
  • 网络Romanesque;Romanesque-style
  1. 想吃罗马风格的薄壳披萨,就去时髦的艾玛披萨店(Emma),它是2014年在历史悠久的市中心开设的。

    For the thin-crust Roman style , go to Emma , a chic pizzeria that opened in the historic center in 2014 .

  2. 真正的比萨斜塔的确很漂亮,它是巨大的比萨奇迹广场(PiazzideiMiracoli)上三大罗马风格的建筑之一。

    The site of the actual tower is actually quite beautiful . The tower is one of three Romanesque structures on a vast green square called the Piazzi dei Miracoli .

  3. 罗马尼亚内政部在声明里还指出,这件纯度为24K的古罗马风格的金手镯重量超过了1公斤,一家位于美国纽约的美术馆正试图以9万欧元的价格将其拿到市场上出售。

    It said the24-carat Roman-Dacian bracelet , weighing more than a kilogram ( 2.2 pounds ), had been put up for sale by a New York-based gallery at a price of90,000 euros ( $ 114,000 ) .

  4. 这座城市有很多仿罗马风格的建筑。

    There are many buildings after Roman style in this city .

  5. 雄伟的艺术学院和图书馆有着美国人赋予重要城市建筑的仿罗马风格,圆柱林立。

    The two institutions are majestic and columned , with the ersatz Roman look that Americans bestow on important civic buildings .

  6. 看到它第一眼的感觉就是惊艳,不仅仅是由于它的规模,还有遍布各处的罗马风格的雕塑。

    The first sight of the castle was stunning , not only because of its size , but also the Roman style sculptures scattered in the lot .

  7. 尽管如此,为了培养旅游者的情绪,县政府还是出资在一座旧寺庙的地基上修建了一座罗马风格的小亭阁。

    Even so , to get visitors in the mood , the county paid for a little Roman-style pavilion to be built atop the foundations of an old temple .

  8. 历史上的复古风格起源于文艺复兴时期,如帕拉迪奥设计的别墅重新诠释了重新发现的罗马建筑风格。

    Historical revivalism was born in the Renaissance , and Palladio 's Villas reinterpret the rediscovered principles of Roman architecture .

  9. 于是,圆柱、圆屋顶和拱形天花板成为了古罗马建筑风格的典型特征之一。

    Along with columns , domes and vaulted ceilings , the arch became one of the defining characteristics of the Roman architectural style .

  10. 异曲同工一脉相承&古希腊、古罗马服饰风格分析

    Different in Approach but Equally Satisfactory in Result , Come down in one Continuous Line & the Analysis of Finery Style of Ancient Greece or Rome

  11. 游泳池的庭院展现出了古罗马庙宇的风格。

    The patio of the pool represents ancient Roman temple .

  12. 这些仿清建筑,幽雅别致,古色古香。古希腊与古罗马式的建筑风格。

    These imitations of Qing-dynasty-style Buildings are of quiet elegance and classic Beauty .