
  • 网络Learn poem
  1. 人性化的家具设计不学诗无以言&论生活世界中的人文关怀

    On the Design of Humane Furniture On the Humane Care in the Human World

  2. 鲤退而学诗。

    I retired and studied the Odes .

  3. 自从杜诗传入韩国,就享有很高声誉,被尊为学诗的规范。

    Since spreading into Korea , the poems by Du Fu have enjoyed very high reputation .

  4. 能打破传统教学模式,提高学生学诗的积极性;

    It also can break the traditional teaching mode and improve the students ' activeness of poetry studying .

  5. “不学诗,无以言”是孔子对《诗经》实用价值的概括,也是对春秋时期四百年赋诗言志的总结。

    It is also the summary on the practice of airing ideas by poems during the400 years of the Spring and Autumn Period .

  6. 接着,出来了两个人,一边走,一边争论着什么,那是杜家叔侄,学诗和新箨。

    After a moment , two men came into the room , arguing as they went : tu hsuehshih and his nephew , Tu hsin-to .

  7. 有的母亲在怀孕期间学诗、艺术或数学,希望通过这种努力来铸造自己未出世的孩子的性格。但我们所知的胎儿期发育知识使这些尝试看起来似乎完全不可能。

    What we know of prenatal development makes all this attempt made by a mother to mold the character of her unborn child by studying poetry , art , or mathematics during pregnancy seem utterly impossible .

  8. 不学诗无以言&《诗经》在春秋外交中的作用形式篇研究关于诗的外形式即物质外壳的思想,即形式、诗、乐、律。

    No Speech without Poem ─ The Function of " The Book of Songs " in Diplomacy during the Spring and Autumn Period ; Namely , its form , pure poetry , music , rhyme and rhythm .

  9. 第二部分为理学诗兴起的原因分析,从政治、经济、思想、诗坛原因加以分析,侧重于诗坛原因分析,对理学诗兴起概况作宏观认识。

    The second part is to gain the reason for the rise of Neo-Confucianism poetry from the political , economic , ideological , reasons , especially , focusing on the poetry cause analysis . To the extent , Overview a macro understanding as to the rise of Neo-Confucianism ' poetry .

  10. 今天我在学校里学了诗的三个诗节。

    Today I learned three verses of a poem at school .

  11. 她承认自己没有学过诗的传统风格。

    She admits that she has not studied traditional styles of poetry .

  12. 从传统诗经学到现代诗经学学诗断想

    From traditional to modern studies of The Book of Songs Reflections on poetry

  13. 而高官、学者、诗人三位一体现象的出现则进一步促进了学人诗的创作。

    And the phenomenon of poets , scholars and senior officials becoming one promotes the development of scholar poetry .

  14. 另外,集中的作品体现了朱彝尊中年以后以学为诗的特点,诗作多专事用典、长篇险韵,也基本上可以代表当时清诗的特点。

    In addition , the collection of the works reflect Zhu middle age to study the characteristics of poetry , poetry and more specializing in allusion , long in rhyme , was basically on behalf of the Qing Poetry .

  15. 现在,弗兰克妈妈想让他学一首诗,但他说:"妈妈,我做不到。"

    Now , Frank 's mother wanted him to learn a little poem , but he said , " Mother , I can hardly do it . "

  16. 20世纪中国学人之诗三题议

    Three Issues of Poetry by Chinese Scholars in the 20th Century

  17. 20世纪中国学人之诗研究

    Chinese Scholar 's Study of Poetry in the 20th Century

  18. 孩子们在学唱赞美诗。

    The children are learning to sing the motet .

  19. 语用学与中诗英译

    Pragmatic and Chinese poetry translation

  20. 小时候我学过许多诗,其中大部分即使到今天我都能背诵出来。

    When I was a child , I learned lots of poems , most of which I can recite even .

  21. 究其原因,陈衍是在以“学人之诗”思想衡评“诗人之诗”之论。

    In fact , Chen Yan was to comment the opinion of Poet 's poem with opinion of Scholar 's poem .

  22. 而陈衍对“宋诗派”的推崇,则与他所持“学人之诗”的论诗主张有关。

    Zhen Yan 's advocacy of " school of Song poetry " is related to his argument of " learn poetry from others ' poems " .

  23. 学人之诗的第一重内涵可称之为诗之新声。

    The first connotation of these scholar 's poems , roughly classified as ancient and modern , can be called " the new voice of poetry " .

  24. 在传统《诗经》学对怨诗诠释的背后是儒家温柔敦厚的诗教在起作用。

    Behind the annotations on the resentful poems by the traditional scholarship of the Book of Songs , exactly the Confucian poem teaching , which is tender and gentle , is working .

  25. 而这些现代学者在这个过程中以言志和缘情方式所留下的诗篇,也就为《20世纪中国学人之诗研究》提供了研究的对象和范围。

    The poetry written by the modern scholars in this process with a mode of expressing their thoughts or feelings , offers an object and range of study for this Chinese Scholar 's Study of Poetry in the 20th Century .

  26. 在20世纪的中国学人之诗中,继承了中国传统文化的诗礼之精神,直接记载下这些大师巨子们真实的心路历程,同时也把他们关于中国现代命运的理性思考表达出来。

    Among the poems by the Chinese scholars in the 20th century , the poetic spirit of the traditional Chinese culture is inherited , directly recording the genuine psychological experiences of the great masters and scholars while in the meantime expressing their rational reflections on Chinese modern destiny .

  27. 现在背诵上周学的那首诗。谁自告奋勇?

    A : Now let 's recite the poem we learned last week . Any volunteers ?

  28. 诗中饱含他对剑桥的思念以及对自己第一段恋情的感想,中国千万学子都学过这首诗。

    Filled with his longing for Cambridge , as well as thoughts about his first love affair , the poem has been learned by millions of schoolchildren in China .

  29. 贾谊生于汉高祖刘邦七年(前200),卒于汉文帝前元十二年(前168),处于先秦《诗》学向汉代《诗》学发展的重要时期。

    Jia Yi was born seven years , the Han emperor Liu Bang ( 200BC ), died of Han Wen Yuan years ago ( 168BC ), in Pre-Qin Poetry to the Han Dynasty Poetry important period of development .

  30. 淫诗说:朱熹《诗》学与清代《诗》学分歧之焦点论北宋熙丰时期洛阳诗人的诗学观念

    Lascivious Poetry Theory : Focus of Divarication between the Theory of the Book of Songs by Zhu Xi and That by Poets in Qing Dynasty ; On the Poetic Ideas of Luoyang Parnassus in Xi Feng Period of the Northern Song Dynasty