
  1. 集约型经济增长的关键是现代化科学管理。

    But the key problem is to realize modern and scientific management .

  2. 现代化科学技术给期刊工作带来了新的变化。

    The modern science and technology has brought the new change for the periodical work .

  3. 广汉县农业现代化科学实验基地综合研究报告

    Report of the comprehensive research on the science experimental base for the agriculture modernization in Guanghan County

  4. 学习现代化科学知识,确实有好多要兵教官。

    In the study of modern science , there are many cases where soldiers can teach officers .

  5. 计算机是现代化科学技术发展的重要标志,正以它独特的高效率统占着各个领域。利用计算机管理档案是城建档案管理现代化的核心。

    Computer is an important symbol of modern scientific technology and is occupying every field with its unique high-efficiency .

  6. 目标管理是现代化科学管理的重要组成部分,是当代社会一种先进的管理方式。

    Target management , as an advanced management of modern society , is an important part of modern scientific management .

  7. 图书馆的现代化科学管理是指以最小的投入,发挥最大的效益。统计工作是图书馆工作的重要组成部分。

    The statistics in library is a basic work for modern management , which means the maximum profit with the minimum investment .

  8. 工程技术与经济管理的紧密结合是现代化科学技术发展的必然趋势。

    The close integration of engineering technique with economical management would be the inexorable trend for the development of modern scientific technology .

  9. 通过现代化科学管理,充分发挥每个部门的效能,建立部门间的有效沟通和联系。

    Through modern scientific management , it gives a full play of each sector , the establishment of an effective inter-department communication and contact .

  10. 该监视系统的研制成功,提高了油库外输油泵的现代化科学管理水平。

    The success of the development of the monitoring system has raised the level of the science management of out pumps in oil storages .

  11. 本课题将传统的中药特色与现代化科学技术相结合,从剂型、制备工艺以及质量标准方面进行了系统的研究,制备成了该藿朴口服液。

    Combined the traditional herbs with advanced technology , the preparation , technique technology and quality standard were studied and Huopu Oral Liquid was obtained .

  12. 使该评价体系具有现代化科学管理的理念,又具有各高校普遍适用的特点。

    So that the evaluation system has the concept of modern scientific management , but also has the characteristics of colleges and universities generally applicable .

  13. 随着现代化科学技术的发展和工艺水平的提高及先进刀具的大量出现和使用,要求机床具有能够进行高效率、高精度和高光洁度的加工性能。

    With the development of modern science technology and the improvement of manufacturing technique advanced tool , machine tool should have the capabilities of high production efficiency and accuracy .

  14. 我们在享受现代化科学技术给我们生活带来的便捷和安逸的同时,也感受到了威胁我们生命安全、生存环境的人为风险的不期而至。

    We enjoy a convenient and comfortable life modern science and technology brings to us , in the meantime , we feel unexpected manufactured risks to our lives , living environment .

  15. 由于压电材料本身的力电耦合特性,压电材料已被广泛应用于现代化科学技术,如声纳传感器、力电耦合执行器、压电电源补给装置及位置调节器等。

    Due to this intrinsic coupling behavior , piezoelectric materials are widely used in modern technology such as high power sonar transducers , electro-mechanical actuator , piezoelectric power supplies and micro-positioner .

  16. 随着城市发展供水的规模日益扩大,迫切需要用现代化科学技术手段改变自来水供水管理的落后现状。

    Along with the scale enlargement of urban water supply , it is more and more necessary to change the laggard status of water supply management by means of modern science and technology .

  17. 青少年射箭技术训练监控仍然以主观经验为主,缺少现代化科学仪器介入,不能满足科学训练的需要。

    With the lack of modern scientific equipments involvement , the supervision on youth archers ' training is still based on subjective experience , and cannot meet the needs of the scientific training . 7 .

  18. 就现代而言,苏联军队的现代化科学技术与小小阿富汗相比反差何止千倍,苏联与阿富汗的较量最后如何?

    In nowadays , the scientific technology of Soviet Union 's army is more than one thousand tomes powerful than the Afghanistan 's , but what 's the result of the battle between the two above countries ?

  19. 随着信息的发展,利用现代化科学技术管理城市交通,合理并科学地引导和控制交通流,有效地提高现有交通网络的运行效率,这是城市交通管理发展的必然。

    It is urgent for city traffic administration development to use modernized technologies to manage urban traffic , lead and control the traffic to flow efficiently and effectively , speed up the operational efficiency of the existing traffic network .

  20. 随着现代化科学技术的迅猛发展,用户需求日益多样化、个性化以及竞争的日趋激烈等多方面的原因,传统的大规模生产模式已经无法应对这种新的竞争环境。

    With the development of modern science and technology , the users ' needs are diversifying and individualizing , and the competition is getting fierce . Because of these reasons , the traditional producing mode on a large scale can not meet the requirement of the new competitive environment .

  21. 价值工程(ValueEngineering),又称价值分析,是一门技术与经济相结合的现代化管理科学。

    Value Engineering , also called value analysis , is the modern management science which technology and economy unified .

  22. ERP企业资源计划管理在近几年逐渐进入印刷行业中,ERP的使用有助于企业进行现代化、科学化的企业管理,更加适应竞争日益激烈的市场要求。但是如何使用ERP呢?

    ERP is gone in the printing industry recently . The utilization of ERP contributes into that enterprise takes proceedings of modernization and scientific management and is suitable for the competitive market requirement .

  23. ERP系统的有效实施可以促进企业管理的现代化、科学化,适应竞争日益激烈的市场需求,为企业带来巨大的经济效益。

    ERP promote the modernization , scientific izations of business administration by the effective implementationses of system , Meet the fierce market demand day by day of competition , bring the enormous economic benefits for the enterprise .

  24. 中国奶牛业在充分利用现有的饲料资源走可持续发展的道路上,必将走向饲用奶牛全混合日粮(TMR)饲养技术的现代化、科学化的道路。

    The Chinese dairy industry walks on the sustainable development path in the full use existing feed resources , and certainly the trend is to raise the dairy with the ( TMR ) scientifically .

  25. 数据仓库的应用有助于提高公路管理决策分析的现代化、科学化和信息化水平。

    These help to advance the decision level of highway information management .

  26. 实现现代化,科学技术是关键。

    Scientific technology is the key to realizing modernization .

  27. 价值工程是一门技术与经济相结合的现代化管理科学。

    Value engineering is a modern management science which combines techology with economy .

  28. 体育现代化与科学技术现代化

    Advanced Science and Techology with Modernization of Physical Culture

  29. 论教育现代化与科学精神的彰显

    On the Conspicuousness of Education Modernization and scientific Spirit

  30. 迫切需要开发具有个性化、现代化、科学化的教务管理系统来解决这一难题。

    It is an urgency to develop a personalized , modern and reasonable student personnel administration system .