
  • 网络GIFTED EDUCATION;Gifted and Talented Education
  1. 学校的天才教育几乎没有得到联邦资金支持。

    School-based gifted education receives little state or federal funding .

  2. 在天才教育方面,目前我国尚存诸多不足之处。

    But now there are many problems in gifted education in our country .

  3. 要素主义的天才教育观及其启示

    Thinking on Educational Conception of the Gifted and Talented in Essentialism

  4. 如今,只有四个州批准了天才教育项目并提供了充足的资金。

    Only four states currently mandate services for gifted students and fully fund those mandates .

  5. 超常教育英才教育天才教育资优教育辨

    Conceptions of Gifted and Talented Education

  6. 而培养这些卓越人才最有针对性的天才教育,也日益被各国关注。

    Gifted education , as a targeted way to cultivate extraordinary talents , has been increasingly concerned .

  7. 我恰巧有位好朋友是橡树天才教育学院的校长

    It just so happens that I am good friends with the headmaster of the Oaks Academy for Gifted Education

  8. 重视调节天才教育政策,从而发展完善天才教育是可行而且必要的。

    It is possible and necessary to pay attention to adjust gifted education policies in order to develop gifted education .

  9. 澳大利亚天才教育政策主要包含天才学生的鉴别、选拔、培养和天才教育的保障等方面。

    The gifted education policies in Australia contain identification , selection and cultivation of gifted students and supporting initiatives and so on .

  10. 要素主义特别重视天才教育,在天才儿童的鉴别,培养及目标等方面提出了独特的见解。

    Essentialism gives emphasis on education for the gifted and talented , and puts forward some particular viewpoints on identification , education and goals , etc.

  11. 澳大利亚天才教育政策的逐步健全,保障了天才教育的良性发展,其实施效果得到了社会的广泛认同。

    The improvement of these policies ensures benign development of gifted education and the effects of theses policies have been widely recognized by the society .

  12. 天才教育,以及精英教育所取得的成就和存在的问题,以期对我国的教育有所启示。

    It also discusses how much achievement has been made in " education on elite ", what problems still exist in the system what is more important , what we Chinese can learn from it .

  13. 中美两国天才儿童教育模式比较

    Comparison of Education Model between American and Chinese Gifted and Talented Children

  14. 天才儿童教育的课程模式应该不断发展和创新。

    Fifth : keepingthe innovation and development about gifted and talented children education course mode .

  15. 天才与教育、智慧与知识以及天才的教育在陶行知的生活教育思想中居于核心的地位。

    So , talent and education , wisdom and knowledge , and the education to talent are the core of Living Education theory of Tao Xingzhi .

  16. 天才不受教育就像是埋在矿里的银子。

    Genius without education is like Silver in the Mine .

  17. 天才与天才教育之哲学思考

    Philosophical Consideration on the Talented and Their Education

  18. 俄联邦支持天才儿童的教育

    Russia supporting the education of gifted children