
  • 网络Reinhart;Leonhardt
  1. 此外,莱恩哈特还就美国穷人和中产阶级所承受的比例过大的冲击评论道,就其设计原则而言,定量宽松本身就会造成一些通胀。

    In addition , Mr Reinhart says in reference to the disproportionate impact on poor and middle class Americans , quantitative easing as a design principle is generating some inflation .

  2. 莱恩哈特说,尽管Soylent的客户群多种多样,但科技业者由于具有“爱尝鲜的人格”,所以愿意尝试这种粉末。

    While Soylent has a diverse customer base , tech workers in particular have the " early-adopter personality " that makes them open to trying the powder , Mr. Rhinehart said .

  3. 莱恩哈特拒绝透露更多的财务细节,但是说他的公司每个季度的出货量可以千吨计算,并且已经吸引了2450万美元的投资。

    Mr. Rhinehart declined to share financial details but said his company was shipping at the kiloton scale each quarter and had attracted $ 24.5 million in financing .

  4. 莱恩哈特拒绝透露更多的财务细节,但是说他的公司每个季度的出货量可“以千吨计算”,并且已经吸引了2450万美元的投资。

    Mr. Rhinehart declined to share financial details but said his company was shipping " at the kiloton scale " each quarter and had attracted $ 24.5 million in financing .

  5. 让应对经济下滑变得更为困难的是,正如莱因哈特和莱恩哈特在论文中所证明的,这是自二战以来最大的全球金融危机。

    What has made managing the bust far more difficult is the fact , demonstrated in the Reinhart and Reinhart paper , that this has been by far the biggest global financial crisis since the second world war ( see chart ) .