
  • 网络Leto;Jared Leto
  1. 最佳男配角:杰瑞德-莱托《达拉斯买家俱乐部》

    Best supporting actor : Jared Leto , Dallas Buyers Club

  2. 你可能看不清楚,在詹妮弗劳伦斯旁边是杰瑞德莱托的一只眼睛。

    You can 't see it but next to Jennifer Lawrrence that 's Jared Leto 's eye .

  3. 艾伦没有成功,因为剑桥的那个名额最终给了数学家兼天文学家R.A.莱托顿。

    He was not to be successful , for the Cambridge one went that year to R.A. Lyttleton , the mathematician and astronomer .

  4. 艾德荷快速朝安城望了一眼表示出惊讶,然后突然回头注视着莱托。

    Idaho revealed his surprise in the quick look toward Onn and the sudden return of his gaze to Leto .

  5. 现在需要的是和莱托不间断的谈话,单纯地讨论即将举行的到节庆之城安城的旅行。

    Uninterrupted conversation with Leto was required now , plain talk about the impending peregrination to the Festival City of Onn .

  6. 杰瑞德莱托几乎是从剧场另一边飞奔过来,还叫着“算我一个!”

    and Jared Leto ran from like the other side of the theater go on " I 'm getting on this . "

  7. 《那桶阿曼梯莱托葡萄酒》是坡理论与实践的完美结合,它显示了坡是恐怖小说创作大师。

    His The Cast of Amontillado perfectly combines his theory and creation practice , and establishes him as a master of horrible story creation .

  8. 电影结束后,莱托花了整整一年的时间减肥。该片的烂番茄评分为19分,全球票房不到20万美元。

    It took him a full year to lose the weight after the film , which has a 19 % rating on Rotten Tomatoes and made less than $ 200000 worldwide .

  9. 为了在一部刺杀约翰?列侬的电影中扮演马克·查普曼一角,杰瑞德?莱托通过每晚大量摄入混合着酱油和橄榄油的加热冰淇淋增重约60斤,直到他患上痛风并被迫坐上轮椅。

    To play Mark Chapman in a film about the assassination of John Lennon , Jared Leto gained 67lb by eating pints of microwaved ice cream mixed with soy sauce and olive oil every night until he contracted gout and was forced to use a wheelchair .