能力,并且大量扩充单字量、增进听力及多做阅读练习。

    A third-year intermediate course designed to improve speaking and writing , with opportunities for vocabulary acquisition , listening comprehension and reading practice as well .

  22. 在美国的另一端,丹佛的一处建筑工地上,75名管理人员在为期10周的在岗课程中选择了学习西班牙语。

    On the other side of the country , at a construction site in Denver , 75 supervisors opted to learn Spanish during a10-week on-the-job course .

  23. 从她公共可见的信息来看,她的爱好有做饭、摄影、学习西班牙语、和孩子一起工作,以及探访温暖的小去处。

    According to the publicly available portion of Chan 's Facebook page , she 's into cooking , photography , learning Spanish , working with kids and visiting warm locales .

  24. 他搬到了距离自己国家1200英里以外的地方,与篮球和足球未来精英们生活在一起。他花了大把的时间在学习西班牙语上,以便更好地与同伴交流。

    He moved 1200 miles from his home country to live with fellow basketball and football prospects and straight away spent his time learning Spanish to mesh better with his peers .

  25. 我没有继续艰难的找工作,而是到了中美洲,在一个致力于把自行车转换成踏板动力机的组织中做志愿者,同时学习西班牙语。

    Then came the micro . Instead of continuing a frustrating job search , I traveled to Central America , volunteering with an organization that turns bicycles into pedal powered machines and learning Spanish .

  26. 作为业余爱好,他还学习了西班牙语和葡萄牙语。

    During that time , he also learned Spanish and Portuguese as a hobby .

  27. 然而,一旦你不再上课,保留你在高中或大学学习的西班牙语、法语或德语等语言就会是一个挑战。

    But hanging on to your high school or college Spanish - or French , or German , etc - is a challenge once you 're no longer enrolled in classes .

  28. 观看视频,学习如何用西班牙语作自我介绍。

    Learn how to introduce yourself to someone in Spanish with this learn Spanish video .

  29. 通过大量学习,他讲西班牙语已有进步。学习七一讲话要理清两个关系

    With much study , he has gained in his speaking of Spanish . Making Clear of Two Kinds of Relationships While Studying the Speech on July 1st

  30. 我们的目标市场包括任何需要学习或想要学习英语,西班牙语,中文,日语,德语,拉脱维亚语,移民及托福课程等,甚至更多语言的人们。

    Our target market includes anyone who has the need or desire to learn English , Spanish , Chinese or Japanese , German , Latvian , Accept , Ameripak , with more languages to come .