
  • 网络Roman times;roman era;The Roman period
  1. 古罗马时期这块地里有一座房子。

    There was a house in this field in Roman times .

  2. 办公室最初出现在古罗马时期,那时的执政官在神庙和宫殿中办公。

    It first cropped up in Roman times , when magistrates worked in temples and palaces .

  3. 在现在的教堂下面是古罗马时期地面的遗存。

    Beneath the present church were remnants of Roman flooring

  4. Plebs是plebians一词的简写形式,源于古罗马时期。

    Plebs is short for plebians , derived .

  5. 来自大洋洲、亚洲、非洲和美国本土的世界一流艺术作品独木舟、雕刻、面具和纺织品——还有考古学史上最重要的发现,从路易斯李基在奥杜威峡谷发现的早期石器*到从罗马时期到中世纪的英国考古发现应有尽有。

    You can see in it world-class collections of Oceanic , Asian , African and native American art — canoes , sculptures , masks , and textiles — and major archaeological discoveries , ranging from the earliest stone tools , discovered by Louis Leakey in Olduvai Gorge7 , to British finds from Roman and medieval periods .

  6. 2014年,虔诚的信徒还可以享受耗时数年之久的文物修复工程的劳动成果:圣彼得广场上贝尔尼尼的柱廊以及重新开放的凯旋大道公墓(ViaTriumphalis),这片古罗马时期的大型墓地群初次发掘于20世纪50年代。

    In 2014 , the faithful can also enjoy the fruits of restorations that have taken years , like that of Bernini 's colonnade in St. Peter 's Square and the reopening of the Via Triumphalis necropolis , a vast ancient Roman cemetery first uncovered in the 1950s .

  7. 如果是这样的话,后罗马时期的衰退就持续了六七百年。

    If so , the post-Roman recession lasted for 600-700 years .

  8. 而早在古罗马时期,破产法律制度的雏形就已经存在,破产法律制度最早起源于自然人破产制度。

    In Ancient Rome Era , natural person system had existed .

  9. 古希腊罗马时期的西方译论及其美学之源

    Western Translation Theory in the Ancient Greek-Roman Period and Its Aesthetic Features

  10. 我们现在站在有着两千年历史的罗马时期遗址上。

    Today I 'm standing at a two-thousand-year-old Roman-era site .

  11. 到古罗马时期,斯多葛学派的自然法观念得到了继受和发展。

    The Stoics ' idea of natural law is accepted in ancient Roman .

  12. 海盗行为最早可追溯至古希腊、罗马时期。

    Piracy can be found in the period of Ancient Greece and Rome .

  13. 早在古希腊和古罗马时期就出现了美育思想。

    As early as in ancient Greece and Rome appeared in aesthetic education thought .

  14. 古希腊与罗马时期的修辞学,对西方文学的发展有重要的影响。

    Rhetoric in ancient Greek and Roman period had great influence to western literature .

  15. 这个以蕴藏罗马时期遗迹闻名的城镇。

    A town known for its Roman-era ruins .

  16. 古典时期,即古希腊、罗马时期;

    Classic period ? Greek and Roman theatre ;

  17. 对语言与性别关系的研究最早始于古希腊罗马时期。

    The study of the relationship between language and gender started in ancient Greece and Rome .

  18. 在古罗马时期睿智的罗马人有的放矢的继承了古希腊的法律思想。

    Wisdom of ancient Rome in the Roman period targeted inherited legal thinking in ancient Greece .

  19. 西方学者普遍认为西方的道德教育起源于古希腊、古罗马时期。

    Western scholars generally believe that the Western moral education originated in ancient Greece and ancient Rome .

  20. 从世界范围来看,法律移植现象存在的历史可以追溯至古罗马时期,甚至更久以前。

    Legal transplant can be traced back to the Age of Ancient Rome , or even earlier .

  21. 一事不再理原则是一项古老的法律原则,在古罗马时期的法律制度中就已现其踪影。

    The One Case Not Tried Twice Doctrine is a time-honored principal originating from the Roman Law .

  22. 众所周知,公私法划分的传统在西方法律史上最早可以追溯到古罗马时期。

    As we know , the tradition of distinguishing public law and private law goes to ancient Rome .

  23. 公决、创制和罢免是一种古老的政治制度,其源流可上溯至古希腊和古罗马时期。

    Referendum , initiative and recall are a old political system , coming from ancient Greece and Rome .

  24. 政治演讲,作为一种文学形式,起源于古希腊罗马时期。

    Political speech , one of the literary forms , originates from the ancient Greek and Roman times .

  25. 在西方,经济与伦理的关系大致经历了四个阶段,古希腊、罗马时期,以伦理为主导的经济与伦理的统一;

    There are four phases of the development of the relationship between economy and ethics in the West .

  26. 在罗马时期,在很多文学作品中拥有很忧郁的外表很时尚。

    During the Romantic period it was fashionable in literature to have a melancholy outlook on the world .

  27. 人们花费了几个世纪才重新构建起与罗马时期相当的专业分工和交易网络。

    It took centuries to reconstruct networks of specialisation and exchange comparable to those of the Roman period .

  28. 这个手势的来历要追溯到古罗马时期,当时人们用其来指代性关系。

    This gesture hails back to ancient times , when the Romans used it to indicate sexual union .

  29. 希腊化时代史学按其发展大致可以分为希腊化初期、盛期和希腊&罗马时期三个阶段。

    The Hellenistic historiography can be divide into three stages : Early Hellenistic , High Hellenistic and Late Hellenistic .

  30. 古罗马时期的角斗士,尽管享受名人般的待遇,却不能改变自己附属于主人这一层关系。

    Gladiators , although treated like celebrities in Roman times , could not change their subordination to their master .