
  • 网络Fogg;Phileas Fogg
  1. 福格艺术博物馆(TheFogg)和纳尔逊艺术博物馆于是同意一同出资,买下所有残片并将其带到堪萨斯城重新组装。

    The Fogg and the Nelson agreed together to provide funds to acquire all the pieces and reassemble them in Kansas City .

  2. 今天我们要谈谈的是菲尼亚斯·福格。

    Today we 're going to one-up Phineas Fogg .

  3. 该公司首席执行官卡斯滕.福格特伦德(CarstenVoigtländer)表示,这意味着Vaillant能够考虑基于大数据的新型服务。

    Carsten Voigtl ä nder , chief executive , says this means Vaillant can think about new forms of service based on big data .

  4. 福格先生是一个少言寡语而又拥有一颗善良的心的绅士。

    Fogh she is a kind-hearted and has a heart of a gentleman .

  5. 获得客户需求,并向客户提供德西福格相对方案。

    To understand customer needs and provide HAC solutions d.

  6. 因此,月球学家可能需要等待很长一段时间才能够真正测试彻奇希-阿萨福格模型。

    Selenologists may therefore have to wait a long time before they can test the Jutzi-Asphaug model properly .

  7. “离开这办公室,先生,你知道怎么检点行为的时候再来”福格说。

    " Get out of this office , sir , and come back , sir , when you know how to behave yourself . " said Fogg .

  8. 在谁指挥和领导整个军事行动的问题上,只有秘书长安诺斯•福格•拉斯穆森之前的这个录音讲话。

    On the question of command and control of the entire military operation , there was only this pre-recorded statement from the Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen .

  9. 被命名为“菲利亚斯·福格”的股票也一路大跌,福格先生也一贯保持这他那沉著冷静的态度,踏上了环游世界的旅途。

    Has been named the " Feilieshi Fogh " stocks also continued to slump , Fogh President has consistently maintained his calm attitude , and starts a round-the-world journey .

  10. 福格说,最基本的功能机受到用户欢迎,因为它们质量可靠,待机时间超长。

    Fogg said that basic -- or " feature " -- phones are appealing because they are reliable , and can run for a long time on a single charge .