
  • 网络Modern Painter
  1. 现代画家通过不断的改革创新,把浮世绘的美人画又发展到一个新的高峰。

    By continuing efforts , modern painters developed beauty painting to a higher level .

  2. 除了其他现代画家的作品外,这家博物馆里还有许多毕加索的作品。

    The museum has many works by Picasso as well as other modern painters .

  3. 是的,是一位有名的现代画家的作品。

    Yes , it is . It 's a work of one of the well-known modern painters .

  4. 对油画在中国的发展以及近现代画家的意象油画探索历程做了简单的介绍。

    It also briefly introduces oil painting in China and modern artists ' interests in exploring image oil painting .

  5. 开始时,公众们都嘲笑这位现代画家的作品,但是后来,这些作品却得到了极高的评价,并证明是有价值的。

    At first the public mocked at the modern painter 's works , but later they proved to be highly regarded and valuable .

  6. 他最有名的著作为《现代画家》五卷,前后以十七年时间写成(1843-1860)。

    His most famous work is Modern Painters , a treatise issued in five volumes over a period of seventeen years ( 1843 & 1860 ) .

  7. 中国现代画家将平面构成形式运用于他们的创作当中,使画面取得了新的视觉效果,中国画坛一般认为当代中国画的平面构成关系来自西方现代平面构成。

    Modern Chinese painters use plane form in their creation , makes a new visual effect in the picture , the Chinese painting is believed to planar formation of contemporary Chinese painting from western modern planar formation .

  8. 此外,当天的地毯模仿各种现代著名画家的画作。

    Additionally , a vide variety of modern rugs are replicated from famous artist 's paintings .

  9. 现代山水画家积累基础知识多写生实践,解决画面矛盾提高艺术修养和技巧。

    Modern landscape painter accumulate knowledge and solve many sketches practice to improve picture contradiction artistic accomplishment and skills .

  10. 并进一步探讨了近现代山水画家对光的成功实践对当代山水画家以新的启示。

    And to further explore the light of modern landscape painters successful practice of contemporary landscape painters of the new enlightenment .

  11. 现代工笔画家们在保留传统技法的基础上,创造了各式各样的现代的肌理制作手法。

    Modern Chinese painters in the retention of traditional painting techniques of the foundation , created every kind of modern production methods of texture .

  12. 现代中国画家受到现代审美动力学和欧洲印象派绘画的影响,开始打破固定光的束缚。

    By modern Chinese painters of modern aesthetic dynamics and the impact of the European Impressionist paintings , began to break the shackles of fixed-kwong .

  13. 古代闺阁画家作品价值的重新、客观、全面认知也将对中国现代女性画家自信心的加强、女性未来绘画方向的道路选择有重要的指导性意义。

    The objective and comprehensive understanding of ancient boudoir painters will strengthen the confidence of women painters , and point out the direction of female painting .

  14. 现代工笔画家们吸收西方现代艺术的崭新理念,运用各种材料、技巧和手段在他们作品中创造出更多丰富多彩的肌理效果。

    Meticulous create more variety of texture effects in Meticulous works having the use of a variety of materials , techniques and blending different artistic concepts .

  15. 中国近现代山水画家通过山水写生这一途径发现自然,感悟自然,对山水画创作进行探索和创新。

    The Chinese modern artists of landscape find nature , feel nature , through the sketch of landscape , they explore and innovate the creation of landscape .

  16. 作为都市文化背景下的现代女性画家,要用女性的眼光和思维方式去观察社会,思考自然世界;

    Under the background of urban culture , a modern woman painter strives to observe society and nature with a female perspective and in a female thinking style .

  17. 因此写生是全景花鸟画创作的必要前提,更是现代花鸟画家深入生活搜集创作艺术素材的必要保证。

    Therefore , the sketch is a necessary prerequisite for the panoramic flower-and-bird painting creation , is the modern flower-and-bird painter collect necessary material creation art into life assurance .

  18. 这位生于西班牙的现代主义画家及雕塑家是立体画派的先驱,也是20世纪美术史上一位举足轻重的人物。

    This Spanish born modernist painter and sculptor was a pioneer of the school of painting known as " cubism " and became one of the most influential figures in20th century art .

  19. 其次,从中国传统女性观出发,考证中国古代艺术中的女性形象、古代女性画家及中国近、现代女性画家。

    On the other hand , out of a point of view about Chinese conventional female , this thesis do textual research for the female figure in Chinese archaic art , the archaic women artists and the contemporary women artists .

  20. 值得注意的是,现代重彩画家在创新与发展中也要把握好创新性与民族性的关系,应立足于中国绘画的文化内涵,推动现代重彩画的发展与进步。

    Notably , the modem Chinese painters should grasp the relationship between innovation and nationality in the process of innovation and development , and put forward the growth of the modem heavy-colored paintings based on the cultural connotation of Chinese painting .

  21. 本文以近现代山水画家的作品为例,对其画面中的抽象因素进行了分析,绘画中的抽象因素增加了作品的思想内涵,丰富了山水画创作的表现手法和艺术语言。

    In this paper , the writer makes the works of modern landscape painters as an example , analyses the abstract factors in the pictures , and the abstract factors of paintings increased the ideological connotation , enriched the methods of expression and artistic languages .

  22. 现代漆画家要有师法自然、尊重自然、严谨诚信的精神与品德,在此基础上合理改进传统的技艺,积极创新,不断的创作出更好、更高水平的漆画作品来。

    The modern paint painter must have imitates the nature , the respect nature , the rigorous good faith spirit and the personal character , based on this improves reasonably , the positive innovation , the unceasing creation is better , the high level lacquer painting work .

  23. 最后同时指出,近现代山水画家对光的研究不能揽括全部,挖掘的潜能还很大,应从时代的视觉心理研究与发展的眼光重新认识光对中国山水画的意义。

    Finally the same time that the modern landscape painters of light can not embrace include all , and tap the potential is still very great , from the times of the visual perspective of psychological research and development new understanding of light on the significance of Chinese landscape painting .

  24. 在那里,他第一次看到了西方艺术的影像文森特•梵高(VincentvanGogh)、保罗•高更(PaulGauguin)、现代抽象主义画家还有苏联现实主义画家。

    There , he first encountered images of Western art - Vincent van Gogh , Paul Gauguin , modern abstract painters - along with Soviet Realists .

  25. 在那里,他第一次看到了西方艺术的影像——文森特•梵高(VincentvanGogh)、保罗•高更(PaulGauguin)、现代抽象主义画家——还有苏联现实主义画家。

    There , he first encountered images of Western art - Vincent van Gogh , Paul Gauguin , modern abstract painters - along with Soviet Realists . '

  26. 如何让树的生机感与现代山水画相结合,使树走出传统走向现代,是现代中国山水画家应该思考的问题。

    Trees give a sense of life to Chinese landscape paintings , and they also give the paintings endless beautifulness .

  27. 现代油画家与古代大师的显著不同在于:古代大师对使用的材料工具了如指掌,而现代画家却知之甚少。

    The remarkable difference between modern oil painter and ancient master lies in that the latter knew their material and means like the palms of their hands while the former have very few knowledge of them .