
  1. 网络教育带来现代教育模式的新变化

    New Changes Network Education Brings to Modern Education Pattern

  2. 本文对现代教育模式的相关问题进行了探讨。

    The correlative problems of modern education mode is researched in this paper .

  3. 创造教育是一种面向未来的现代教育模式,是素质教育的灵魂。

    As the soul of quality education , initiative education is a modern educational mode facing the future .

  4. 服务创新经济,推进现代教育模式&基于俄罗斯国家教育纲要方案的解读

    Serving Innovation Economy and Promoting the Modern Education Model : Interpretation of the Outline of Russian National Education Program

  5. 以传承知识为主的传统教育模式正向强调知识、能力与素质培养的现代教育模式转变。

    The traditional education model which mainly teaches and inherits the knowledge is turning into the modern education model which concentrates on knowledge , ability and quality-training .

  6. 它的研究成果将有助于丰富现代教育模式,为进一步推进基础教育课程改革,实现学生素质的全面发展提供有力的保障。

    Results of this research will contribute to enrich modern educational pattern . This will promote the basic education curriculum reform and ensure the comprehensive development of students ' quality .

  7. 论述了基础环境的建立,提高使用效率,构建现代教育模式是构建数字化校园环境的主要内容和方向。

    This article discusses that it is the main contains and orientation of constructing digital campus environment to build the basic environment , enhance use efficiency and construct modern educational models .

  8. 两种教育的融合形成了符合时代精神、以完整人格的塑造为目标的现代教育模式。

    The integration of these two educations has formed the modern educational pattern which is the same as the spirit of the age , taking complete personality molding as the goal .

  9. 强化思修课教师的综合素质,提高教师的人格魅力催生、激活应用现代教育模式,提高教学质量。

    To strengthen the teachers ' overall qualities and improve their personal charms . ( 3 ) To create , activates and apply the modern education approach to bettering the teaching quality .

  10. 本文就校园网对现代教育模式变革的影响,以及目前校园网在使用中存在问题与对策等问题作了一些探讨。

    This article examines the campus network 's impact on the changes of modern educational mode , the problems exited in the use of campus network and the solutions to the problems .

  11. 为此,应加大双语教师继续教育模式的改革与创新力度,尽快实现从传统教育模式向现代教育模式的转变。

    Therefore , the continuous education mode for the bilingual teachers should be reformed and improved in order to speed up the change from the traditional education mode to the modern education mode .

  12. 因此,传统的考试方式也面临着变革,基于网络的考试系统是传统考场的延伸,是现代教育模式下及电子化教学中重要的研究内容和应用方向。

    Therefore , the traditional ways of examination is also facing a challenge . Network-based exam system is outspread . It is the traditional examination mode and modern teaching of electronic content and applications of important research direction .

  13. 从现代教育模式、社会主义市场经济、全球化趋势和流行文化等四大方面分析当代大学生道德人格养成所遭遇的时代挑战;

    This paper is aimed at the challenge of morality and personality of modern college students , which is created by the questions in existing educational mode , the establishment of socialistic market economy , global trend and prevailing culture .

  14. 他们的言行为洋务教育提供了思想启蒙,并将现代教育模式移植到中国的土地上,使洋务教育在封建传统教育的包围中凸现现代教育的萌芽,促进了中国教育近代化的进程。

    Their words and deeds proved enlightenment of minds for westernization education and transplanting modern education pattern to China so that westernization education surrounded in feudal tradition education showed the appearance of China modern education , and also accelerated the process of education modernization in China .

  15. 多层三位一体构建山区农村现代教育技术模式

    Making up Modern Education Technology Patterns of Coteau Country with Multi-trinity

  16. 中南大学现代远程教育模式的探讨与实践

    Discussion and Practice of Modern Distance Education Model in CSU

  17. 浅谈现代远程教育模式

    On the Mode of Modern Long - Distance Education

  18. 同时,计算机作战模拟也是现代军事教育模式的一次革命,代表着现代军事教育发展的新趋势。模拟训练软件可以广泛应用于军事院校教学与部队训练。

    Meanwhile , simulated combat by computer is also a revolution for military educational pattern , and represents the trend for the development of modern military education .

  19. 在分析现代远程教育模式的优势特点的基础上,论述远程教育是一种适合教师培训提高的新型教育模式,并提出保障远程教育模式培训质量的若干对策。

    This paper discusses the advantages of distance education , analyses a new educational mode in further education of teachers , then puts forward some effective measures to tackle the quality of distance education .

  20. 处理好开放教育教学资源和生源的关系、传统教育模式和现代开放教育模式的关系、开放教育研究和实践的关系至关重要。

    It 's rather important to deal with the following relationships : teaching materials and resources of learners of open education ; traditional education mode and modern distance open education mode ; research and practice of distance education .

  21. 对构建山区农村现代教育技术模式进行了探讨,认为在观念、理论、技术和人才方面都必须考虑山区农村的特色。

    This article researches how to make up the modern education technology patterns of coteau country and thinks the characteristics of coteau country must be taken into consideration in the sides of conceptions , theories , technology and persons with abilities .

  22. 如何科学有效地实现这一飞跃,如何实现由传统的教育模式向现代教育管理模式的跃进,是众多教育界人士、专家、学者非常关注的问题。

    How does the science implement this leap effectively , how to realize by the traditional educational pattern to modern education management pattern jump , is the numerous educational circles public figures , the expert , the scholar very matter of concern .

  23. 文章从六个方面对现代远程教育模式进行了分析:理论基础、教学目标、操作程序、师生角色、实现条件及评价。

    This paper analyzed the mode of modern long-distance education from the six aspects as follows : the theoretical basis , the teaching target , the operational program , the role of teachers and students , the condition for realization and the evaluation .

  24. 随着社会经济和科技文化、网络行业的发展,教育的发展正在发生着巨大的变化,以互联网为核心的现代远程教育模式&在线学习正在成为全球性的教育培训的潮流和趋势。

    Along with the social economy , science , technology culture and network industry development , education development is having huge change to the Internet . As the core of modern distance education mode-online learning is becoming a global education training trend and trends .

  25. 注重教学相长和提高教师教学水平的关系,说明了校园网络教育是对课堂教学的补充,丰富了现代教育的模式。

    The third is relation between the teacher 's the teaching level and to learn while teaching and raising ; the fourth is to explain that the campus network education is the complement to the classroom teaching , enriching the modern and educational mode .

  26. 利用因特网实现网络教学具有交互性强、情景真实、易于讨论和协作等特点,因此作为现代教育新模式的网络教育将成为教育技术研究与实践的重点。

    Making use of Internet to carry out network teaching has characteristics such as strong interactivity , true situation , easy discussion and cooperation . So as a new modern education pattern , network education will become the focus of study and practice in education technology .

  27. 对传统教育模式的主要弊端、现代新型教育模式的主要特点及影响多媒体网络教学的三个要素&教师素质、学生素质和教学媒体的质量作了探讨,并提出了看法和建议。

    This article talks briefly about the drawback of traditional educational pattern , the main character of modern new-type and three key elements that influence multimedia network-teachers ' quality , students ' quality and teaching quality of media , and has put forward the viewpoint and suggestions .

  28. 借鉴美国的经验,加强普通高校国防教育的法律法规建设,进一步完善国防教育的机构设置,构建多元化的现代国防教育模式,对增强全民族的国防意识和国防素质将有着重要的意义。

    It is of great significance to make use of American 's experience to enhance the construction of law and regulation of institutes of higher learning , to improve the administrative institutes , to construct multi-model of national defense education and to increase the defensive awareness of the whole nation .

  29. 美国现代高等医学教育模式的确立是以20世纪初Flexner报告发表为开端的。

    The modern American higher medical education pattern was set up since the publication of Flexner Report in the early 1900s .

  30. 针对目前现代远程教育的模式和不足,分析了虚拟现实建模语言VRML的技术特性,给出了在现代远程教学系统中建立VRML教学课件的具体方法。

    According to the model and shortages of the current remote education , this paper analyses the technical qualities of the virtual reality model language VRML and gives a practical method about designing an educational courseware based on VRML in the modern remote education system .