
  • 网络Rhine;TUV;Reine;REIN;RYAN;J.B. Rhine
  1. 美国银行(BankofAmerica)分析师罗莱因•哈奇辛认为该公司2012年将会新开35家专卖店。

    Bank of America analyst Lorraine hutchsion thinks lululemon will open 35 stores in 2012 .

  2. 但麻省理工斯隆管理学院(MITSloan)院长戴维•施米特莱因(DavidSchmittlein)说,竞争还不止这些。

    But the competition does not stop there , says MIT Sloan dean David Schmittlein .

  3. 克贝尔莱因博士本人养了两只狗,他下定决心筹到资金进行他和普罗米斯洛博士所说的狗狗衰老项目(DogAgingProject)的初试阶段。

    An owner of two dogs himself , he was determined to scrounge up the money for the pilot phase of what he and Dr. Promislow called the Dog Aging Project .

  4. 施米特莱因认为:MBA需要两年时间,是因为人们希望完成一个深思熟虑的职业转变。

    The reason that the MBA is two years is because people want to accomplish a thoughtful career transition , he maintains .

  5. NPR新闻丽萨·施莱因日内瓦报道。

    For NPR News , I 'm Lisa Schlein , in Geneva .

  6. 院长施米特莱因希望学院的教职人员和课程项目能有所增加,但不是全日制mba项目的学生数量。

    The Dean expects the number of faculty and programmes though not the number of students on the full-time MBA programme to grow .

  7. 8年来一直任斯隆管理学院院长的大卫•施米特莱因(DavidSchmittlein)表示,这个任务需要资金、机构意愿以及整个地区的参与。

    According to David Schmittlein , who has been dean of MIT Sloan for eight years , it takes money , institutional will and engagement from the wider region .

  8. 关于mba本身,施米特莱因认为,对于那些年纪“奔三”、希望改变职业方向的人,mba是重要工具。

    As to the MBA itself , he believes this will form a critical tool for people in their late 20s who want to change careers .

  9. 意大利登山运动员莱因霍尔德•梅斯纳尔(ReinholdMessner)1991年曾有幸目睹了真容。

    Italian mountaineer Reinhold Messner saw it in 1991 .

  10. 根据incidentaleconomist的数据颇具影响力的博客作者以斯拉克莱因(ezraklein)最近也引用了这个数据自1977年以来,美国最富有的一半人的预期寿命提高了6年。

    According to data from the incidental economist - also cited by the influential blogger Ezra Klein last week - the life expectancy of the richest half of Americans has risen by six years since 1977 .

  11. 费尔贝恩人格客体关系理论的心理治疗观与我一道存在&谈R.D.莱因的存在心理治疗观

    W.R.D. Fairbairn s Views on Psychotherapy of Object Relations Theory of Personality ; " Being-With-Me ": On R.D.Laing 's Existentialism Psychotherapy

  12. 你喜欢法文诗和莱因石。

    You 're a sucker for French poetry and rhinestones .

  13. 莱因克在最后一分钟进了一球。

    Lineker scored a goal in the last minute of the match .

  14. 莱因哈德·普洛斯是英飞凌公司的首席执行官。

    Reinhard Ploss is the Chief Executive Officer of Infineon .

  15. 我们这辈子连一件有意义的事也没完成(莱因霍尔德尼泊赫)。

    Nothing worth doing is completed in our lifetime ( Reinhold Niebuhr ) .

  16. 后来,有人告诉我,莱因哈德实际上是一个德国名字。

    Afterwards , somebody told me that Reinhard is actually a German name .

  17. 理解疯狂:莱因的存在精神分析思想析评

    Comprehending Madness : R.D.Laing 's Existential Psychoanalysis Thoughts

  18. 亨诺黑-忻莱因二氏症候群(2)较高代谢和较低生长,如欧氏六线鱼和黑鲷;

    Higher metabolic consumption and lower growth efficiency , e.g. black porgy and fat greenling ;

  19. 如莱因或攻壳机动队动画迷大概会这样。

    Fans of anime like Lain or Ghost in the Shell would probably be this kind .

  20. 到天黑时,美军已在莱因河东岸有了一个坚强的桥头堡。

    By dusk the Americans had a strong bridgehead on the east bank of the Rhine .

  21. 通过上述研究莱因发现,家庭或社会才是精神疾病的真正来源。

    After those studies , Laing found that family is the real origin of mental disorder .

  22. 莱因是英国著名的存在主义精神病学家,也是一位著名的家庭理论家。

    R.D.Laing is not only a famous British existential psychiatrist but also a famous family theorist .

  23. 《莱因德纸草书》研究

    The Research on Rhind Papyrus

  24. 自从他的联络官菲格莱因擅离职守以来,一直没有消息。

    There had been no news since his liaison officer , fegelein , had quit his post .

  25. 在精神疾病的治疗方面,莱因主张通过改变患者的生存环境来促使其进行自我恢复。

    On the treatment of mental disorder , Laing maintained promoting sufferers self-recover by changing the sufferers survival environment .

  26. 主席莱因哈德表示欢迎,认为一个优秀的补充,杜塞尔多夫的国际贸易公平组合的联盟。

    Mr Reinhard welcomed the union as an excellent supplement to Messe D ü sseldorf 's international trade fair portfolio .

  27. 施米特莱因教授表示,通过合作,斯隆管理学院还有机会影响新兴经济体商业教育的未来。

    MIT Sloan also has the opportunity to shape the future of business education in emerging economies , according to Prof Schmittlein .

  28. 首先介绍了地震数据的来源,在处理原始地震数据时如何时候莱因达准则剔除异常值。

    Firstly this paper introduces seismic data sources , in dealing with the original seismic data when reinhard how abnormal values of criterion eliminate .

  29. 主角,莱因哈德,是一个年轻的皇帝谁拥有人才,以及渴望统治整个银河。

    The protagonist , Reinhard , is a young emperor who has the talent as well as the desire to rule the whole galaxy .

  30. 博弈论专家约翰·海萨尼和莱因哈德·泽尔滕因为此领域的贡献与纳什博士分享1994年诺贝尔奖。

    Game theorists John Harsanyi and Reinhard Selten shared with Dr. Nash the 1994 Nobel Prize for contributions in those areas of the field .